Is create and update treated as separate "External Inputs" for function point estimation? - function-points

I've an ILF which needs to be maintained through the UI. There are create and update screens to create a new entity and update an existing entity respectively. Are these considered as two separate "External Inputs" for function point sizing?

Yes they are. They are different processes and both are external inputs.
In the first case, you input the data to create an entity. In the second case, you have to read and display the data before modifying them.
So, the set of processing logic to complete the elementary process is different in both cases.


Event Store DB : temporal queries

regarding to asked question here :
suppose that we have ProductCreated and ProductRenamed events which both contain the title of the we want to query EventStoreDB for all events of type ProductCreated and ProductRenamed with the given title.i want all these events to check whether there is any product in the system which has been created or renamed to the given title, so that i could throw the exception of repetitive title in the domain
i am using MongoDB for creating UI reports from all the published events and everything is fine there.but for checking some invariants, like checking for unique values, i have to either query the event store for some events along with their criteria and by iterating over them, decide whether there is a product created with the same title which has not renamed or a product renamed with the same title.
for such queries, the only way that event store provides is creating a one-time projection with the proper java script code which filters and emits required events to a new stream.and then all i have to do is to fetch events from the new generated stream which is filled by the projection
no the odd thing is, projections are great for subscriptions and generating new streams, but they seem to be odd for doing real time queries.immediately after i create a projection with the HTTP api, i check the new resulting stream for the query result, but it seems that the workers has not got the chance to elaborate on the result and i get 404 response.but after waiting for a bunch of seconds, the new streams pops out and gets filled with the result.
there are too many things wrong with this approach:
first, it seems that if the event store is filled with millions of events across many streams, it wont be able to process and filter all of them immediately to the resulting does not create the stream immediately, let alone the i have to wait for some time and check for the result hoping the the projection is done
second, i have to fetch multiple times and issue multiple GET HTTP commands which seems to be slow.the new JVM client is not ready yet.
Third, i have to delete the resulting stream after i'm done with the result and failing to do so will leave event store with millions of orphan query result streams
i wish i could pass the java script to some api and get the result page by page like querying MongoDB without worrying about the projection, new streams and timing issues.
i have seen a query section in the Admin UI, but i dont know whats that for, and unfortunetly the documentation doesn't help much
am i expecting the event store to do something that is impossible?
do i have to create a bounded context inner read model for doing such checks?
i am using my events to dehyderate the aggregates and willing to use the same events for such simple queries without acquiring other techniques
I believe it would not be a separate bounded context since the check you want to perform belongs to the same bounded context where your Product aggregate lives. So, the projection that is solely used to prevent duplicate product names would be a part of the same context.
You can indeed use a custom projection to check it but I believe the complexity of such a solution would be higher than having a simple read model in MongoDB.
It is also fine to use an existing projection if you have one to do the check. It might be not what you would otherwise prefer if the aim of the existing projection is to show things in the UI.
For the collection that you could use for duplicates check, you can have the document schema limited to the id only (string), which would be the product title. Since collections are automatically indexed by the id, you won't need any additional indexes to support the duplicate check query. When the product gets renamed, you'd need to delete the document for the old title and add a new one.
Again, you will get a small time window when the duplicate can slip in. It's then up to the business to decide if the concern is real (it's not, most of the time) and what's the consequence of the situation if it happens one day. You'd be able to find a duplicate when projecting events quite easily and decide what to do when it happens.
Practically, when you have such a projection, all it takes is to build a simple domain service bool ProductTitleAlreadyExists.

VIPER - Should the Interactor return only the necessary information?

In the VIPER design pattern, should the Interactor return all the information that might be used by multiple presenter actions or should I have a separate struct for each one?
In my case, I have a map that displays places. To display those places I need to retrieve a list of PlaceItem's from a PlacesInteractor which could have only a coordinate and a color (used to change the pin's head color) that would be transformed into a annotations by the presenter.
Now lets say that when the user selects one of the annotations in the map, a callout bubble should be displayed with more details like the place's name and a circle with the color.
Now I should create a RetrievePlaceCalloutInteractor that would return only the information for one place instead of a list of information for multiple places (Right? Or should I have only one Interactor for both scenarios?).
Should this RetrievePlaceCalloutInteractor return a PlaceCalloutItem with only the name and the color (no coordinate) of the place or should I have a single PlaceItem with coordinate, color and name, that would be returned by the RetrievePlaceCalloutInteractor and by the PlaceInteractor, and would be used by the presenter to construct either a CalloutStruct or a list of MKAnnotations?
Thank you.
VIPER is a pattern, not a very formal pattern, not a religion or a complete app architecture. For me VIPER helped to think more about a cleaner architecture but on the way I had to make decisions that were better for my specific scenario without caring to much about VIPER but about clean architecture. So, from my experience and my point of view the answer to your question is 'depends'.
In my case most of the 'Items' (I call them DO from Display Object or Data Object) have almost a one to one relationship with the 'Entities' (I call them MO from Model Object). Most of the interactors manipulate one type of Entity and they have one MO-DO mapper. I usually use the same DO for different use cases if the interactor handle more than one use case.
I also have some modules using different DOs for different uses cases, although they relate to the same entity, and also I have some DOs with combine the information of several Entities, let's say for example I needed the user name to add it to 'edited by' of a blog post I use the same DO to combine Post and User Entities.
I think VIPER 'wants' one interactor per module, that kind of forces you to have multiple use cases (related) in it, but it is up to you if you want to use different Items (my DOs) or only one.
Being a purist of clean architecture you should have different interactors, different requests and different responses for each use case.
So, as I started, it depends, the important thing is to 'draw' the boundaries properly and it doesn't matter if it's one or ten Items you use for that.

Database Design without NULL values and Repeating Data for iOS App

Having figured out most of my data-model for a new iOS app, I'm now stuck with a problem that I've been thinking about for a while.
An 'Experiment' has a name, description and owner. It also has one 'Action' and one 'Event'.
An 'Event' could be different things: Time, Location or Speed.
Depending on what the 'Event' is, it can have a different 'Type'. For example, Time could be one-off, interval, date-range, repeating or random. Location could be area or exact location.
Each 'Type' then has a value that has a data type unique to itself. The Time One-Off could be a date value of 12:15pm and the Location Exact could be a GeoPoint value of (30.0, -20.0).
The Problem
How do I design the data model so that the database is not riddled
with NULL values?
How do I design the data model to be extensible if I add more 'Events'
and 'Types'.
As an Experiment only has one Action and one Event, it would be wrong to separate these two into different tables, however not doing so would cause the Experiment table to be full of NULL values, as I'd have to have columns for Event, Event Type and Event Type Value to compensate for all of the possible data types one could enter for an Event Type Value. (date, int, string, geopoint, etc)
Separating the Event and Event Type into a separate table would probably fix the NULL value issue however I'd be left with repeating data, especially in the case of time as the Event with Type One-Off as 12:00pm, as this would exist in other experiments, not just one. (Unless I create EVERY possibility and populate a separate table with these - how could I easily do this though?)
Maybe I'm over complicating things, maybe I'm missing something so simple that I'm going to kick myself when I see it.
You need to think about your data model in terms of objects not tables. Core data works with object graphs so everything in core data is an object. In Objective-c you work with objects. This is why you don't need a ORM tool. If you think in terms of objects then I think the model below (obviously needs work but you should get the point) makes sense. The advantage of separating your concepts out into objects like this is that you can look at your problem from multiple angles. In other words you can look at it from the Experiment angle or from the Event angle. I suspect you will want to do something with the data such as use your Time object in your code to show on a calendar or set a reminder. Fetch all the events for all experiments of a specific type, etc. By encapsulating these data items in objects in core data, everything is ready for you to leverage, manipulate and modify in your code. It also removes the null value issue you identified. Because you won't be creating objects for null values, only for values that are relevant to your experiment. That being said, you might want to break down the model even further depending upon the specifics of your program. Also, you would not have the repeating data issue you mention if you design this properly. Again, you're not dealing with rows in a table you are dealing with objects. If you create an Event Type object with "one-off 12:00pm", you can assign that Event Type objec,t through its relationship, to as many Event(s) as you wish. You don't create the object again, you simply reference it. When you think of the relationships think "X can be associated with Y". For example, "An Experiment can be associated with only 1 Event", "An Event Type can be associated with many Events", "An Event can be associated with only 1 Event Type". Taking this approach sets you up for extensibility down the road. Imagine you want to add a new Event Type. You simply create a new event entity and associate it to your Event Type entity.
My suggestion is to think about your object model relative to how you anticipate using the objects in your code (and how you anticipate accessing the objects via queries). That should help drive how you construct it (e.g. if you need a time object then make sure you have that in your object model. If you need an alert object then make sure you have that in your object model). Let the model do the work for you and try not to write a lot of code to assemble the equivalent of an object model within objective-c or start creating objects in code and populating them with data from your data store.
(EDIT: Replace the "event" relationship in the diagram under time, location & speed with "event types")

Question about OOP and objects

I have a school assignment: a Dog Show.
My assignment is to create a website, where vistors can display results, and where Judges and Secretary can admin and CRUD.
I have a small problem, one part of the assignment: the result should be based on two decisions from different judges, and after that checked by the secretary, before the result is displayed for the user.
I have to say I'm fairly new to programming, and so I need some smart suggestions on how to design and implement this. The assignment should cover both a DB and C# (.NET MVC).
Q1: How do i create a object (result) that depends on two other objects (judge's decisions)? Is that even needed?
Q2: How to solve this in a relational db?
I don't think this would be hard to solve using a relational DB. I'd suggest that you consider each table in the database as representing an entity (class) in your object model. Some entities that you might want to consider Dog Show, Dog, Entry, Judgement, Result, Judge, Secretary (Judge/Secretary might both be an Official). According to your definition, each Entry would have 2 Judgements (thus you should have a 1-to-Many relationship there), but each Entry only has 1 Result. You might use code or a database constraint (or both) to ensure that a Result for an Entry isn't created until there are two Judgements for that Entry. Likewise, you might use code/constraint to ensure that no more than two Judgements are entered for each Entry.
Hope this helps get you started.
How do i create a object (result) that depends on two other objects (judge's decisions)? Is that even needed?
I suggest that you create the result object, when you create the 2nd decision object.
The pseudocode might be something like, when the judge tries to create a new decision, then see how many other decisions already exist:
case 0: this is the first decision; just create the new decision and return
case 1: this will be the second decision; create the new decision, and then create the result based on the two decisions
case 2 or more: two decisions already exist, so don't allow this further decision to be created.
Another (perhaps not so good) possibility is to have a separate "create results" process, which runs continually (not continuously: e.g., once every minute), looking for any already-created decision-pairs for which there's no corresponding result, and creating the corresponding result.

SPROC to update record: how to handle unchanged values

I'm calling a update SPROC from my DAL, passing in all(!) fields of the table as parameters. For the biggest table this is a total of 78.
I pass all these parameters, even if maybe just one value changed.
This seems rather inefficent to me and I wondered, how to do it better.
I could define all parameters as optional, and only pass the ones changed, but my DAL does not know which values changed, cause I'm just passing it the model - object.
I could make a select on the table before updateing and compare the values to find out which ones changed but this is probably way to much overhead, also(?)
I'm kinda stuck here ... I'm very interested what you think of this.
edit: forgot to mention: I'm using C# (Express Edition) with SQL 2008 (also Express). The DAL I wrote "myself" (using this article).
Its maybe not the latest state of the art way (since its from 2006, "pre-Linq" so to say but Linq works only for local SQL instances in Express anyways) of doing it, but my main goal was learning C#, so I guess this isn't too bad.
If you can change the DAL (without changes being discarded once the layer is "regenerated" from the new schema when changes are made), i would recomend passing a structure containing the column being changed with values, and a structure kontaing key columns and values for the update.
This can be done using hashtables, and if the schema is known, should be fairly easy to manipulate this in the "new" update function.
If this is an automated DAL, these are some of the drawbacks using DALs
You could implement journalized change tracking in your model objects. This way you could keep track of any changes in your objects by saving the previous value of a property every time a new value is set.This information could be stored in one of two ways:
As part of each object's own private state
Centrally in a "manager" class.
In the first solution, you could easily implement this functionality in a base class and have it run in all model objects through inheritance.
In the second solution, you need to create some kind of container class that will keep a reference and a unique identifier to any model object that is created and record all changes in its state in a central store.This is similar to the way many ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) frameworks achieve this kind of functionality.
There are off the shelf ORMs that support these kinds of scenarios relatively well. Writing your own ORM will leave you without many features like this.
I find the "object.Save()" pattern leads to this kind of behavior, but there is no reason you need to follow that pattern (while I'm not personally a fan of object.Save(), I feel like I'm in the minority).
There are multiple ways your data layer can know what changed and most of them are supported by off the shelf ORMs. You could also potentially make the UI and/or business layer's smart enough to pass that knowledge into the data layer.
Two options that I prefer:
Generating/hand coding update
methods that only take the set of
parameters that tend to change.
Generating the update statements
completely on the fly.
