RSpec + Rubocop - why receive_message_chain is a code smell? - ruby-on-rails

I am about to write specs for my custom validator, that uses this chain to check if a file attach with ActiveStorage is a txt:
return if blob.filename.extension.match?('txt')
Normally, I would be able to stub it with this call:
allow(attached_file).to receive_message_chain(:blob, :byte_size) { file_size }
Rubocop says it is an offence and points me to docs:
I would have to declare double for blob and byte_size and stub them in separate lines, ending up with 5 lines of code instead of 1. Am I missing something here?

Why should I avoid stubbing message chains?
I would have to declare double for blob and byte_size and stub them in separate lines, ending up with 5 lines of code instead of 1.
This is, in fact, the point. Having those 5 lines there likely will make you feel slightly uneasy. This can be thought of as positive design pressure. Your test setup being complex is telling you to have a look at the implementation. Using #receive_message_chains allows us to feel good about designs that expose complex interactions up front.
One of the authors of RSpec explains some of this in a GitHub issue.
What can I do instead?
One option is to attach a fixture file to the record in the setup phase of your test:
before do
file_path = Rails.root.join("spec", "fixtures", "files", "text.txt")
record.attribute.attach(io:, filename: "text.txt")
This will test the validator end-to-end, without any stubbing.
Another option is to extract a named method, and then stub that instead.
In your validator:
def allowed_file_extension?
In your test:
before do
allow(validator).to receive(:allowed_file_extension?).and_return(true)
This has the added benefit of making the code a little clearer by naming a concept. (There's nothing preventing you from adding this method even if you use a test fixture.)

Just as a counterpoint, I frequently get this rubocop violation with tests around logging like:
expect(Rails).to receive_message_chain(:logger, :error).with('limit exceeded by 1')
crank_it_up(max_allowed + 1)
I could mock Rails to return a double for logger, then check that the double receives :error. But that's a bit silly, IMO. Rails.logger.error is more of an idiom than a message chain.
I could create a log_error method in my model or a helper (and sometimes I do), but often that's just a pointless wrapper for Rails.logger.error
So, I either end up disabling RSpec/MessageChain for that line, or perhaps for the entire project (since I would never abuse it for real...right?) It would be nice if there was a way to be more selective about disabling/muting this cop across the project...but I'm not sure how that could work, in any case.


Why does Rubocop prefer `have_received` to `receive`?

I have tests of the form:
expect(ClassA).to receive(:method)
Rubocop would prefer if I refactored this to use have_received, which requires ClassA to be mocked. In other words, I need to set up:
allow(ClassA).to receive(:method)
expect(ClassA).not_to have_received(:method)
What's the point? Just following the Arrange Act Assert format?
Refactoring to used have_received allowed me to move a lot of the set-up into a before block, and put tests after the action following the Arrange Ace Assert format.
The code noticeably reads better.

What's the "right" way to test functions that call methods on new instances?

I seem to have encountered literature alluding to it being bad practice to use RSpec's any_instance_of methods (e.g. expect_any_instance_of). The relish docs even list these methods under the "Working with legacy code" section ( which implies I shouldn't be writing new code leveraging this.
I feel that I am routinely writing new specs that rely on this capability. A great example is any method that creates a new instance and then calls a method on it. (In Rails where MyModel is an ActiveRecord) I routinely write methods that do something like the following:
def my_method
my_active_record_model = MyModel.create(my_param: my_val)
I generally write my specs looking for the do_something_productive being called with use of the expect_any_instance_of. e.g.:
expect_any_instance_of(MyModel).to receive(:do_something_productive)
The only other way I can see to spec this would be with a bunch of stubs like this:
my_double = double('my_model')
expect(MyModel).to receive(:create).and_return(my_double)
expect(my_double).to receive(:do_something_productive)
However, I consider this worse because a) it's longer and slower to write, and b) it's much more brittle and white box than the first way. To illustrate the second point, if I change my_method to the following:
def my_method
my_active_record_model = my_val)
then the double version of the spec breaks, but the any_instance_of version works just fine.
So my questions are, how are other developers doing this? Is my approach of using any_instance_of frowned upon? And if so, why?
This is kind of a rant, but here are my thoughts:
The relish docs even list these methods under the "Working with legacy code" section ( which implies I shouldn't be writing new code leveraging this.
I don't agree with this. Mocking/stubbing is a valuable tool when used effectively and should be used in tandem with assertion style testing. The reason for this is that mocking/stubbing enables an "outside-in" testing approach where you can minimize coupling and test high level functionality without needing to call every little db transaction, API call, or helper method in your stack.
The question really is do you want to test state or behavior? Obviously, your app involves both so it doesn't make sense to tether yourself to a single paradigm of testing. Traditional testing via assertions/expectations is effective for testing state and is seldom concerned with how state is changed. On the other hand, mocking forces you to think about interfaces and interactions between objects, with less burden on the mutation of state itself since you can stub and shim return values, etc.
I would, however, urge caution when using *_any_instance_of and avoid it if possible. It's a very blunt instrument and can be easy to abuse especially when a project is small only to become a liability when the project is larger. I usually take *_any_instance_of as a smell that either my code or tests, can be improved, but there are times wen it's necessary to use.
That being said, between the two approaches you propose, I prefer this one:
my_double = double('my_model')
expect(MyModel).to receive(:create).and_return(my_double)
expect(my_double).to receive(:do_something_productive)
It's explicit, well-isolated, and doesn't incur overhead with database calls. It will likely require a rewrite if the implementation of my_method changes, but that's OK. Since it's well-isolated it probably won't need to be rewritten if any code outside of my_method changes. Contrast this with assertions where dropping a column in a database can break almost the entire test suite.
I don't have a better solution to testing code like that than either of the two you gave. In the stubbing/mocking solution I'd use allow rather than expect for the create call, since the create call isn't the point of the spec, but that's a side issue. I agree that the stubbing and mocking is painful, but that's usually what I do.
However, that code has just a bit of Feature Envy. Extracting a method onto MyModel clears up the smell and eliminates the testing issue:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.create_productively(attrs)
def my_method
# in the spec
expect(MyModel).to receive(:create_productively)
create_productively is a model method, so it can and should be tested with real instances and there's no need to stub or mock.
I often notice that the need to use less-commonly-used features of RSpec means that my code could use a little refactoring.
def self.my_method(attrs)
create(attrs).tap {|m| m.do_something_productive}
# Spec
let(:attrs) { # valid hash }
describe "when calling my_method with valid attributes" do
it "does something productive" do
expect(MyModel.my_method(attrs)).to have_done_something_productive
Naturally, you will have other tests for #do_something_productive itself.
The trade-off is always the same: mocks and stubs are fast, but brittle. Real objects are slower but less brittle, and generally require less test maintenance.
I tend to reserve mocks/stubs for external dependencies (e.g. API calls), or when using interfaces that have been defined but not implemented.

Alternatives to find_by for ROR

I'm working through Michael Hartel's rails tutorial, on 6.3 and need alternative code for the user_spec model. The code that he has is:
let(:found_user) { User.find_by(email: }
It looks like I can use where, but unsure of the correct syntax. I tried several variations of the following:
let(:found_user) { User.where(:email => "")}
I'm sure this is a pretty easy answer, but cant quite get it.
That first one that uses where returns a collection of users that match the where clauses, which is why you would need that .first (It doesn't execute the sql until you grab the records with something like .all, .first, or .each).
I would say it's not the best practice to execute database commands in a unit test though. What are you testing specifically? Is there a reason you need the user to be saved in the database and can't just do something like:
let(:user){ 'some email')}
ActiveRecord::Base#find_by is effectively where(options).first, but that's a whole extra call that you needn't make.
Rails also provides mildly deprecated "magic" find_by_<attribute>[and_<attribute>] methods which used method_missing to parse out what was meant based on the name of the method. While the framework does provide these, I caution against using them as they are necessarily slower than "native" methods, and are more resistant to refactoring.
I would recommend sticking with find_by for the general case, and would try to avoid hitting the database in specs and tests.
The factory_girl gem provides a method to create a stubbed version of the class which quacks like a record returned from the database by answering true for persisted? and providing an id.
Alternatively, you can just build a new record without saving it: value, ...) and run your tests on that:
it "does some things" do
user =
# make user do some things
expect(things).to have_happened

How to test a random uniq values with rspec

I have this code:
def self.generate_random_uniq_code
code = sprintf("%06d", SecureRandom.random_number(999999))
code = self.generate_random_uniq_code if self.where(code: code).count > 0
The goal is create random codes for a new register, the code can't exist already in the registers
I'm trying test this way, but when I mock the SecureRandom it always return the same value:
it "code is unique" do
old_code =
old_code.code = 111111
new_code =
expect(SecureRandom).to receive(:random_number) {old_code.code}
new_code.code = Code.generate_random_uniq_code
expect(new_code.code).to_not eq old_code.code
I was trying to find if there is a way to enable and disable the mock behavior, but I could not find it, I'm not sure I'm doing the test the right way, the code seems no work fine to me.
Any help is welcome, thanks!
Generally, unless you are actually testing a PRNG that you wrote, you're probably testing the wrong behavior. Consider what behavior you're actually trying to test, and examine your alternatives. In addition, a six-digit number doesn't really have enough of a key space to ensure real randomness for most purposes, so you may want to consider something more robust.
Some Alternatives
One should always test behavior, rather than implementation. Here are some alternatives to consider:
Use a UUID instead of a six-digit number. The UUID is statistically less likely to encounter collisions than your current solution.
Enforce uniqueness in your database column by adjusting the schema.
Using a Rails uniqueness validator in your model.
Use FactoryGirl sequences or lambdas to return values for your test.
Fix Your Spec
If you really insist on testing this piece of code, you should at least use the correct expectations. For example:
# This won't do anything useful, if it even runs.
expect(new_code.code).to_not old_code.code
Instead, you should check for equality, with something like this:
old_code = 111111
new_code = Code.generate_random_uniq_code
new_code.should_not eq old_code
Your code may be broken in other ways (e.g. the code variable in your method doesn't seem to be an instance or class variable) so I won't guarantee that the above will work, but it should at least point you in the right direction.

How do I test `rand()` with RSpec?

I have a method that does something like this:
def some_method
chance = rand(4)
if chance == 1 do
# logic here
# another logic here
When I use RSpec to test this method, rand(4) inside it always generates 0. I am not testing rand method of Rails, I am testing my method.
What is a common practice to test my method?
There are two approaches I would consider:
Approach 1:
Use a known value of seed in srand( seed ) in a before :each block:
before :each do
This works across Ruby versions, and gives you control in case you want to cover particular combinations. I use this approach a lot - thinking about it, that's because the code I was testing uses rand() primarily as a data source, and only secondarily (if at all) for branching. Also it gets called a lot, so exerting call-by-call control over returned values would be counter-productive, I would end up shovelling in lots of test data that "looked random", probably generating it in the first place by calling rand()!
You may wish to call your method multiple times in at least one test scenario to ensure you have reasonable coverage of combinations.
Approach 2:
If you have branch points due to values output from rand() and your assertions are of the type "if it chooses X, then Y should happen", then it is also reasonable in the same test suite to mock out rand( n ) with something that returns the values you want to make assertions about:
require 'mocha/setup'
# Now run your test of specific branch
In essence these are both "white box" test approaches, they both require you to know that your routine uses rand() internally.
A "black box" test is much harder - you would need to assert that behaviour is statistically OK, and you would also need to accept a very wide range of possibilities since valid random behaviour could cause phantom test failures.
I'd extract the random number generation:
def chance
def some_method
if chance == 1 do
# logic here
# another logic here
And stub it:
your_instance.stub(:chance) { 1 }
This doesn't tie your test to the implementation details of rand and if you ever decide to use another random number generator, your test doesn't break.
It seems that best idea is to use stub, instead of real rand. This way you would be able to test all values that you are interested in. As rand is defined in Kernel module you should stub it using:
Kernel.stub(:rand).with(anything) { randomized_value }
In particular contexts you can define randomized_value with let method.
I found that just stubbing rand ie. using Kernel.stub(:rand) as answered by Samuil did not initially work. My code to be tested called rand directly e.g
random_number = rand
However, if I changed the code to
random_number = Kernel.rand
then the stubbing worked.
This works in RSpec:
allow_any_instance_of(Object).to receive(:rand).and_return(1)
