How to equally space labels in a UIStackView? - ios

As a technical assessment for a job I'm interviewing for, I'm making a basic word search game, where the user looks for translations of a given word in a given language. I've got a fair amount of iOS experience, but I've never done dynamically-generated views with run-time-determined text labels, etc. before.
To be clear, I know this is a job assessment, but regardless of whether I get the job, or whether I'm even able to finish the assessment in time, I think this is an interesting problem and I'd like to learn how to do this, so I'll be finishing this as an app to run in the simulator or on my own phone.
So. I have a view embedded in/controlled by a UINavigationController. I have a couple of informational labels at the top, a set of buttons to perform actions across the bottom of the view, and the main view area needs to contain a 2D grid of characters. I'd like to be able to take an action when a character is tapped, such as highlight the character if it's part of a valid word. I'd like to be able to support grids of different sizes, so I can't just create an autolayout-constrained grid of labels or buttons in Interface Builder.
I've tried various methods for displaying the 2D grid of characters, but the one I thought had the most promise was as follows:
Use a UITableView to represent the rows of characters. Inside each table view cell, use a UIStackView with a dynamically generated collection of UILabels.
To fill my UITableView, I have the following:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = gameGrid.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "GameGridCell") as! TWSGameGridCell
if indexPath.row < word.grid.count {
cell.characters = word.grid[indexPath.row]
return cell
return cell
The function in the custom table cell class that configures the cell (ideally to create and display the row of characters) is this:
func configureCell()
self.stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [UILabel]())
self.stackView.backgroundColor = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! TWSAppDelegate).appBackgroundColor()
self.stackView.distribution = .fillEqually
let myRect = self.frame
self.stackView.frame = myRect
let characterGridWidth = myRect.width / CGFloat(characters.count)
for cIndex in 0..<characters.count {
let labelRect = CGRect(x: myRect.origin.x + (CGFloat(cIndex) * characterGridWidth), y: myRect.origin.y, width: CGFloat(characterGridWidth), height: myRect.height)
let currentLabel = UILabel(frame: labelRect)
currentLabel.backgroundColor = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! TWSAppDelegate).appBackgroundColor()
currentLabel.textColor = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! TWSAppDelegate).appTextColor()
currentLabel.font = UIFont(name: "Palatino", size: 24)
currentLabel.text = characters[cIndex]
My guess is that it's running into trouble in that the labels have no visible rect when they're created, so they don't display anywhere.
The resulting view when run in the simulator is a white box covering as many rows of the table view as should be filled with rows of characters, and the rest of the table view shows with the custom background color I'm using), as per this image:
What I'm trying for is for that white box to have the same background color as everything else, and be filled with rows of characters. What am I missing?

Problem might be about adding 'labelRect', you already specify the rect of your stackView. I think regardless of the frame of labels, stackView should naturally be able to create it's inner labels and distribute them inside of itself.
Also can you add the following, after you initialize your stackView, inside your configureCell method:
self.stackView.axis = .horizontal
Edit: from the comment below, the solution was to create the labels (though I switched to buttons for further functionality), add them all to a [UIButton], then use that to create the UIStackView (self.stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: buttons)).


Append item horizontally into a tableView cell but make them not fill all the space

I have a specific design that I want to achieve, it doesn't seems to complex to me but I'm struggling a lot to make it happen.
First the design looks like this:
So, I have a table view of items which have a picture, then a title and then a collection of three items which will be ImageViews.
All of this inside a cell and inside a stackView.
I tried to make an horizontal stack view and did manage to append my items correctly but it went horribly wrong in terms of design as my imageviews were stretching all the way horizontally. I guess this is not possible to NOT stretch this items.
I also tried to add a collection view into the table view but figured out that was very complex for a thing this basic (as I guess it should be). And then, I'm here.
Here is my code and where I'm stuck at:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = debateList.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "itemsBox", for: indexPath) as! ItemBox
// Make a variable with 3 participants
let participants = tableView[indexPath.row].participants?.prefix(3)
// iterate over them and adding them to anything that can be doable
participants?.forEach { participant in
let imageView = UIImageView()
let imageUrl = URL(string: participant.imageURL)
imageView.kf.setImage(with: imageUrl)
// Here add item to something
return cell
I'm stuck and it's getting too long for something this little. Guess I'm a little bit upset with myself for not figuring out how to do it.
If you are having up to 5 participants, then I would suggest you to add by default 2 subviews in horizontal stack view:
empty view with width constraint >= 5 (call it spaceview)
fixed width for "60 % no" UILabel.
then programmatically insert image views with fixed width and aspect ratio 1:1 in horizontal stack view at index 0.
This way, if there will be only 1-2 participants, then the remaining space will be occupied by spaceview as its width will be greater than 5.
If the participants will be more than 5, then better option is to use collectionview with uilabel in horizontal stack view.
First if they are 3 static number of images then it's better to make them inside design and assign the image urls to their outlets respectively
Second for your current work you need to add a width constraint (regarding height they will fit all the stack height when it's a horizontal stack ) like
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 50).isActive = true

How to create conditional questions in a form for an ios app?

How can I dynamically add additional text fields to a view based on the response to previous question which is a drop down with set list of options.
The issue I am having is with dynamic positioning. For example if I place the field beneath but keep it hidden and show when an option is selected that only works one way. What if I select the other option how can I use the same space to show a different question/text field?
Of course I could overlay all of the options in their positions and show/hide. But is there a better way to build a dynamic form with conditional logic for questions?
If it were me, to make it simple for both myself and the viewer, I would have predefined space. Say, 20% of the view. Then, add questions to the scrollView variably, depending on the situation. The user can then scroll through that view.
let rect = CGRect(x: view.frame.width*0.1, y: someHeightDownInTheView, width: view.frame.width*0.8, height: view.frame.height*0.2)
let scrollView = UIScrollView(frame: rect)
let questions = ["Do I want to be a unicorn"]
if(question2.answer == "A") {
questions.append("Do I want to be a fairy princess")
//...Specific options
for question in questions {
let label:UILabel = createQuestion(name: "someName", question: question)
let answer:UITextView = createAnswer(name: "someName")
func createQuestion(name: String, question: String) -> UILabel {
//Create a question with a UILabel of some SET SIZE
func createAnswer(name: String) -> UITextView {
//Create answer with a UITextView of some SIZE
There are various ways to handle variable numbers of fields.
You could create a table view or collection view, and have each cell, or each grouped set of cells, represent a question and its text field.
You could also use a vertical stack view. You can add or remove items from a stack view and it updates make room for/close up empty space as needed.
There are tons of examples of both approaches online. Which is the best fit depends on the details, but if you only ever have at most 2 questions/answers on-screen then maybe a stack view is the way to go.

Best way to add multiple diagonal connection lines between TableViewCells

I'm creating an app that needs to show a tableview like below image
Similar colored circles are to be matched with a line.
Which view i can add the lines?
Or need to create a new view above tableview? But still my tableview needs to be scrolled.
How can i achieve this?
Update for Bounty
I want to implement the same with incliend lines between neighbouring circles. How to achieve the same?
Demonstration below:
create design like this
Based on your requirement just hide upper line and lower line of circle
You need to create collection view in tableview cell. In collection view you create one cell. Design the same user interface like your design. Show and hide the view with matching of rule. It will not affect tableview scrolling. and with this approach you can also provide scroll in collection view cell. i can provide you coded solution if you able to provide me more information. Thanks
You can use this Third Party LIb
You need to use a combination of collection view and a table view to give support for all devices.
1.Create one collection view cell with following layout
Hide upper and lower lines as per your need
Add collection view in table view cell and managed a number of cells in collection view depending upon the current device width and item's in between spacing.
You can create a vertical label without text, set the background color with black and place it behind the circle in view hierarchy and set a width of the label as per your requirement. Then you can hide unhide the label whenever you want.
P.S.: Make sure to hide your cell separator.
I have created a demo project. You can find it here. I tried to match your requirements. You can update the collection view settings to handle the hide and show of labels.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hope this help.
To connect any circle with any other circle in the cell above / below, it will be easier and cleaner to create the connection lines dynamically rather than building them into the asset as before. This part is simple. The question now is where to add them.
You could have the connection lines between every two cells be contained in the top or bottom cell of each pair, since views can show content beyond their bounds.
There's a problem with this though, regardless of which cell contains the lines. For example, if the top cell contains them, then as soon as it is scrolled up off screen, the lines will disappear when didEndDisplayingCell is called, even though the bottom cell is still completely on screen. And then scrolling slightly such that cellForRow is called, the lines will suddenly appear again.
If you want to avoid that problem, then here is one approach:
One Approach
Give your table view and cells a clear background color, and have another table view underneath to display a new cell which will contain the connection lines.
So you now have a background TVC, with a back cell, and a foreground TVC with a fore cell. You add these TVC's as children in a parent view controller (of which you can set whatever background color you like), disable user interaction on the background TVC, and peg the background TVC's content offset to the foreground TVC's content offset in an observation block, so they will stay in sync when scrolling. I've done this before; it works well. Use the same row height, and give the background TVC a top inset of half the row height.
We can make the connection lines in the back cell hug the top and bottom edges of the cell. This way circles will be connected at their centre.
Perhaps define a method in your model that calculates what connections there are, and returns them, making that a model concern.
extension Array where Element == MyModel {
A connection is a (Int, Int).
(0, 0) means the 0th circle in element i is connected to the 0th circle in element j
For each pair of elements i, j, there is an array of such connections, called a mesh.
Returns n - 1 meshes.
func getMeshes() -> [[(Int, Int)]] {
// Your code here
Then in your parent VC, do something like this:
class Parent_VC: UIViewController {
var observation: NSKeyValueObservation!
var b: Background_TVC!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let b = Background_TVC(model.getMeshes())
let f = Foreground_TVC(model)
for each in [b, f] {
each.view.frame = self.view.bounds
each.didMove(toParent: self)
let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: b.tableView.rowHeight / 2, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
b.tableView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
b.tableView.contentInset = insets
self.b = b
self.observation = f.tableView.observe(\.contentOffset, options: [.new]) { (_, change) in
let y = change.newValue!.y
self.b.tableView.contentOffset.y = y // + or - half the row height
Then of course there's your drawing code. You could make it a method of your back cell class (a custom cell), which will take in a mesh data structure and then draw the lines that represent it. Something like this:
class Back_Cell: UITableViewCell {
Returns an image with all the connection lines drawn for the given mesh.
func createMeshImage(for mesh: [(Int, Int)]) -> UIImage {
let canvasSize = self.contentView.bounds.size
// Create a new canvas
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(canvasSize, false, 0)
// Grab that canvas
let canvas = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
let spacing: CGFloat = 10.0 // whatever the spacing between your circles is
// Draw the lines
for each in mesh {
canvas.move(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(each.0) * spacing, y: 0))
canvas.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(each.1) * spacing, y: self.contentView.bounds.height))
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
return image
You'd probably want to create a Mesh class and store the images in that model, to avoid redrawing.

Different background and collectionCell separator color in UICollectionViewController

I have to create a UI which has 3 UICollectionViewCell in a row. So i created it using UICollectionViewController, with section = 1 and no of rows = coming from api. So i was able to create 6 cells in which every row contains 3 cells. These cells are separated by 0.5 pt vertically and horizontally.
I have given the background color to collectionView which comes in separator.
In particular this is what i need :-
Problem :-
This is the type of UICollectionViewController requirement i have
The separators needs to be red, and the space not rendered needs to be yellow. But I am unable to do that, I can have a single background color for UICollectionView which shows for both separator and free space. Is there a way to have different colors.
I dont want to use UITableView and have a UICollectionView inside UITableViewCell. I know this approach but i want to do the same in UICollectionViewController.
If I understand your question right, you can solve this by removing the space between the cells. Remove the 0.5pt space entirely. Then, all cells will be glued to each other, and you can create your own separators inside each cell. It'll require some logic though, because all cells should not use the same separators (if you do, then the center cells will have double separators on each side).
To achieve your photo, you could set these rules:
The first and the last cell in each row should only show a separator on bottom.
All the other cells in between (in your case, one cell in between) should show separator on bottom, left, and right.
To add these separators, just go into your custom UICollectionViewCell and add some UIViews to each side, and set them to have a width of 0.5pt, and set them visible on demand.
I would suggest a custom cell as Sti suggested. I usually do that. but an easier way would be:
To add a subview to the collectionView every time you reload data of
the collection view.
let count: CGFloat = CGFloat(items.count)
let numberOfRows: CGFloat = ceil(count / 3.0)
let height: CGFloat = numberOfRows * (cellHeight + seperatorHeight)
if collectionBackView != nil { // controller member object
collectionBackView = UIView(frame:
CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: collectionView.frame.size.width, height: height))
collectionView.sendSubview(toBack: collectionBackView)

How do I create dynamic views in swift?

I am making an IOS app where the main layout is a UITableView, and cells are completely dynamic and loaded from server. Each tableview item is a different layout.
For example, lets take first item of the tableview:
Server tells it should have a label, 2 buttons and a textbox, it should be created by code. I figured out how to create those elements themselves, the problem is how do I position them?
Ideally I would like to add each layout item under the previous one. And tableviewcell should wrap those, grow or collapse according to views.
I am fairly new to IOS/Swift. Is there any way to implment this easily? In android I just used a linearlayout and added views one by one. Does IOS have something like that? Or do I have to manually set heights, widths, and coordinates of all items?
Thanks in advance.
Here is some code:
if let Actions = AppData["Forms"][0]["AvailableActions"].array{
for var i = 0 ; i < Actions.count ; ++i {
if Actions[i].int == 1{
let actionButton1 = UIButton(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 96, 30))
actionButton1.setTitle("View", forState: .Normal)
actionButton1.setTitleColor(UIColor.redColor(), forState: .Normal)
You can do with self-sizing cells, in this case you just need to
Give proper constraints to your table view cell subviews,(i.e all
your subviews should be connected to each other and topmost
subview should have top-space constraints and bottommost subview should have bottom-space constraints).
Specify the estimatedRowHeight of your table view.
Set the rowHeight of your table view to UITableViewAutomaticDimension
For step 2-3 steps mentioned above,just add following code in your viewDidLoad -
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44.0
tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
For understanding of self-sizing cells you can follow this link
