Dockerize Applications or Machines? - docker

I apologize if my question is too basic, but I just started to learn docker and there are some concepts that are not clear to me.
I think of docker as a fully functional virtual machine, and therefore I thought of transforming a server with a set of services, into a container. Then I started reading about "dockerizing" applications (for instance postgresql), and I learned that a Docker file can only have one default instruction, when executing a container. I read that it is possible to coordinate multiple executing instructions using a supervisor, but I started wondering if that is really the best approach, or if it would be better to lean towards a microservices architecture?
To state better my point, I would like to describe my use case. I want to create an environment that provides tomcat (with some services deployed through servlets) and a postgreSQL database. Ideally, I would like the services (and the database), to run in the same host (on different ports).
Is it a best practice to create one container for Tomcat and one for the Database, or is it better to ship them in the same container?
And if I create two different containers, which framework should I use to orchestrate them? Is it Docker compose appropriated for this task?

I think of docker as a fully functional virtual machine, and therefore I thought of transforming a server with a set of services, into a container.
NO NO and NO! It is not virtual machine
Run only one process per container
In almost all cases, you should only run a single process in a single container. Decoupling applications into multiple containers makes it much easier to scale horizontally and reuse containers. If that service depends on another service, make use of container linking.
Read Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
And if I create two different containers, which framework should I use to orchestrate them? Is it Docker compose appropriated for this task?
You need to start with docker-compose. When you will be more familiar with it you make you own well-founded decision.


Containers Orchestations and some docker functions

I am familiarizing with the architecture and practices to package, build and deploy software or unless, small pieces of software.
If suddenly I am mixing concepts with specific tools (sometimes is unavoidable), let me know if I am wrong, please.
On the road, I have been reading and learning about the images and containers terms and their respective relationships in order to start to build the workflow software systems of a better possible way.
And I have a question about the services orchestration in the context of the docker :
The containers are lightweight and portable encapsulations of an environment in which we have all the binary and dependencies we need to run our application. OK
I can set up communication between containers using container links --link flag.
I can replace the use of container links, with docker-compose in order to automate my services workflow and running multi-containers using .yaml file configurations.
And I am reading about of the Container orchestration term, which defines the relationship between containers when we have distinct "software pieces" separate from each other, and how these containers interact as a system.
Well, I suppose that I've read good the documentation :P
My question is:
A docker level, are container links and docker-compose a way of container orchestration?
Or with docker, if I want to do container orchestration ... should I use docker-swarm?
You should forget you ever read about container links. They've been obsolete in pure Docker for years. They're also not especially relevant to the orchestration question.
Docker Compose is a simplistic orchestration tool, but I would in fact class it as an orchestration tool. It can start up multiple containers together; of the stack it can restart individual containers if their configurations change. It is fairly oriented towards Docker's native capabilities.
Docker Swarm is mostly just a way to connect multiple physical hosts together in a way that docker commands can target them as a connected cluster. I probably wouldn't call that capability on its own "orchestration", but it does have some amount of "scheduling" or "placement" ability (Swarm, not you, decides which containers run on which hosts).
Of the other things I might call "orchestration" tools, I'd probably divide them into two camps:
General-purpose system automation tools that happen to have some Docker capabilities. You can use both Ansible and Salt Stack to start Docker containers, for instance, but you can also use these tools for a great many other things. They have the ability to say "run container A on system X and container B on system Y", but if you need inter-host communication or other niceties then you need to set them up as well (probably using the same tool).
Purpose-built Docker automation tools like Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Nomad. These tend to have a more complete story around how you'd build up a complete stack with a bunch of containers, service replication, rolling updates, and service discovery, but you mostly can't use them to manage tasks that aren't already in Docker.
Some other functions you might consider:
Orchestration: How can you start multiple connected containers all together?
Networking: How can one container communicate with another, within the cluster? How do outside callers connect to the system?
Scheduling: Which containers run on which system in a multi-host setup?
Service discovery: When one container wants to call another, how does it know who to call?
Management plane: As an operator, how do you do things like change the number of replicas of some specific service, or cause an update to a newer image for a service?

Deploy a monolithic and Microservices in same Docker container

Can I deploy both an Monolithic application and a Microservices application in the Same Docker Container? How to do it ?
Usually, this is not advisable, the better way is deploying two docker containers and possibly sharing a network (or other resources) between them
However, it's still possible to achieve by using one of two ways:
Make an entry point to be a script that starts all the required processes in one container.
Use tools like supervisord
A much more detailed explanation can be found here.

Multiple images inside one container

So, here is the problem, I need to do some development and for that I need following packages:
One option is that I take a Ubuntu image, create a container and start installing them one by one and done, start my server, and expose the ports.
But this can easily be done in a virtual box also, and it will not going to use the power of Docker. So for that I have to start building my own image with these packages. Now here is the question if I start writing my Dockerfile and if place the commands to download the Node js (and others) inside of it, this again becomes the same thing like virtualization.
What I need is that I start from Ubuntu and keep on adding the references of MongoDb, NodeJs, RabbitMq, Nginx and Redis inside the Dockerfile and finally expose the respective ports out.
Here are the queries I have:
Is this possible? Like adding the refrences of other images inside the Dockerfile when you are starting FROM one base image.
If yes then how?
Also is this the correct practice or not?
How to do these kind of things in Docker ?
Thanks in advance.
Keep images light. Run one service per container. Use the official images on docker hub for mongodb, nodejs, rabbitmq, nginx etc. Extend them if needed. If you want to run everything in a fat container you might as well just use a VM.
You can of course do crazy stuff in a dev setup, but why spend time setting up something that has zero value in a production environment? What if you need to scale up one of the services? How do set memory and cpu constraints on each service? .. and the list goes on.
Don't make monolithic containers.
A good start is to use docker-compose to configure a set of services that can talk to each other. You can make a prod and dev version of your docker-compose.yml file.
Getting into the right frame of mind
In a perfect world you would run your containers in clustered environment in production to be able to scale your system and have concurrency, but that might be overkill depending on what you are running. It's at least good to have this in the back of your head because it can help you to make the right decisions.
Some points to think about if you want to be a purist :
How do you have persistent volume storage across multiple hosts?
Reverse proxy / load balancer should probably be the entry point into the system that talks to the containers using the internal network.
Is my service even able run in a clustered environment (multiple instances of the container)
You can of course do dirty things in dev such as mapping in host volumes for persistent storage (and many people who use docker standalone in prod do that as well).
Ideally we should separate docker in dev and docker i prod. Docker is a fantastic tool during development as you can have redis, memcached, postgres, mongodb, rabbitmq, node or whatnot up and running in minutes sharing that compose setup with the rest of the team. Docker in prod can be a completely different beast.
I would also like to add that I'm generally against the fanaticism that "everything should be running in docker" in prod. Run services in docker when it makes sense. It's also not uncommon for larger companies to make their own base images. This can be a lot of work and will require maintenance to keep up with security fixes etc. It's not necessarily the first thing you jump on when starting with docker.

Should I use separate Docker containers for my web app?

Do I need use separate Docker container for my complex web application or I can put all required services in one container?
Could anyone explain me why I should divide my app to many containers (for example php-fpm container, mysql container, mongo container) when I have ability to install and launch all stuff in one container?
Something to think about when working with Docker is how it works inside. Docker replaces your PID 1 with the command you specify in the CMD (and ENTRYPOINT, which is slightly more complex) directive in your Dockerfile. PID 1 is normally where your init system lives (sysvinit, runit, systemd, whatever). Your container lives and dies by whatever process is started there. When the process dies, your container dies. Stdout and stderr for that process in the container is what you are given on the host machine when you type docker logs myContainer. Incidentally, this is why you need to jump through hoops to start services and run cronjobs (things normally done by your init system). This is very important in understanding the motivation for doing things a certain way.
Now, you can do whatever you want. There are many opinions about the "right" way to do this, but you can throw all that away and do what you want. So you COULD figure out how to run all of those services in one container. But now that you know how docker replaces PID 1 with whatever command you specify in CMD (and ENTRYPOINT) in your Dockerfiles, you might think it prudent to try and keep your apps running each in their own containers, and let them work with each other via container linking. (Update -- 27 April 2017: Container linking has been deprecated in favor of regular ole container networking, which is much more robust, the idea being that you simply join your separate application containers to the same network so they can talk to one another).
If you want a little help deciding, I can tell you from my own experience that it ends up being much cleaner and easier to maintain when you separate your apps into individual containers and then link them together. Just now I am building a Wordpress installation from HHVM, and I am installing Nginx and HHVM/php-fpm with the Wordpress installation in one container, and the MariaDB stuff in another container. In the future, this will let me drop in a replacement Wordpress installation directly in front of my MariaDB data with almost no hassle. It is worth it to containerize per app. Good luck!
When you divide your web application to many containers, you don't need to restart all the services when you deploy your application. Like traditionally you don't restart your mysql server when you update your web layer.
Also if you want to scale your application, it is easier if your application is divided separate containers. Then you can just scale those parts of your application that are needed to solve your bottlenecks.
Some will tell you that you should run only 1 process per container. Others will say 1 application per container. Those advices are based on principles of microservices.
I don't believe microservices is the right solution for all cases, so I would not follow those advices blindly just for that reason. If it makes sense to have multiples processes in one container for your case, then do so. (See Supervisor and Phusion baseimage for that matter)
But there is also another reason to separate containers: In most cases, it is less work for you to do.
On the Docker Hub, there are plenty of ready to use Docker images. Just pull the ones you need.
What's remaining for you to do is then:
read the doc for those docker images (what environnement variable to set, etc)
create a docker-compose.yml file to ease operating those containers
It is probably better to have your webapp in a single container and your supporting services like databases etc. in a separate containers. By doing this if you need to do rolling updates or restarts you can keep your database online while your application nodes are doing individual restarts so you wont experience downtime. If you have caching with something like Redis etc this is also useful for the same reason. It will also allow you to more easily add nodes to scale in a loosely coupled fashion. It will also allow you to manage the containers in a manner more suitable to a specific purpose. For the type of application you are describing I see very few arguments for running all services on a single container.
It depends on the vision and road map you have for your application. Putting all components of an application in one tier in this case docker container is like putting all eggs in one basket.
Whenever your application would require security, performance related issues then separating those three components in their own containers would be an ideal solution. It's needless to mention that this division of labor across containers would come at some cost and which would be related to wiring up those containers together for communication and security etc.

How Docker can be used for multi-layered application?

I am trying to understand how docker can be used to dockerize multilayered application.
My tomcat application needs mongodb, mysql, redis, solr and rabbitmq. I am playing with Docker for couple of weeks now. I am able to install and use mongo/mysql containers. But I am not getting how can I completely ship application using Docker. I have few questions.
How should the images be. Should I have one image that has all the components installed or have separate images (like one for tomcat, one for mongo, one for mysql etc) and start those containers using a bash script outside of docker.
What is the docker way of maintaining multiple containers at once. Meaning say I have multiple containers (like mongo, mysql, tomcat etc...) that needs to be worked together to run my application, Is there any inbuilt way of dealing this so that one command/script does this?
Suppose I dockerize my application, how can i manage various routine tasks that need to be performed like incremental code deployment, database patches etc. Currently we are using vagrant, we also use fabric along with vagrant for various tasks.Like after vagrant up we use fab tasks for all kind of routine things like code deployment, db refresh, adding volumes, start/stop services etc. What would be the docker's way of doing this?
With Vagrant if VM crashes due to High CPU etc. host system is not affected. But I see docker is eating up lot of host resources. Can we put limits for that say not more than one cpu core for that container etc..?
Because we use vagrant, most of the questions above are in that context. When started with docker I thought docker as a kind of visualization technology that can be a replacement for our huge Vagrant based infra. Please correct me if I am wrong?
I advise you to look at docker-compose:
you'll be able to define an architecture of your application
you can then easily build it and run it (with one command)
pretty much same setup for dev and prod
For microservices, composition etc I won't repost on this.
For containet resource allocation:
Docker run has various resource control options (using google cgroups) see my gist here
