How to use ordered categorial variables in building ML models? - machine-learning

I am trying to build a logistic regression model and a lot of my features have ordered categorical variables. I think dummy variable may not be useful as it treats each category with equal weightage. So, do i need to treat to ordered categorial variable like numerical ?
Thanks in advance .

Ordered categorical values are termed as "Ordinal" attribute in data mining where one value is less than or greater than another value. You can treat these values as nominal values or continuous values (numbers).
Some of the pros and cons of treating them as numbers (continuous) are:
This gives you a lot of flexibility in your choice of analysis and
preserves the information in the ordering. More importantly to many
analysts, it allows you to analyze the data easily.
This approach requires the assumption that the numerical distance
between each set of subsequent categories is equal. Otherwise
depending on the domain you can make the interval large.


Best way to treat (too) many classes in one categorical variable

I'm working on a ML prediction model and I have a dataset with a categorical variable (let's say product id) and I have 2k distinct products.
If I convert this variable with dummy variables like one hot enconder, the dataset may have a size of 2k times the number of examples (millions of examples), but it's too many to be processed.
How is this used to be treated?
Should I use the variable only with the whitout the conversion?
High cardinality of categorial features is a well-known problem and "the best" way typically depends on the prediction task and requires a trial-and-error approach. It is case-dependent if you can even find a strategy that is clearly better than others.
Addressing your first question, a good collection of different encoding strategies is provided by the category_encoders library:
A set of scikit-learn-style transformers for encoding categorical variables into numeric
They follow the scikit-learn API for transformers and a simple example is provided as well. Again, which one will provide the best results depends on your dataset and the prediction task. I suggest incorporating them in a pipeline and test (some or all of) them.
In regard to your second question, you would then continue to use the encoded features for your predictions and analysis.

Feature selection for data with both continuous and categorical features?

How do I perform feature selection when I have both numerical and categorical features? Is it common to partition the features and explore correlation separately (e.g. select out my categorical feature and use Chi-square, then select my continuous and use ANOVA?)
In general - No. If you use information gain for feature selection, you first need to transform your continuous attributes into nominal attributes via discretization. The number of nominal values of an attribute can greatly affect the information gain - since the more nominal values you have, the greater the chance to explain the target variable. Make sure you have roughly the same number of values for each attribute, and that you are using information gain ratio which normalizes the information gain with respect to the number of values and their probability.

What's an approach to ML problem with multiple data sets?

What's your approach to solving a machine learning problem with multiple data sets with different parameters, columns and lengths/widths? Only one of them has a dependent variable. Rest of the files contain supporting data.
Your query is too generic and irrelevant to some extent as well. The concern around columns length and width is not justified when building a ML model. Given the fact that only one of the datasets has a dependent variable, there will be a need to merge the datasets based on keys that are common across datasets. Typically, the process followed before doing modelling is :
step 0: Identify the dependent variable and decide whether to do regression or classification (assuming you are predicting variable value)
Clean up the provided data by handling duplicates, spelling mistakes
Scan through the categorical variables to handle any discrepancies.
Merge the datasets and create a single dataset that has all the independent variables and the dependent variable for which prediction has to be done.
Do exploratory data analysis in order to understand the dependent variable's behavior with other independent variables.
Create model and refine the model based on VIF (Variance Inflation factor) and p-value.
Iterate and keep reducing the variables till you get a model which has all the
significant variables, stable R^2 value. Finalize the model.
Apply the trained model on the test dataset and see the predicted value against the variable in test dataset.
Following these steps at high level will help you to build models.

best practices for using Categorical Variables in H2O?

I'm trying to use H2O's Random Forest for a multinominal classification into 71 classes with 38,000 training set examples. I have one features that is a string that in many cases are predictive, so I want to use it as a categorical feature.
The hitch is that even after canonicalizing the strings (uppercase, stripping out numbers, punctuation, etc.), I still have 7,000 different strings (some due to spelling or OCR errors, etc.) I have code to remove strings that are relatively rare, but I'm not sure what a reasonable cut off value is. (I can't seem to find any help in the documentation.)
I'm also not sure what to due with nbin_cats hyperparameter. Should I make it equal to the number of different categorical variables I have? [added: default for nbin_cats is 1024 and I'm well below that at around 300 different categorical values, so I guess I don't have to do anything with this parameter]
I'm also thinking perhaps if a categorical value is associated with too many different categories that I'm trying to predict, maybe I should drop it as well.
I'm also guessing I need to increase the tree depth to handle this better.
Also, is there a special value to indicate "don't know" for the strings that I am filtering out? (I'm mapping it to a unique string but I'm wondering if there is a better value that indicates to H2O that the categorical value is unknown.)
Many thanks in advance.
High cardinality categorical predictors can sometimes hurt model performance, and specifically in the case of tree-based models, the tree ensemble (GBM or Random Forest) ends up memorizing the training data. The model has a poor time generalizing on validation data.
A good indication of whether this is happening is if your string/categorical column has very high variable importance. This means that the trees are continuing to split on this column to memorize the training data. Another indication is if you see much smaller error on your training data than on your validation data. This means the trees are overfitting to the training data.
Some methods for handling high cardinality predictors are:
removing the predictor from the model
performing categorical encoding [pdf]
performing grid search on nbins_cats and categorical_encoding
There is a Python example in the H2O tutorials GitHub repo that showcases the effects of removing the predictor from the model and performing grid search here.

Nominal valued dataset in machine learning

What's the best way to use nominal value as opposed to real or boolean ones for being included in a subset of feature vector for machine learning?
Should I map each nominal value to real value?
For example, if I want to make my program to learn a predictive model for an web servie users whose input features may include
{ gender(boolean), age(real), job(nominal) }
where dependent variable may be the number of web-site login.
The variable job may be one of
Should I map PROGRAMMER to 0, ARTIST to 1 and etc.?
Do a one-hot encoding, if anything.
If your data has categorial attributes, it is recommended to use an algorithm that can deal with such data well without the hack of encoding, e.g decision trees and random forests.
If you read the book called "Machine Learning with Spark", the author
Categorical features
Categorical features cannot be used as input in their raw form, as they are not
numbers; instead, they are members of a set of possible values that the variable can take. In the example mentioned earlier, user occupation is a categorical variable that can take the value of student, programmer, and so on.
To transform categorical variables into a numerical representation, we can use a
common approach known as 1-of-k encoding. An approach such as 1-of-k encoding
is required to represent nominal variables in a way that makes sense for machine
learning tasks. Ordinal variables might be used in their raw form but are often
encoded in the same way as nominal variables.
I had exactly the same thought.
I think that if there is a meaningful(well-designed) transformation function that maps categorical(nominal) to real values, I may also use learning algorithms that only takes numerical vectors.
Actually I've done some projects where I had to do that way and
there was no issue raised concerning the performance of learning system.
To someone who took a vote against my question,
please cancel your evaluation.
