Firebase performance - screen rendering is not captured on dashboard (iOS) - ios

I have integrated Firebase in my iOS app.
I have installed Performance SDK as well and it's tracking default things like Network metrics, app start traces etc.
But, there's no data for screen wise rendering.
What could be possible reason?
My Firebase Performance SDK version is 4.10.1

Communicated to Firebase Support and got immediate reply from them.
Sorted this out by updating Firebase to latest version. I was using Firebase 4.x.x and Screen Rendering Performance feature is added in 5.x.x


We are currently investigating an issue impacting Source Type data for iOS 16.0 users. - Apple App Store Connect info banner

On one of my Flutter apps in the Apple App Store Connect web application, an information banner is displayed as follows:
The text "We are currently investigating an issue impacting Source Type data for iOS 16.0 users." seems to indicate that some reports or analytics cannot be retrieved for a yet unknown reason.
I can see that there are some downloads still for the iOS 16.0 platform. I cannot see any other activity for this platform. Probably because there are not that many users yet.
My question is whether this information may be an indication that an issue is affecting in any way the user experience when running on iOS 16.0 platform?
I don't have any mobile device using this platform at the moment. So, I cannot test myself.

DJI Mobile sdk - Telemetry from DJI GO App to personal App

I was trying the DJI sdk Sample tutorials and wanted to use the telemetry data for my server. I wanted to know if there is any way in which I can get the Telemetry Data from the existing iOS DJI Go app to my personal iOS app running in the background using the sdk.
DJI has UXSDKs that will be easier for you to interface with and collect data from. Here are the links:
iOS UI Library
Github iOS UXSDK
I am fairly certain that you cannot access data from 1 app (DJI GO) by another app (your app).
You can create your own app to access the information but that would result in you duplicating the DJI GO app functionality. (I think that is what Muhammad is suggesting above).

Cordova SQLite Plugin Compatibility

I'm looking to build an iOS hybrid application that also utilizes an Apple Watch application. The watchOS app collects Altimeter data to be stored, and that's it. I was thinking of using this plugin since the watchOS portion is written in Swift. I haven't yet begun the iPhone app, it's just blank right now, but was thinking of making it a hybrid application using Cordova. I've been searching for the best way to share data between the applications, and I think SQLite may be the easiest.
This cordova plugin can be used to manipulate data in an SQLite database using JS. That could be used in the iPhone app. I guess my quesiton is - is this possible? If I create a database in swift using this library, will the Cordova plugin be able to access it? Does anyone have any better ideas for sharing data from a native watchkit app to a hybrid iPhone app?
That will not work. If you create a SQLite database in the watch application running on the watch which is a physically different device than the iPhone running your cordova app, how should the application running on the iPhone access the database?
The way to go to use a watch-kit application in combination with a cordova app is cordova-plugin-apple-watch. The plugin offers three different possibilities to communicate between the watch app and the iphone app:
Message passing
Local notifications and
User defaults
If the data should be accessible by both apps and it should be persistent (like a database) the way to go is probably user defaults. But if you just want to send data from your watch-app to your cordova-app (which will not be needed on the watch anymore) then message passing does also work (the cordova-app can then store the data wherever you want).

Using firebase with WatchKit

I am attempting to use the firebase database in my watchKit app. I have developed this feature on my iPhone application but have found it difficult to do the same on my Watch app. When I attempted to import firebase into the VC class in watch app, it is creating an error no such module 'firebase'.
Is it possible to use firebase inside a watch app?
Sadly there is no Firebase support for watchOS2 and watchOS3 due to the fact that there's no support for CFNetwork in these versions of watchOS and Firebase is highly dependent on this framework. Source (thanks for the link #FrankvanPuffelen in comments).
You have two alternatives:
Use the Firebase REST API directly from your watch app.
Handle all Firebase communication from the iPhone app and use the WatchConnectivity framework to send the relevant changes to your watch app.
Depending on your exact use case, you could choose any of the two. The main advantages/disadvantages of these two are that the WatchConnectivity framework is quite limited as in when it can be used. Both of your apps needs to be running at least in the background for the WatchConenctivity framework to work. On the other hand, if you choose to use the REST API, you don't need the watch app to communicate with the iPhone counterpart, the watch app can directly get the Firebase data using network requests. However, in this scenario, the network usage will be bigger, since you will need to essentially fetch the same information both for the iPhone and watch apps.
Update for watchOS 6:
Firebase Messaging has been released with watchOS support, however, the Realtime Database along with other Firebase SDKs are still not supported. You can track the progress of them in this GitHub issue, which also contains links to the specific feature request issues for the other SDKs.
Firebase v7.9.0 added WatchOS support for realtime database.

Can Firebase work offline with React Native?

I have an existing iOS app that I'd like to start adding some React Native screens to. The app uses Firebase with persistence enabled so that it works offline. Is there a way to also use Firebase directly within React Native while maintaining offline functionality?
If the answer is "Yes", do iOS and React Native share the same local data store? This would be important, so that offline data changes on iOS screens would reflect data changes made from React Native screens and vice versa.
Thanks for sharing your insight on this!
Alternatively, you can use Firestack, which is a native library that works with both iOS and Android on react native.
Offline support is enabled along with storage, the real-time database, authentication, remote configuration (in development), etc.
(disclosure: I am one of the primary authors of Firestack)
Firebase's offline disk persistence is currently only available in its native iOS and Android SDKs. It is not yet available for JavaScript SDK.
The javascript SDK will persist new write requests when you are offline and will sync with the server once you go online. But if you were hoping to show a list with data that was previously fetched from firebase, then you are out of luck with Javascript.
One of the answers mentions Firestack, but it is no longer supported.
On a project I just ended up installing this package It is a bridge to the native ios & Android SDKs for firebase and if you use it you can also use persistence.
Tested and verified. All works great! :)
It is now possible
As of Firebase JavaScript SDK 3.1.0, offline persistance is still unavailable. It's recommended you use React Native's AsyncStorage.
All of the answers above are out of date!
As of JULY 2020 offline persistence is supported out of the box when you use react-native-firebase.
Read more here:
