Error on create a new account from Hyperledger iroha using swift - ios

I tried to download and build the iroha-ios from iroha iOS github then started to use the sample project to create a new account. I have deployed an iroha server on my PC. When I run the program, it prints out an error like this.
error_response {
message: "query signatories did not pass validation"
When I checked the hash that is produced on the log in Xcode, it doesn't exist in the iroha system.
What step did I miss?

Unfortunately, the libraries might not be up-to-date all the time. At the moment one of the maintainers fixed the library to work with develop branch. Here:


Use Of experiments=no_use_multiple_sdk_containers in Google cloud dataflow

Issue Summary:
I am using avro version 1.11.0 for parsing an avro file and decoding it. We have a custom requirement, so i am not able to use ReadFromAvro. When trying this with dataflow there arises a dependency issues as avro-python3 with version 1.82 is already available. The issue is of class TimestampMillisSchema which is not present in avro-python3. It fails stating Attribute TimestampMillisSchema not found in avro.schema. I then tried passing a requirements file with avro==1.11.0 but now the dataflow was not able to start giving error "Error syncing pod" which seems to be because of dependencies conflicts.
To Solve the issue , we set an experiment flag (--experiments=no_use_multiple_sdk_containers ) which ran fine.
I want to know a better solution of my issue and also does the above flag will effect the pipeline performance.
Please try with the dataflow run command:
--prebuild_sdk_container_engine=cloud_build --experiments=use_runner_v2
this would use cloud build to build the container with your extra dependencies and then would use it within the dataflow run.

Hyperledger Iroha: Can't generate genesis-block

I am trying to generate a new genesis-block in Hyperledger Iroha as it is suggested in
but unfortunately I can't do it because I am always getting the same error message.
$ cat peer.list
$ ./iroha-cli --genesis_block --peers_address peer.list
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::out_of_range> >'
what(): bimap<>: invalid key
Aborted (core dumped)
I am receiving this error both on my local machine where I had compiled Iroha from scratch using the source code, as well as within an Iroha container.
I think I have the correct dependencies, otherwise I would have not been able to build Iroha from scratch. Also, note that I can start irohad correctly by using the configuration example from
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
There was, indeed, a bug affecting the permissions needed to generate a block. It is fixed now and should not occur:
This is a known issue in the development of hyperledger iroha, see here:
It arises when iroha is compiled with Ansible Playbook.
Try to uninstall Ansible from your system and re-compile iroha and you shouldn't encounter the same error.
Obviously this is just a work around, and you won't be able to take advantage of the ansible capabilities.

Delphi distributed building failure

I've created a tiny project [0] to reproduce an error in a controlled environment. The facts, I'm using jenkins to build my project, a big one, I'd like to make some parallel builds. Let me make it graphically
[MyBasicPackage] -----> [MyPackageTester] ------> [MyBasicApp]
+-----> [...]
+-----> [...]
this is the organization I've made on [0], I have a class TMyUnit (MyBasicPackage) registered on spring container to be tested. I build it and generate its .dcu, .bpl, and so on.
The second stage I build my MyPackageTester that requires MyBasicPackage. Finally I build the app that requires MyPackageTester. So far so good.
When I try to build my MyBasicPackage on, say PC-00, get the artifacts and try to build the the MyPackageTester on PC-06 (same arch, same OS, same IDE, same spring4d version), and a nice error arise:
Unit TMyUnit was compiled with a different version of Spring.Container.Registration
so, I update my spring4d on both machines (PC-00 and PC-06) and build them. Run... and same error arise.
check the library path options (C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\14.0\Componentes\spring4d\Library\DelphiXE6\Win32\Debug), delete dcu files and build them once again on both machines, same error.
copy dcu files from PC-00 to PC-06 to avoid any kind of system configuration and the same error arise.
Probably I'm trying to do something that's not possible so far. I've googled a couple of days without luck.
Any ideas?
Please feel free to fork or pull request the example ;)
In your case you need to build with the Spring.Core runtime package. Not only will that prevent this error but your code will actually work.
If you do not then all modules will hold their own version of the GlobalContainer instance you are using and nothing will work.
Maybe one solution is put all your libraries in a centralized repository and pull them to compile your projects. It should resolve the different version error.

sqlpackage.exe - how do I exclude synonyms>

I'm running sqlpackage.exe as park of an automated deployment script creation process, however we have synonyms in the database, which are different depending on the environment (Dev/Test/Live). The problem is that the database project has the synonyms as they are in the Dev environment, but when I run sqlpackage to compare against Test or Live, the synonyms are different and so they get scripted to be dropped and re-added to point to Dev.
I've seen on that apparently there's a new parameter "ExcludeObjectType", but when I try running it using that parameter it gives me an error 'ExcludeObjectType' is not a valid argument for the 'Script' action (and I have the latest version of sqlpackage.exe).
Any ideas on what I can do here?
After downloading the latest SSDT for Visual Studio I still had the same issue. Next I downloaded Data-Tier Application Framework (May 2015) and used the new SqlPackage installed at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DAC\bin\sqlpackage.exe and the error went away and worked as expected.
Thank you sir! When I created the deployment script in VS, no change detected but when I tried to deploy using sqlpackage I got the error:
* The object [x] already exists in database with a different definition and will not be altered.
After adding the ExcludeObjectTypes switch I got the following error:
* 'ExcludeObjectTypes' is not a valid argument for the 'Publish' action.
But after downloading and installing latest Data-Tier App framework all works as expected with no errors.

Validation Error in APS 2.0 Package "Upsell Demo Project" on Sandbox

After i figured out how to build the Demo Project "Upsell Management" (project), i'm struggling now with the installation in the sandbox.
I'm running a sandbox with POA 5.5-5562_update06-824 and every time i try to install it i get a Status "Validation Error":
So, is there a log file or anything to find out what is the error behind that?
'Validation error' means that package import task has failed, more details on this can be found in Operations->Tasks
If you see a validation error that you did not see while running apsbuild/apslint tool this means that either you or POA have an older version of apstools.
The best way is redeploy sandbox to latest POA version and update APS tools on your build machine (
