Kafka stored avro records backward schema compatibility - avro

Question related to the Avro backward compatibility and rocksdb local stores:
let's assume I consume a topic as a global table materialized into a rocksdb store. I can then do store.get(K) to retrieve V. Now, let's say I must redeploy my stream app keeping the same local store but with a new version of the Avro schema of K simply including a new optional field. Should I expect to still be able to retrieve from my local store the already persisted V under the first version of K if I now lookup with a K serialized using the new version of the Avro (given the new optional field is set to null)?
I was under the impression this should have worked but the lookup always return null. I can print the list of former K,V by iterating through the store and I can see the persisted K does look exactly like the one I am using when doing store.get(K). Although Avro is meant to be backward compatible, is it normal that we have to delete and recreate the store when changing the schema?


"Transactional safety" in influxDB

We have a scenario where we want to frequently change the tag of a (single) measurement value.
Our goal is to create a database which is storing prognosis values. But it should never loose data and track changes to already written data, like changes or overwriting.
Our current plan is to have an additional field "write_ts", which indicates at which point in time the measurement value was inserted or changed, and a tag "version" which is updated with each change.
Furthermore the version '0' should always contain the latest value.
name: temperature
time write_ts (val) current_mA (val) version (tag) machine (tag)
2015-10-21T19:28:08Z 1445506564 25 0 injection_molding_1
So let's assume I have an updated prognosis value for this example value.
So, I do:
SELECT curr_measurement
INSERT curr_measurement with new tag (version = 1)
DROP curr_mesurement
INSERT new_measurement with version = 0
Now my question:
If I loose the connection in between for whatever reason in between the SELECT, INSERT, DROP:
I would get double records.
(Or if I do SELECT, DROP, INSERT: I loose data)
Is there any method to prevent that?
Transactions don't exist in InfluxDB
InfluxDB is a time-series database, not a relational database. Its main use case is not one where users are editing old data.
In a relational database that supports transactions, you are protecting yourself against UPDATE and similar operations. Data comes in, existing data gets changed, you need to reliably read these updates.
The main use case in time-series databases is a lot of raw data coming in, followed by some filtering or transforming to other measurements or databases. Picture a one-way data stream. In this scenario, there isn't much need for transactions, because old data isn't getting updated much.
How you can use InfluxDB
In cases like yours, where there is additional data being calculated based on live data, it's common to place this new data in its own measurement rather than as a new field in a "live data" measurement.
As for version tracking and reliably getting updates:
1) Does the version number tell you anything the write_ts number doesn't? Consider not using it, if it's simply a proxy for write_ts. If version only ever increases, it might be duplicating the info given by write_ts, minus the usefulness of knowing when the change was made. If version is expected to decrease from time to time, then it makes sense to keep it.
2) Similarly, if you're keeping old records: does write_ts tell you anything that the time value doesn't?
3) Logging. Do you need to over-write (update) values? Or can you get what you need by adding new lines, increasing write_ts or version as appropriate. The latter is a more "InfluxDB-ish" approach.
4) Reading values. You can read all values as they change with updates. If a client app only needs to know the latest value of something that's being updated (and the time it was updated), querying becomes something like:
SELECT LAST(write_ts), current_mA, machine FROM temperature
You could also try grouping the machine values together:
SELECT LAST(*) FROM temperature GROUP BY machine
So what happens instead of transactions?
In InfluxDB, inserting a point with the same tag keys and timestamp over-writes any existing data with the same field keys, and adds new field keys. So when duplicate entries are written, the last write "wins".
So instead of the traditional SELECT, UPDATE approach, it's more like SELECT A, then calculate on A, and put the results in B, possibly with a new timestamp INSERT B.
Personally, I've found InfluxDB excellent for its ability to accept streams of data from all directions, and its simple protocol and schema-free storage means that new data sources are almost trivial to add. But if my use case has old data being regularly updated, I use a relational database.
Hope that clear up the differences.

Date Warehouse: when the cleaning and transforming is performed?

I am reading a book "Modeling the agile data warehouse with data vault" by H. Hultgren. He states:
EDW represents what did happen - not what should have happened
When does the cleaning and possible transforming is performed? Under transforming I mean stadartization f the values, for example, sex column can contain only two possible values 'f' and 'm' and not 'female' or 'male' or 0 or 1)?
If you are importing data through ETL, that is one place to do it. Or you can use some other kind of data cleansing tool. This is a very general question. It depends on the architecture of your data warehouse.
For example you might have a data warehouse that loads data and tries to automatically clean it or you might have an architecture where every single 'bad' record goes to an approval area to be cleaned by a person. I can assure you in the real world, no business user wants to have to pick from 6 values for gender.
The other thing is you might be loading data from three different systems, and these three different representations are completely valid in each system, but an end user doesn't want to have to pick from 6 choices - they want the data to be cleansed.
I'm thinking maybe this statement
EDW represents what did happen - not what should have happened
is a data vault specific thing since DV is all about modelling and storing the source system data no matter how the schema changes, and I guess in this case you would treat the data vault as an ODS and preserve the data as-as, then cleanse it on the way into the reporting star schema

Implementing a unique surrogate key in Advantage Database Server

I've recently taken over support of a system which uses Advantage Database Server as its back end. For some background, I have years of database experience but have never used ADS until now, so my question is purely about how to implement a standard pattern in this specific DBMS.
There's a stored procedure which has been previously developed which manages an ID column in this manner:
#ID = (SELECT ISNULL(MAX(ID), 0) FROM ExampleTable);
#ID = #ID + 1;
INSERT INTO Example_Table (ID, OtherStuff)
VALUES (#ID, 'Things');
--Do some other stuff.
UPDATE ExampleTable
SET AnotherColumn = 'FOO'
My problem is that I now need to run this stored procedure multiple times in parallel. As you can imagine, when I do this, the same ID value is getting grabbed multiple times.
What I need is a way to consistently create a unique value which I can be sure will be unique even if I run the stored procedure multiple times at the same moment. In SQL Server I could create an IDENTITY column called ID, and then do the following:
INSERT INTO ExampleTable (OtherStuff)
VALUES ('Things');
ADS has autoinc which seems similar, but I can't find anything conclusively telling me how to return the value of the newly created value in a way that I can be 100% sure will be correct under concurrent usage. The ADS Developer's Guide actually warns me against using autoinc, and the online help files offer functions which seem to retrieve the last generated autoinc ID (which isn't what I want - I want the one created by the previous statement, not the last one created across all sessions). The help files also list these functions with a caveat that they might not work correctly in situations involving concurrency.
How can I implement this in ADS? Should I use autoinc, some other built-in method that I'm unaware of, or do I genuinely need to do as the developer's guide suggests, and generate my unique identifiers before trying to insert into the table in the first place? If I should use autoinc, how can I obtain the value that has just been inserted into the table?
You use LastAutoInc(STATEMENT) with autoinc.
From the documentation (under Advantage SQL->Supported SQL Grammar->Supported Scalar Functions->Miscellaneous):
Returns the last used autoinc value from an insert or append. Specifying CONNECTION will return the last used value for the entire connection. Specifying STATEMENT returns the last used value for only the current SQL statement. If no autoinc value has been updated yet, a NULL value is returned.
Note: Triggers that operate on tables with autoinc fields may affect the last autoinc value.
Note: SQL script triggers run on their own SQL statement. Therefore, calling LASTAUTOINC(STATEMENT) inside a SQL script trigger would return the lastautoinc value used by the trigger's SQL statement, not the original SQL statement which caused the trigger to fire. To obtain the last original SQL statement's lastautoinc value, use LASTAUTOINC(CONNECTION) instead.
Another option is to use GUIDs.
(I wasn't sure but you may have already been alluding to this when you say "or do I genuinely need to do as the developer's guide suggests, and generate my unique identifiers before trying to insert into the table in the first place." - apologies if so, but still this info might be useful for others :) )
The use of GUIDs as a surrogate key allows either the application or the database to create a unique identifier, with a guarantee of no clashes.
Advantage 12 has built-in support for a GUID datatype:
GUID and 64-bit Integer Field Types
Advantage server and clients now support GUID and Long Integer (64-bit) data types in all table formats. The 64-bit integer type can be used to store integer values between -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 with no loss of precision. The GUID (Global Unique Identifier) field type is a 16-byte data structure. A new scalar function NewID() is available in the expression engine and SQL engine to generate new GUID. See ADT Field Types and Specifications and DBF Field Types and Specifications for more information.
For earlier versions, you could store the GUIDs as a char(36). (Think about your performance requirements here of course.) You will then need to do some conversion back and forth in your application layer between GUIDs and strings. If you're using some intermediary data access layer, e.g. NHibernate or Entity Framework, you should be able to at least localise the conversions to one place.
If some part of your logic is in a stored procedure, you should be able to use the newid() or newidstring() function, depending on the type of the backing column:
INSERT INTO Example_Table (newid(), OtherStuff)

Convert JSON to Parquet

I have a few TB logs data in JSON format, I want to convert them into Parquet format to gain better performance in analytics stage.
I've managed to do this by writing a mapreduce java job which uses parquet-mr and parquet-avro.
The only thing I'm not satisfied with is that, my JSON logs doesn't have a fixed schema, I don't know all the fields' names and types. Besides, even I know all the fields' names and types, my schema evolves as time goes on, for example, there will be new fields added in future.
For now I have to provide a Avro schema for AvroWriteSupport, and avro only allows fixed number of fields.
Is there a better way to store arbitrary fields in Parquet, just like JSON?
One thing for sure is that Parquet needs a Avro schema in advance. We'll focus on how to get the schema.
Use SparkSQL to convert JSON files to Parquet files.
SparkSQL can infer a schema automatically from data, thus we don't need to provide a schema by ourselves. Every time the data changes, SparkSQL will infer out a different schema.
Maintain an Avro schema manually.
If you don't use Spark but only Hadoop, you need to infer the schema manually. First write a mapreduce job to scan all JSON files and get all fields, after you know all fields you can write an Avro schema. Use this schema to convert JSON files to Parquet files.
There will be new unknown fields in future, every time there are new fields, add them to the Avro schema. So basically we're doing SparkSQL's job manually.
Use Apache Drill!
From https://drill.apache.org/docs/parquet-format/, in 1 line of SQL.
After setup Apache Drill (with or without HDFS), execute sqline.sh to run SQL queries:
// Set default format ALTER SESSION SET `store.format` = 'parquet';
ALTER SYSTEM SET `store.format` = 'parquet';
// Migrate data
CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.sampleparquet AS (SELECT trans_id, cast(`date` AS date) transdate, cast(`time` AS time) transtime, cast(amount AS double) amountm, user_info, marketing_info, trans_info FROM dfs.`/Users/drilluser/sample.json`);
Should take a few time, maybe hours, but at the end, you have light and cool parquet files ;-)
In my test, query a parquet file is x4 faster than JSON and ask less ressources.

surveymonkey Where is qtype and respondent_id in the get_survey_details extract?

I'm trying to replicate the survey monkey relational database format (A relational database view of your data with a separate file created for each database table. Knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language) is necessary.) to download responses for our reporting analytics using the Survey Monkey API. However I'm not able to find the QType and respondent_id data in the get_survey_details API extract method. Can someone help?
1.QType is found in the Questions.xls data in the current relational database format download.
I was able to find all of the other data in the Questions.xls data in the get_survey_details API (question_id, page_id, position, heading) but not QType.
2.Respondent_id is found in the Responses.xls data in the the relational database format download.
I can see that respondent_id is in the get_responses API method but that does not have the associated Key1 data that I also need. Key1 data is answer_id data in the get_survey_details API which is why I expected to find the corresponding respondent_id there as well.
SurveyMonkey's deprecated relational database download (RDD) format and API provide data using very different paradigms. Using the API to recreate the RDD format in order to work with an old integration is probably a poor use of time. A more productive idea would be to use the API to build a more modern integration from the ground-up taking advantage of things like real-time data availability to modernize the functionality. But if you're determined:
You will need to map the family and subtype of the question type to the QTypes you're used to. The information you need to build the mapping can be found on SurveyMonkey's developer portal in Data Types.
get_responses returns answer_id as row and/or col. For matrix question types, you will have both which cross reference to and answer and answer items from get_survey_details. For matrix questions, you might consider concatenating the row and col to create a single unique key value like the Key1 you're accustomed to.
I've done this. It got over the immediate need when the RDD format was withdrawn.
Now that I have more time, I'm looking at a better design but as always backwards compatibility with a large code base is the drag.
To answer your question on Qtype, see my reply at
What are the expected values for the various "ENUM" types returned by the SurveyMonkey API?
