Cannot compile the generated code. Please inspect the generated code via this exception's SourceCode property - xaf

I installed my private application which makes use of the Desktop Bridge and Dev Express XAF Winforms, from the Windows Store.
Then I uninstalled it using powershell
Remove-AppxPackage -Package *jobtalk*
Now when I try to reinstall from the store I get
Cannot compile the generated code. Please inspect the generated code via this exception's SourceCode property. The following errors occurred:
(0, 0): Error generating Win32 resource: Access is denied.
(0, 0): Unable to delete temporary file 'c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\jobtalk.jobtalk_1.0.1.0_neutral__8kpaqbvntb9aj\SBD.JobTalk.Workflow.Win\CSC88B14BFB7D314F00B0D1BB57EFD11.TMP' used for default Win32 resource -- The system cannot find the file specified.
I think I need to install as administrator somehow.

The problem and solution are described at
In order to contain app state, the bridge attempts to capture changes the app makes to AppData. All write to the user's AppData folder (e.g., C:\Users\user_name\AppData), including create, delete, and update, are copied on write to a private per-user, per-app location.


Network install of cytoscape

Cytoscape appears to expect it can write to its installation directory. On Linux, we do shared installs of software such the installation directories are root-owned and read-only.
Upon launch, the message:
Unable to update instance pid: Unable to create directory /usr/software/cytoscape/framework/instances
is displayed. Is this something to be concerned about? Is there an option to specify a different, usable writable directory for the instance data?
Good news. This is not a critical error message. You can ignore it.
The Cytoscape dev team now has this as a bug to fix in future versions (thanks). We'll write that properties file to the CytoscapeConfiguration folder (where all other properties are written).

Neo4J windows installation

Downloaded Neo4j community version, the file named "neo4j-desktop-offline-1.1.13-setup.exe". Running the binary successfully installed. Launching the application takes me to configuration of database location "Please choose path where you want to store application data" and regardless of what path i choose, clicking "Confirm" does not do anything at all and it remains on the same screen.
Am using Windows 10.
I also got the same problem. I fixed it by adding a new PATH in environmental variables,
Advanced System Settings > Environment Variable > system variable > path > new: C:\Windows\System32\wbem
After setting, reopen the Neo4j application and it will allow you a select the path where you want to save application data.
In the developer console, you will see the following error
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Command failed: wmic logicaldisk get
size,freespace,caption 'wmic' is not recognized as an internal or
external command, operable program or batch file.
The actual WMIC binary is located at C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe you need to set the path if it is not yet defined.
try opening or http://localhost:7474 in your browser
I had the same problem using Windows 7, and after trying the solutions others have suggested around fixing the Path environment variable to no avail, I found upgrading PowerShell solved the problem. To do this, I upgraded my Windows Management Framework (to 5.1 at the time of this writing) by following the appropriate link for my version of Windows from here:
For Windows 7, I retrieved from the Download link found here:
I unzipped and installed it, and after a reboot it worked (for Neo4j Desktop 1.4.15). Upgrades to WMF for other versions of Windows are on the same page.

Delphi 5 Installation Error

I am trying installing Delphi 5 on my computer. As soon as the installation starts I get:
Error copying File
followed by:
Setup has detected a -113 error while attempting to copy files. This
indicates that setup could not find a file in the "RunImage" directory.
Now the setup file does includes "RunImage" directory. The File is located in the D drive on another computer which I have mapped to my computer as Drive Z and I am running it from the Mapped Drive Z.
I searched online for this Error. Some recommend that if I am installing from a network location then the location has to mapped to my computer as a Driver with a name to solve the issue. I did map the location but still getting the same error.
As J.. already suggested in his comment: Windows >= Vista automatically runs programs containing the string "setup" in the name in elevated mode. In that mode, you don't have the same mapped drives as in your normal user mode. So, the program starts (which is actually inconsistent with security model, because in elevated mode, the executable itself should not be available) and then cannot find any additional files because the drive mapping does not exist.
Solution: Copy the whole installation directory to a local drive. You can delete it after the installation has finished.
Note: While I think this will solve that particular problem, it does not mean, that the rest of the installation will work.
i had same problem and i solved it by this method:
After unpacking the archive(the delphi5 zip file that you downloaded), make the root directory with the command Subst X: "path to installer". Run the standard Borland installer, the Install.exe program, there.

Pass parameter to app config file during MSI installation - Advanced Installer

I have created MSI package using advanced Installer. It contains App Config to which i have to pass the siteURL which varies depending on location. I need to pass the siteurl to app config when msi is installed . Please help me with it. I am new to Advanced Installer
You can check the online user guide for Advanced Installer, it has a lot of useful info. For example the article on importing and editing XML config files.
Or how to add a custom dialog and write in the system the values captured from the end users.
EDIT: additional answer regarding command line
You can run the installation silently from the command line but you will still see the message box saying the package is built with a trial. You will not see the standard MSI dialogs. And the trial messages will be gone once you purchase license for Advanced Installer.
Please note that your command prompt window (cmd.exe) must be launched as administrator, if your installation is installing per-machine (i.e. you write in Program Files or HKLM registry hive). Otherwise the installation will fail silently and you will not know why, because on silent installation the OS will not show an error message.
Here is a command line example:
msiexec.exe /i C:\setup\installer.msi /qn ID="235424" SiteURL=""
Please note that it is not recommended to use private properties, i.e. properties with lower case letters in their name, we recommend public properties, for example: SITE_URL.

Error while running pub deploy: Cannot read link

I'm trying to run pub deploy command in my Dart project, but it always ends with this error: "Pub deploy failed, [1] Cannot read link". No more information outputs into console.
I tried to run it in basic Dart browser project (the one with text reversing), but same error occurred again.
Did anyone have same problem? Any ideas how to fix it?
I have the same issue.
In my case, the Dart project is stored in NTFS hard drive (I share it with Windows OS) and Dart deploy (run from Eclipse) runs on Ubuntu.
Simply move the Dart project to Ubuntu hard drive then things come back to normal.
This is probably a problem with the packages symlinks. If you delete them and run pub install it should work again.
According to dart-sdk/lib/io/link.dart:
On the Windows platform, the link will be created as a Junction
On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic link
On Linux platforms, storing Dart project in NTFS drive causes Pub to fail. Because posix symlink() is used on NTFS partition and doesn't create a valid NTFS junction point.
The solution is to move the project folder to a partition that uses posix symlinks natively, such as one formatted to ext4.
