Deploy a monolithic and Microservices in same Docker container - docker

Can I deploy both an Monolithic application and a Microservices application in the Same Docker Container? How to do it ?

Usually, this is not advisable, the better way is deploying two docker containers and possibly sharing a network (or other resources) between them
However, it's still possible to achieve by using one of two ways:
Make an entry point to be a script that starts all the required processes in one container.
Use tools like supervisord
A much more detailed explanation can be found here.


How to create a single project out of multiple docker images

I have been working on a project where I have had several docker containers:
Three OSRM routing servers
Nominatim server
Container where the webpage code is with all the needed dependencies
So, now I want to prepare a version that a user could download and run. What is the best practice to do such a thing?
Firstly, I thought maybe to join everything into one container, but I have read that it is not recommended to have several processes in one place. Secondly, I thought about wrapping up everything into a VM, but that is not really a "program" that a user can launch. And my third idea was to maybe, write a script, that would download each container from Docker Hub separately and launch the webpage. But, I am not sure if that is best practice, or maybe there are some better ideas.
When you need to deploy a full project composed of several containers.
You may use a specialized tool.
A well known for mono-server usage is docker-compose:
Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications
You could provide to your users :
docker-compose file
your application docker images (ex: through docker hub).
Regarding clusters/cloud, we talk more about orchestrator like docker swarm, Kubernetes, nomad
Kubernetes's documentation is the following:

Doubts about docker

I'm new with docker, and have some doubts.
In a dev environment (not server), is better to use just one container, with apache, php and mysql for exemple, and use just a docker and a Dockerfile, or is better to use one container for each service, and use docker-compose to do it?
I have made this here with docker-compose, but I don't know if it is the best way, seems to me unnecessary complexity, but I'm newb.
I have the following situation, I work with magento, and is a common need to have a clear instalation for isolate modules and test, so I want create my magento 2 docker environment, where have just a clear magento and must have some easy way of put my module files inside, for test, and ons shutdown, the environment backs to clear magento 2 instalation, without my files, what is the best way to get this environemnt?
Thanks in advance.
I'd certainly recommend using a docker stack (defined in a docker-compose), and not trying to spin up a whole application stack inside a single container. You should have one service per container generally.
I believe what you are looking for in the second part of your question is a deployment orchestration tool. Docker does not replace deployment orchestration, but you can run shell scripts that do application setup in the Dockerfiles that build the containers you use in your stack.
As for access to files inside your containers, I'd look into docker volumes.

Dockerize Applications or Machines?

I apologize if my question is too basic, but I just started to learn docker and there are some concepts that are not clear to me.
I think of docker as a fully functional virtual machine, and therefore I thought of transforming a server with a set of services, into a container. Then I started reading about "dockerizing" applications (for instance postgresql), and I learned that a Docker file can only have one default instruction, when executing a container. I read that it is possible to coordinate multiple executing instructions using a supervisor, but I started wondering if that is really the best approach, or if it would be better to lean towards a microservices architecture?
To state better my point, I would like to describe my use case. I want to create an environment that provides tomcat (with some services deployed through servlets) and a postgreSQL database. Ideally, I would like the services (and the database), to run in the same host (on different ports).
Is it a best practice to create one container for Tomcat and one for the Database, or is it better to ship them in the same container?
And if I create two different containers, which framework should I use to orchestrate them? Is it Docker compose appropriated for this task?
I think of docker as a fully functional virtual machine, and therefore I thought of transforming a server with a set of services, into a container.
NO NO and NO! It is not virtual machine
Run only one process per container
In almost all cases, you should only run a single process in a single container. Decoupling applications into multiple containers makes it much easier to scale horizontally and reuse containers. If that service depends on another service, make use of container linking.
Read Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
And if I create two different containers, which framework should I use to orchestrate them? Is it Docker compose appropriated for this task?
You need to start with docker-compose. When you will be more familiar with it you make you own well-founded decision.

Docker - one process per container?

I sometimes use Docker for my development work. When I do, I usually work on an out-of-the-box LAMP image from tutum.
My question is: Doesn't it defeat the purpose to work with Docker if it runs multiple processes in one container? (like the container started off Tutum's LAMP image) Isn't the whole idea of Docker to separate each process into a separate container?
While it is generally a good rule of thumb to separate processes into separate containers, that's not the main benefit/purpose of docker. The benefit of docker is immutability. And if throwing two processes into a single container makes for cleaner logic then go for it. Though in this case, I would definitely consider at least stripping out the DB into its own container, and talk to it through a docker link. The database shouldn't have to go down every time you rebuild your image.
Generally sometimes it is neccessary or more useful to use one container for more than one process like in this situation.
Such situation happens when processes are used together to fulfill its task. I can imagine for example situation when somebody want to add logging to the web application by using ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). Those things run together and can have supervisor for monitoring processes inside one container.
But for most cases it is better to use one process per container. What is more docker command should start process itself, for example running java aplication by
/usr/bin/java -jar application.jar
apart from running external script:
See discussion on where the problem is concerned.

How Docker can be used for multi-layered application?

I am trying to understand how docker can be used to dockerize multilayered application.
My tomcat application needs mongodb, mysql, redis, solr and rabbitmq. I am playing with Docker for couple of weeks now. I am able to install and use mongo/mysql containers. But I am not getting how can I completely ship application using Docker. I have few questions.
How should the images be. Should I have one image that has all the components installed or have separate images (like one for tomcat, one for mongo, one for mysql etc) and start those containers using a bash script outside of docker.
What is the docker way of maintaining multiple containers at once. Meaning say I have multiple containers (like mongo, mysql, tomcat etc...) that needs to be worked together to run my application, Is there any inbuilt way of dealing this so that one command/script does this?
Suppose I dockerize my application, how can i manage various routine tasks that need to be performed like incremental code deployment, database patches etc. Currently we are using vagrant, we also use fabric along with vagrant for various tasks.Like after vagrant up we use fab tasks for all kind of routine things like code deployment, db refresh, adding volumes, start/stop services etc. What would be the docker's way of doing this?
With Vagrant if VM crashes due to High CPU etc. host system is not affected. But I see docker is eating up lot of host resources. Can we put limits for that say not more than one cpu core for that container etc..?
Because we use vagrant, most of the questions above are in that context. When started with docker I thought docker as a kind of visualization technology that can be a replacement for our huge Vagrant based infra. Please correct me if I am wrong?
I advise you to look at docker-compose:
you'll be able to define an architecture of your application
you can then easily build it and run it (with one command)
pretty much same setup for dev and prod
For microservices, composition etc I won't repost on this.
For containet resource allocation:
Docker run has various resource control options (using google cgroups) see my gist here
