Cannot use "Deploy to container plugin" in Jenkins - jenkins

I want to deploy a java maven webapp to a local tomcat8 via jenkins. I found out that I need to install the "Deploy to container plugin", which I did.
I figured, now I should be able to add a post-build action in the configuration of my pipeline. (like described here: Deploy webapp to Tomcat after Maven build on Jenkins)
But under "configure" of my pipeline there is no tab that says "post build action" (I also don't have the build tab, which I saw on a few screenshots). After researching I added a bunch of plugins described in a few tutorials, like "Hudson Post build task" and "PostBuildScript Plugin" but that didn't change anything.
Am I missing a specific plugin or is there something else wrong?
Thanks in advance!

If you're using a job of 'Pipeline' type (not a 'Freestyle' type where those 'PostBuildScript plugin' refers to), you need the perform the above in the 'post' part of your pipeline:
pipeline {
stages {
post {


Find artifacts in post-build actions

In a nutshell:
How can I access the location of the produced artifacts within a shell script started in a build or post-build action?
The longer story:
I'm trying to setup a jenkins job to automate the building and propagation of debian packages.
So far, I was already successfull in using the debian-pbuilder plugin to perform the build process, such that jenkins presents the final artifacts after successfully finishing the job:
Now I would like to also automate the deployment process into the local reprepro repository, which would actually just require a simple shell script invocation, I've put together.
My problem: I find no way to determine the artifact location for that deployment script to operate on. The "debian-pbuilder" plugin generates the artifacts in a temporary directory ($WORKSPACE/binaries.tmp15567690749093469649), which changes with every build.
Since the artifacts are listed properly in the finished job status view, I would expect that the artifact details are provided to the script (e.g. by environment variables). But that is obvously not the case.
I've already search extensively for a solution, but didn't find anything helpful.
Or is it me (still somewhat a Rookie in Jenkins), following a wron approach here?
You can use archiveArtifacts. You have binaries.tmp directory in the Workspace and you can use it, but before execute clear workspace using deleteDir().
Pipeline example:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'binaries*/**', fingerprint: true
You can also check

How to disable "build now" option?

For a given scripted pipeline(jenkins), the pipeline should only get triggered through webhook from GitLab
Build Now option should be disabled for that pipeline.
Can we configure Jenkins, to disable Build Now option for a specific pipeline script job in jenkins?
EDIT: Here the solution with an scripted Pipeline:
node {
def userIdCause = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause')
stage("Authorize Usage") {
if (userIdCause.size()) {
error('Aborting Build due to manual start - thats not permitted!')
How about the following solution without any extra plugin on an declarative pipeline:
pipeline {
stages {
stage ("Authorize Usage") {
when { expression { getCause() == "USER" } }
steps {
currentBuild.description = 'Aborting Build due to manual start - thats not permitted!'
error('Aborting Build due to manual start - thats not permitted!')
Have taken a look at this plug-in supplied on the Jenkin's site? Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin :
Matrix Strategy
Specifically this sectionL Allow configuring per-agent permissions. This allows e.g. restricting per-agent build permissions when using the Authorize Project plugin (JENKINS-46654)
Not ideal, but if this is a 'freestyle pipeline job'
a quick workaround is to add a build step "Execute shell" as first step. You can use this to prevent a build, when noting has changed.
Every time your sources changes and you push to your repo, a build will have been triggered and as there are changes this script will not exit.
When you click the 'Build now', nothing should have changed in your repo (as the only way it can is through a push which would then trigger a build) it will causes an exit, and fail the build.
echo "Exiting build - Nothing has changed"
echo "This is to prevent the usage of Jenkins 'build now'"
exit 1
EDIT: This is the answer to the question of user #mohet in the comments of my other answer because it was to long for the comment section (
The currentBuild variable, which is of type RunWrapper, may be used to refer to the currently running build...
Source: .
hudson.model is the package name of most corresponding core jenkins classes. 'Hudson' because jenkins was once cloned from the codebase of his ancestor named 'hudson'.
You can look up them here: .
There you will also find . To specify directly the package$classname in some methods like getbuildcauses is the straightforward thought of jenkins dev Team. This reduces the failure potential and makes the code better readable and understandable.

Jenkins Pipeline as Code with Docker Error

For one of my projects that I have on GitHub, I wanted to build it as a docker image and push it to my docker hub. The project is a sbt one with a Scala codebase.
Here is how my JenkinsFile is defined:
node {
// set this in Jenkins server under Manage Jenkins > Credentials > System > Global Credentials
docker.withRegistry('', 'joesan-docker-hub-credentials') {
git credentialsId: '630bd271-01e7-48c3-bc5f-5df059c1abb8', url: ''
sh "git rev-parse HEAD > .git/commit-id"
def commit_id = readFile('.git/commit-id').trim()
println comit_id
stage "build" {
def app = "Monix-Sample"
stage "publish" {
app.push 'master'
app.push "${commit_id}"
When I tried to run this from my Jenkins server, I get the following error:
at jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMFile$3.invoke(
at jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMFile$3.invoke(
at jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMFileSystem$3.invoke(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.AbstractGitAPIImpl.withRepository(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.withRepository(
at jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMFileSystem.invoke(
at jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMFile.content(
at jenkins.scm.api.SCMFile.contentAsString(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScmFlowDefinition.create(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScmFlowDefinition.create(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Finished: FAILURE
Since this is running inside a VM on Azure, I thought the VM was not able to reach outside, but that seems not to be the case as I was able to ssh into the VM and git pull from the Git repo. So what is the problem here? How could I make this work?
for me unchecking "lightweight checkout" fixed the issue
I experienced the exact same error. My setting:
Pipeline build inside a dockerized Jenkins (version 2.32.3)
In the configuration of the job, I specified a check out into a subdirectory: Open the configuration, e.g. https://myJenkins/job/my-job/configure. At the bottom, see section Pipeline -> Additional Behaviours -> Check out into a sub-directory with Local subdirectory for repo set to, e.g., my-sub-dir.
Expectation: Upon check out, the Jenkinsfile ends up in my-sub-dir/Jenkinsfile.
Via the option Script path, you configure the location of the Jenkinsfile so that Jenkins can start the build. I put my-sub-dir/Jenkinsfile as value.
I then received the exception you pasted in your question. I fixed it by setting Script Path to Jenkinsfile. If you don't specify a sub-directory for check out, then still try double checking values for Script Path.
Note: I have another Jenkins instance at work. There I have to specify Script Path including the custom check out sub-directory (as mentioned in Expectation above).
GO TO Job-->Config-->Pipline and uncheck checkbox lightweight checkout"
lightweight checkout : selected, try to obtain the Pipeline script contents >directly from
the SCM without performing a full checkout. The advantage of this mode
is its efficiency; however, you will not get any changelogs or polling
based on the SCM. (If you use checkout scm during the build, this will
populate the changelog and initialize polling.) Also build parameters
will not be substituted into SCM configuration in this mode. Only
selected SCM plugins support this mode.

Jenkins 2 pipeline deploying to udeploy

I am creating a CI/CD pipeline. I am trying to create a groovy function in order to deploy a build to udeploy.
I know I will need to pass the parameters used in to the function such as:
environment and
I was wondering has anyone tried to implement this or has anyone any idea how I should approach this?
I don't know anything about udeploy servers but I do know there is no pipeline plugin for udeploy, which means that you will not have a function such as :
udeploy: server=yourserver component=yourcomponent artifactDirectory=...
However Jenkins allow you to use shell commands inside your groovy pipeline, so you should be able to do pretty much everything you need. So I guess the real question is how do you usually deploy a build to udeploy ? Do you do it via a REST API, do you push a file via FTP, ... ?
Jenkins build will be pretty straightforward, have a look at how to checkout and build using Jenkins pipeline.
An example pipeline could look like :
stage 'Build'
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean install"
//... Some other stages as needed...
stage 'Deploy'
sh "execute sh deploy script here..."
... where you deploy stage could use other plugins to copy files to your server, run REST API requests, etc. While writing a pipeline, have a look at Pipeline Syntax link for a Snippet Generator giving more detailed information about existing plugins.

How to go about seeing the branch name of builds in the build history view of Jenkins?

I installed the Feature Branch Notifier Plugin in my instance of Jenkins.
I have checked the "Show full length branch name in the build history view" checkbox at jenkins:8080/configure
I am expecting to see the branch names in build history view, but even after restarting Jenkins I am not seeing the branch names in the build history, as can be seen in the enclosed image.
The project issue queue lists no open issues, and when I try to log in to post an issue, I get the message "Proxy Error - The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /account/doSignup. Reason: Error reading from remote server Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443"
Does anyone know how to go about seeing the branch name of builds in the build history view of Jenkins? Thanks!
You can use Build Name Setter Plugin, and set Set Build Name something like #${BUILD_NUMBER} - ${GIT_BRANCH}.
Build-Name-setter-plugin no longer works. I tried on 2.319.1, and the setting never appears in the pipline.
The solution I found is to use the build environment variables to apply to your display name for the build in a step script.
Adjust your Jenkinsfile to pull the branch name as a environmental variable (I am using CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME). Then I created a new stage / step, that runs before any other, and ran a script to adjust the displayname there:
pipeline {
agent {any}
environment {
CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME = "${GIT_BRANCH.split('/').size() > 1 ? GIT_BRANCH.split('/')[1..-1].join('/') : GIT_BRANCH}"
stages {
stage('Set branch name') {
steps {
currentBuild.displayName = "#"+currentBuild.number+": "+CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME
stages {
stage('Ok now start doing testing') {
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "Im gona test everything"
Now when your Jenkins test starts to build, the name will update once the step is complete.
Note: this solution was tested in a single pipeline (not multi-pipeline), and was for a SCM repo integration.
Get git branch name in Jenkins Pipeline/Jenkinsfile
