Funny behavior with numba - guvectorized functions using argmax() - vectorization

Consider the following script:
from numba import guvectorize, u1, i8
import numpy as np
#guvectorize([(u1[:],i8)], '(n)->()')
def f(x, res):
res = x.argmax()
x = np.array([1,2,3],dtype=np.uint8)
When running it, I get the following:
Why is this happening? Is there a way to get it right?

Python doesn't have references, so res = ... is not actually assigning to the output parameter, but instead rebinding the name res. I believe res is pointing to uninitialized memory, which is why your first run gives a seemingly random value.
Numba works around this using the slice syntax ([:]) which does mutate res- you also need to declare the type as an array. A working function is:
#guvectorize([(u1[:], i8[:])], '(n)->()')
def f(x, res):
res[:] = x.argmax()


Dask: what function variable is best to choose for visualize()

I am trying to understand Dask delayed more deeply so I decided to work through the examples here. I modified some of the code to reflect how I want to use Dask (see below). But the results are different than what I expected ie. a tuple vs list. When I try to apply '.visualize()' to see what the execution graph looks like I get nothing.
I worked through all the examples in 'delayed.ipynb' and they all work properly including all the visualizations. I then modified the 'for' loop for one example:
for i in range(256):
x = inc(i)
y = dec(x)
z = add(x, y)
to a function call the uses a list comprehension. The result is a variation on the original working example.
import time
import random
from dask import delayed, compute, visualize
zs = []
def inc(x):
return x + 1
def dec(x):
return x - 1
def add(x, y):
return x + y
def myloop(x):
x.append([add(inc(i), dec(inc(i))) for i in range(8)])
return x
result = myloop(zs)
final = compute(*result)
I have tried printing out 'result' (function call) which provides the expected list of delay calls but when I print the results of 'compute' I unexpectedly get the desired list as part of a tuple. Why don't I get a just a list?
When I try to 'visualize' the execution graph I get nothing at all. I was expecting to see as many nodes as are in the generated list.
I did not think I made any significant modifications to the example so what am I not understanding?
The visualize function has the same call signature as compute. So if your compute(*result) call works then try visualize(*result)

Avoiding truncation of large model in Z3

For a large model, the function model() used through the Z3 Python API truncates the output (at some point the model is continued with "...").
Is there a way to avoid this?
If I remember correctly, this is a Python "feature". Instead of str(...) try using repr(...), which should produce a string that can be read back (if needed) by the interpreter. You can of course iterate over the model elements separately, so as to make all the strings needing to be output smaller. For instance, along these lines:
s = Solver()
# Add constraints...
m = s.model()
for k in m:
print('%s=%s' % (k, m[k]))
I have the function from below which tries to save into fileName the answer given by str(self.solver.check()) and the model given by str(self.solver.model())
def createSMT2LIBFileSolution(self, fileName):
with open(fileName, 'w+') as foo:
The output of the problem is:
sat[C5_VM1 = 0,
... //these "..." are added by me
VM6Type = 6,
ProcProv11 = 18,
VM2Type = 5,
The "...]" appear at line 130 in all the files which are truncated. I don't know if is a Python or Z3 thing. If the model can be written on less than 130 lines everything is fine.

Why does Octave output $ g = [... ...] $

When I run this code (in a programming assignment for Coursera):
J = 1/m * [-y.*log(sigmoid((theta)'*X))-(1-y).*log(1-sigmoid((theta)'*X))]
where m = length(y), y is an m-dimensional vector, X is an m*2 matrix, and theta = 0.1, Octave outputs:
g =
[long (#rows)*2 matrix, each entry <1 but extremely close to 1]
g =
[another long (#rows)*2 matrix as before]
J =
[(#rows)*2 matrix with entries such as 3.4932e-002 and 7.8914e-005]
What is g? I never defined it, and it does not appear in my code, yet is outputted with some seemingly unrelated numbers? (I know that the function itself may have problems, but that is a separate issue from what I'm interested in here. I figured that if I know what g is, I might be able to troubleshoot better. If you have any comments on the function, please don't hesitate to point out what's wrong.)
Whenever you have a statement (inside a function or otherwise) which is not terminated with a semicolon, the output of that statement will display on the terminal.
Assuming that this is the only code you're running, then my guess is that inside your sigmoid function there is a statement of this kind:
g = dosomething() % note: not semicolon terminated!
resulting in terminal output during its execution.
The fact that g is reported twice in the terminal also makes sense, since you are calling the sigmoid function twice in that expression you just wrote.
Also, for the sake of clarity, please do not refer to your one-liner as a function, since that means something entirely different in the context of programming.

Losing the local client when calling dark inside of a distributed-spawned function

I am trying to perform some task operations inside of a function which is sent to a worker through distributed. A simplified version of the code is
client = Client(...)
X_ = dask.array.from_array(...)
X = dask.persist(X_)
def func(X, b):
with distributed.local_client() as c:
with dask.set_options(get=c.get):
return dask.lu_solve(X, b)
client.persist(, b))
The problem is that in doing for several X, b instances, sometimes it works and sometimes I get the Exception Exception: Client not running. Status: closed
any idea on how to address this?
When you pass the inputs dask.array X and b to a dask.delayed function they arrive as numpy arrays. I recommend just using NumPy functions instead.
Alternatively, maybe you're trying to accomplish something else?
If you want to call a dask.array function on dask.arrays you can do it from your normal python session. There is no reason to use a local_client.

Can Z3 call python function during decision making of variables?

I am trying to solve a problem, for example I have a 4 point and each two point has a cost between them. Now I want to find a sequence of nodes which total cost would be less than a bound. I have written a code but it seems not working. The main problem is I have define a python function and trying to call it with in a constraint.
Here is my code: I have a function def getVal(n1,n2): where n1, n2 are Int Sort. The line Nodes = [ Int("n_%s" % (i)) for i in range(totalNodeNumber) ] defines 4 points as Int sort and when I am adding a constraint s.add(getVal(Nodes[0], Nodes[1]) + getVal(Nodes[1], Nodes[2]) < 100) then it calls getVal function immediately. But I want that, when Z3 will decide a value for Nodes[0], Nodes[1], Nodes[2], Nodes[3] then the function should be called for getting the cost between to points.
from z3 import *
import random
totalNodeNumber = 4
Nodes = [ Int("n_%s" % (i)) for i in range(totalNodeNumber) ]
def getVal(n1,n2):
# I need n1 and n2 values those assigned by Z3
cost = random.randint(1,20)
print cost
return IntVal(cost)
s = Solver()
#constraint: Each Nodes value should be distinct
nodes_index_distinct_constraint = Distinct(Nodes)
#constraint: Each Nodes value should be between 0 and totalNodeNumber
def get_node_index_value_constraint(i):
return And(Nodes[i] >= 0, Nodes[i] < totalNodeNumber)
nodes_index_constraint = [ get_node_index_value_constraint(i) for i in range(totalNodeNumber)]
#constraint: Problem with this constraint
# Here is the problem it's just called python getVal function twice without assiging Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2] values
# But I want to implement that - Z3 will call python function during his decission making of variables
s.add(getVal(Nodes[0], Nodes[1]) + getVal(Nodes[1], Nodes[2]) + getVal(Nodes[2], Nodes[3]) < 100)
if s.check() == sat:
print "SAT"
print "Model: "
m = s.model()
nodeIndex = [ m.evaluate(Nodes[i]) for i in range(totalNodeNumber) ]
print nodeIndex
print "UNSAT"
print "No solution found !!"
If this is not a right way to solve the problem then could you please tell me what would be other alternative way to solve it. Can I encode this kind of problem to find optimal sequence of way points using Z3 solver?
I don't understand what problem you need to solve. Definitely, the way getVal is formulated does not make sense. It does not use the arguments n1, n2. If you want to examine values produced by a model, then you do this after Z3 returns from a call to check().
I don't think you can use a python function in your SMT logic. What you could alternatively is define getVal as a Function like this
getVal = Function('getVal',IntSort(),IntSort(),IntSort())
And constraint the edge weights as
The first two input parameters of getVal represent the node ids and the last integer represents the weight.
