Wonderware Information Server Process Graphics - wonderware

I'm using WIS 3.1. In Process Graphics I have two Intouch windows: wnd1 and wnd2. They were published with WinXMLExporter. Wnd1 has the button with action: show "wnd2" and Wnd2 has the button with action: show "wnd1". when I select each window in Panel (Process Graphics - WindowSet - wnd1 or wnd2), everything is OK. When I periodically (every 40 sec about) push buttons on the each window, another window appeared. it's OK. But when I do nothing for more than one minute and after that push the button I see the error - MessageBox with "error in looking up window: wnd1 (or wnd2)". Thanks for help!

This error happens after timeout in Server Manager > IIS Manager > Deafault Web Site > IIS > ASP > Services > Session Properties > Time-out


Running a salix webApp through an IDE menu

I have a bit of code that creates a salix webapp and runs it from an IDE popup menu by making use of util::Webserver. In order to allow for the command to be used multiple times, I try to shutdown any existing webserver at that address first but it doesn't seem to be working. No matter what it always comes up with an illegal argument error stating "shutdown" not possible.
void run_game(Tree t, loc s){
t = annotate(t);
PSGAME g = ps_implode(t);
Checker c = check_game(g);
Engine engine = compile(c);
loc host = |http://localhost:9050/|;
try { util::Webserver::shutdown(host);} catch: ;
util::Webserver::serve(host, load_app(engine)().callback, asDaemon = true);
println("Serving content at <host>");
What I expect to happen is that the first time this function it run, shutdown throws an error that is silenced because no webserver exists and then serve starts the webserver. If the user tries to run the function again then shutdown successfully runs, clearing the address bind and serve binds successfully to the address.
What actually happens the second time, is that shutdown still errors, the error is silenced and then serve complains that the address is already in use.
I'm looking for any solution that would allow me to start a salix app through the IDE's popup menu (previously registered) at the same address.
PS_contributions =
action("Run Game", run_game)
registerContributions(PS_NAME, PS_contributions);
Right; we ran into similar issues and decided to special case actions that run web apps. So we added this:
data Menu = interaction(str label, Content ((&T <: Tree) tree, loc selection) server)
See https://github.com/usethesource/rascal-eclipse/blob/bb70b0f6e8fa6f8c227e117f9d3567a0c2599a54/rascal-eclipse/src/org/rascalmpl/eclipse/library/util/IDE.rsc#L119
Content comes from the Content module which basically wraps any Response(Request) servlet.
So you can wrap your salix webApp in a Content and return it given a current selection and the current tree.
The IDE will take care to start and also shutdown the server. It does that every time an interaction with the same label is created or after 30 minutes of silence on the given HTTP port.

Problem with saving the product PrestaShop + multistore

When saving the product (more precisely, changing the number of main items or in combination) with the multistore option enabled (only in the context of all stores), an error appears. Interestingly, after the second or next (how many stores in multi, how many times you have to click) the record goes correctly.
Go to BO >> set the shop context to >> "all shops"
go to the PRODUCTS tab >> edit the selected product >> change the STOCK (QUANTITY) to another >> click SAVE
I get a red message "Unable to update settings." and there is a problem with writing.
I get an error in JS console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error).
There is no error in the NETWORK tab, despite the debugging mode enabled in Presta.
https://prnt.sc/uj2w5v (headers)
https://prnt.sc/uj2w13 (preview)
https://prnt.sc/uj2vr8 (initiator)
https://prnt.sc/uj2vuk (response)
Data for the demo version:
This is the original, freshly installed version.
Only the multistore has been enabled and one demo store has been added. That's all.
BO: http://bielizniana.pl/__test/admin758a9z7cn/
Login: test#test.pl
Password: test#test.pl
You have set your multistore option "Share available quantities to sell" to NO.
This means when you are editing the product in All shops context it does not know what to do with your quantities.

What would cause InternetExplorerMedium to work on one machine but not another?

I have a VBA script in Access that logs onto a website and downloads some data, I built it using a laptop and use the code of
Dim objIE As InternetExplorerMedium 'special object variable representing the IE browser
Dim aEle As HTMLLinkElement 'special object variable for an <a> (link) element
Dim element As HTMLLinkElement
Set objIE = New InternetExplorerMedium
On Error GoTo Errorhandler
objIE.Visible = False
DoCmd.Hourglass (True) 'navigate IE to this web page
objIE.navigate www.google.com ' google just for example
Then it inputs the login info into the proper boxes and logs in.
Which works fine, however I installed this front end on another user's PC and it no longer works, it just opens the page but fills in no info.
However, if I change,
Set objIE = New InternetExplorerMedium
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
then it works on their PC. But this change does not work on my laptop.
What would cause this issue and how could I standardize this so I can install on any windows machine without worry of this occurring.
We are both on the company LAN, and both are running windows 10 Home.
It was something incredibly simple, I just had to add the website I was accessing as a trusted site in Internet Explorer.

Start .vbs script without icon of wscript.exe in the taskbar

How can I Start .vbs script without icon of wscript.exe in windows taskbar
Unlike the CScript.exe, Windows does not show the WScript.exe host executable icon by default (shows Popup, MsgBox, InputBox and Echo only). Check the difference:
start "" cscript 30598853.vbs
will show a Windows script host icon in the Windows taskbar whilst
start "" wscript 30598853.vbs
will not. In both cases, an additional Windows script host icon will appear for a while (i.e. for the duration of the Popup is active in given example)...
Create a sample 30598853.vbs script as follows:
Dim WshShell, BtnCode
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
BtnCode = WshShell.Popup( _
WScript.ScriptName & vbNewLine & "Exit script?" _
, 5 _
, WScript.FullName _
, vbOKCancel + vbQuestion)
If BtnCode = vbOK Then Exit Do
Wscript.Sleep 15000
To the best of my belief, a window invoked via Popup method or MsgBox function or InputBox function (and Echo method in case of the WScript.exe host executable as well) will always show it's icon in the taskbar. This happens regardless of that particular window is on top or isn't.
Read in another forum that one could assign a fully transparent icon to a particular executable...

Monitoring Java heap usage on a Weblogic Server

I am monitoring Java heap usage on all managed servers in the Weblogic 10.3 domain using WLST. I have written a Jython script to achieve this. This script first logs into the admin server in the domain. Following is the code snippet that fetches the heap statistics for each managed server:
def getServerJavaHeap():
for server in servers:
free = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapFreeCurrent())/(1024*1024)
freePct = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapFreePercent())
current = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapSizeCurrent())/(1024*1024)
max = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapSizeMax())/(1024*1024)
print 'Domain Name #', cmo.getName()
print 'Server Name #', server.getName()
print 'Current Heap Size #', current
print 'Current Heap Free #', free
print 'Maximum Heap Size #', max
print 'Percentage Heap Free #', freePct
The heap statistics that the above code fetches is different from what the Weblogic admin console shows. For instance for managed server123
The above code gives the heap size usage as 1.25GB while the admin console shows heap usages as 3GB
I am wondering why is there a discrepancy in what admin console shows and the output of the above code. I am trying to determine if I am looking in the right place and invoking the right method calls (listed here in the docs) to get the heap statistics on each managed server.
I am sure the time when the script ran also is a factor. Was wondering how frequently the admin console refreshes these tables.
I can't see anything wrong with your approach tbh. The admin console page won't update automatically unless you click on the auto-refresh icon (the two arrows forming a circle) in the top left of the table. By default the refresh interval is 10 seconds but this can be set from the 'Preferences' page - the link is on the banner of every page.
I tried on both an Admin server and a managed server and as long as I ran the code close to a refresh, the numbers tied up. I can only assume a garbage collect run between the time the console displayed the data and your script ran.
