DJI Mobile sdk - Telemetry from DJI GO App to personal App - ios

I was trying the DJI sdk Sample tutorials and wanted to use the telemetry data for my server. I wanted to know if there is any way in which I can get the Telemetry Data from the existing iOS DJI Go app to my personal iOS app running in the background using the sdk.

DJI has UXSDKs that will be easier for you to interface with and collect data from. Here are the links:
iOS UI Library
Github iOS UXSDK

I am fairly certain that you cannot access data from 1 app (DJI GO) by another app (your app).
You can create your own app to access the information but that would result in you duplicating the DJI GO app functionality. (I think that is what Muhammad is suggesting above).


App tracking transparency iOS 14.5 with newrelic

From iOS 14.5 it is mandatory to use ATT framework if we are sharing user info to the third party or using advertising in the app. Does it require to use of ATT if we are only using newrelic framework in our code.
As the following link points, "if the data is not linked with Third-Party Data for advertising or advertising measurement purposes", you don't need to implement AAT.
Our app was observed by Apple because we were tracking to third-party advertising libraries without implementing AAT. After removing this tracking (we didn't need it anymore) we were able to publish new versions of the app. We don't have issues for tracking to New Relic.

Track iOS App’s Mobile data and WiFi usage

I am working on a mini project to track iOS app’s mobile data and WiFi data. I saw some apps doing that through VPN , but I had no luck with NSExtentions.
Any reference is appreciated. I would like to collect device level data which includes all apps . Similar to the stats available in
Settings-> Mobile data
Apart from native iOS client , other apps listed here also achieve this. I know its possible through VPN but i could not find any development documents related to it. Is there any other method apart from VPN?

Deploying app for personal use on iOS device

I want to build a very simple gallery like app (which uses the Telegram bot API to fetch images from certain telegram channel). I want to have this app for both Android and iOS device. I guess either progressive web app or flutter could be used to achieve this. I have developed native android apps before, and wish to learn PWA or flutter along with this project.
So my question is, can I deploy this app to my iOS device without enrolling in the Apple developer program? Since this is only for personal use and I do not wish to publish this app on any app store. Also, do I need to have a Mac with Xcode to do this?!
Thanks in advance!
For developing a Progressive Web App for iOS, you won't need Xcode and a Macbook since it is basically still a website with enhancements. However, bear in mind that PWA support on iOS is very limited. Android has much better PWA support.
This article gives an overview of what is currently possible

Cordova SQLite Plugin Compatibility

I'm looking to build an iOS hybrid application that also utilizes an Apple Watch application. The watchOS app collects Altimeter data to be stored, and that's it. I was thinking of using this plugin since the watchOS portion is written in Swift. I haven't yet begun the iPhone app, it's just blank right now, but was thinking of making it a hybrid application using Cordova. I've been searching for the best way to share data between the applications, and I think SQLite may be the easiest.
This cordova plugin can be used to manipulate data in an SQLite database using JS. That could be used in the iPhone app. I guess my quesiton is - is this possible? If I create a database in swift using this library, will the Cordova plugin be able to access it? Does anyone have any better ideas for sharing data from a native watchkit app to a hybrid iPhone app?
That will not work. If you create a SQLite database in the watch application running on the watch which is a physically different device than the iPhone running your cordova app, how should the application running on the iPhone access the database?
The way to go to use a watch-kit application in combination with a cordova app is cordova-plugin-apple-watch. The plugin offers three different possibilities to communicate between the watch app and the iphone app:
Message passing
Local notifications and
User defaults
If the data should be accessible by both apps and it should be persistent (like a database) the way to go is probably user defaults. But if you just want to send data from your watch-app to your cordova-app (which will not be needed on the watch anymore) then message passing does also work (the cordova-app can then store the data wherever you want).

Skype for Business App SDK for iOS Desktop Sharing or Application Sharing

I try to develop iOS native app by using Skype for Business App SDK.
Are there any way to show desktop sharing from SfB Client on Windows Desktop to participants iPhone by using this SDK? I checked all the classes listed in the website below. But I could not find appropriate class.
This is not supported. Please provide feedback request on User Voice if you would like to see this feature
