Jenkins Pipeline procedure - jenkins

When I check in my gitlab code from dev, it triggers Jenkins to build this dev branch and deploy the application on the staging server 1. I have selenium automated testing to run against this deployed application (eg Test UI & API etc).
If the test all passes, Jenkins should deploy a production code on server 2. Can and should Jenkins make a merge request from dev to master in order to do the build?

Theese are possible.
1.You need conditional steps in jenkins.
2.You need conditional steps again and you must use git commands.(git commit,git push etc.)


DevOps Continuos Delivery for Java Script

Can i use Jenkins integration for DevOps Continuos Delivery Pipeline for JavaScript code builds?
I am trying to build/propose a solution for integrating Jenkins tool and to remove manual code build and deployments to remove the manual effort for my team.
Generally in Jenkins, you can use the below:
Build -> Automated Test -> Dev Deploy -> QA Approval -> QA Deploy
The Seed Job is the one which will be creating other Jenkins job automatically but the seed job itself will be configured manually. The Seed Job will read the DSL script, parse those and create appropriate Job configurations in Jenkins.
After the seed job runs successfully, we will have a job created for our sample app.
The Seed job will create the following set of jobs which will eventually be part of the pipeline. The Seed job will also create a Jenkins pipeline view.
Build: This job includes the configuration for the building project, job triggers, scm location, jdk version to use, maven goals, artifact upload to repo like Artifactory.
Test: This job can call test suites and decide to call a downstream job or not.
Dev Deploy: Simple job with a trigger to the Promotion Job if the deployment was successful.
This job can call the script to perform a deployment or use tools like Bamboo or Urbancode.
Usually a Dev deploy doesn’t need promotion, but we can add that step if required.
QA Promotion: This job includes a send email notification to the person/group responsible for approval. The email contains a link for promotion.
The Promotion Email link can look like this: http://localhost:8080/XXX/XXXXX/XXX
The same can be done for the UAT and Prod:
We can chain multiple Promotion Jobs and Deploy jobs to accomplish the need for another environment, for e.g. UAT Promotion -> UAT Deploy ->PreProd Promotion -> PreProd Deploy -> Prod Promotion -> Prod Deploy
And here for all the above mentioned processes it can be done via Jenkins tool
Also yes, to answer your question you definitely can use Jenkins integration in Devops Pipeline.
If you are building your solution in cloud or in any domain servers then you might have to get the Jenkins integrated in the same environment.

Deploy from build history

I have configured a multi-branch pipeline for my Bitbucket repository. My configuration is the staging branch gets automatically triggered and deploy to staging environment.
Now I want to implement a use case where I should be able to select one build from ‘Build history’ and deploy that build to production. Can any one give a suggestion on how to solve it?

Run script before removing job in Jenkins Pipelines

I'm setting up a development environment where I have Jenkins as CI server (using pipelines), and the last build step in Jenkinsfile is a deployment to staging. The idea is to have a staging environment for each branch that is pushed.
Whenever someone deletes a branch (sometimes after merging), Jenkins automatically removes its respective job.
I wonder if there is a way to run a custom script before the automatic job removal, then I would be able to connect to the staging server and stop or remove all services that are running for the job that is going to be deleted.
The plugin multibranch-action-triggers-plugin might be worth a look.
This plugin enables building/triggering other jobs when a Pipeline job is created or deleted, or when a Run (also known as Build) is deleted by a Multi Branch Pipeline Job.

Using Jenkins for Continuous Deployment of WebApp - Publish Artifacts to Server

We are searching for a CI and CD Solution for our WebApp based on NodeJS/Meteor.
Our Process should be:
On each Push to Master/ Pull Request/ Merge to Master do the following:
Run Code Style Checks (coffeelint, scsslinter, etc.)
Build Code
Run Tests
Generate Tarball-Archive
Deploy archive to Developmet (Quality Management) Server, extract and run
next step would be manual testing of the app on our dev server.
when we think it is deployable, I want have a button in jenkins like "Deploy these Artifacts NOW to Live-Instance". How can I achive this? Also Nice would be something like deploy these artifacts at 2am to the live instances.
From Checkout to deploy to dev-server is already implemented in jenkins. What we need now is a button "deploy this artifact to live"
You need another job to get this working. The other job takes the artifact from the build job and deploy it wherever you want.
There is no possibility to include such behavior in the same job.

Jenkins Deployment to Staging

I'm trying to find a way for Jenkins to deploy to my staging server on Engine Yard when all all tests have passed? Are there any plugin for this post-build action from Jenkins?
You can also consider creating build pipeline
One build to build & test and another for deployment (or maybe more to deploy to staging automatically if tests pass and do third step - deploy to next environment triggered manually).
engineyard-jenkins looks like it will do the trick.
