Buy historcal tweets for a specific period and specific keyword in Arabic - twitter

I want to buy data from twitter or any other source that can sell twitter data legally. I want all tweets that mention a specific keyword in the last six months. I want them to make analysis for a research purpose.
It seems that plan were changed in recent days for twitter and Gnip.

I'd recommend going to
It'll ask you to submit the query rules you're looking for and the duration of time. Once that's set up, a Twitter employee should reach out with an estimate.


Is it possible to obtain the number of tweets that contain certain keyword over a certain period of time?

E.g. I would like to obtain the number of tweets on this page (after it is fully expanded). Is it possible?
As far as I can see, Twitter API, including the academic product does not provide a straightforward option to obtain the number of tweets over a specific period of time (one would need to request for each single tweets, and the number of tweets that can be requested is limited per month).
Today, counts are only available in the premium and enterprise APIs, not in the new v2 API. You can get timeseries and counts but you’ll be looking at a paid API.

How to track tweets?

TunnelBear offers 1 GB free every month when you tweet about them. I am trying to implement something like this in my web app.
This is how I intend to go about it.
My system will let anyone tweet about my business with some predefined message like "Use Awesome_business to increase profit. Awesome_business is the best!"
A cron job will regularly (every 5 min) fetch the last 10 tweets of all connected twitter accounts
Analyse them to see if they contains keywords like "use", "Awesome_business", "best", "increase", "profit"
Offer discount for every account which tweets will contains keywords listed above.
Does anyone have a better idea about how to go about this?
You could try leveraging Twitter's Streaming API:
So you can open a connection and you'll receive tweets as they occur, instead of having to periodically check (plus if there are more than 10 tweets in the last 5 min then you just lost those extras).
Also twitter's search API doesn't allow for specific times, you can only give it a day, so the best you could do is pull all tweets from the last day, and then manually parse the data to find tweets in the specific amount of time from your last poll.
Twitter's API also let's you do hashtag filtering, so you can just grab all tweets with a hashtag relevant to your business, and then reward those people specifically? would make it easier on you so you don't have to write any parsing logic on your end.

How to query a Twitter timeline in parallel?

I am building a Twitter app and I'll be pulling a big amount of data from the user's timeline. For speed, I need to query the timeline in parallel. My aim is to pull 1000 of user's tweets from the API, but the upper limit of number of tweets per request is set to 200 by the Twitter API. Pagination works by specifying the last (oldest) tweet's ID from the previous request, so I need to know the result of the previous API call to make the next call. This method is not parallelizable. Is there any alternative method for getting the user timeline from the Twitter API where I can make parallel requests (there is the page property, but is deprecated and will be nonfunctional in the near future).
What you have to remember, is that Twitter have a difficult relationship with external developers. Using their API for anything interesting like this is simply not allowed by them.
What you need is access to the Firehose.
However, even if you're willing to pay a million dollars a year - Twitter aren't interested.
You could try getting it from a third party like Gnip but - again - likely to be expensive.
So, essentially, you can't. Twitter just aren't interested in amateur developers doing anything innovative with their platform. Sorry.

Finding top twitter users?

There is a large number of sites like Twitaholic or Twittergrader that offer rankings of Twitter users depending on the number of followers, influence, etc. I haven't found much information, though, on how do they compute these rankings.
My guess is that they begin with a handful users and keep exploring the followers' graph, while periodically updating the information of the users they already know of.
So the question is: is this the right approach or is there a more trivial way of doing it?
The sites you mention started years ago, and at that time they were given whitelisting by Twitter, which means that they can make tens of thousands of API requests per hour. Twitter no longer gives out new whitelisted accounts, so this type of analysis cannot be done by new sites. New accounts are only allowed to make 350 API requests per hour.
It is in fact possible just to use the Twitter API to examine and remember everything about every user, which is what quite a few sites do. twitter streaming api

Get first tweet of a given day

Hi all
I am new to twitter API.. So my question may be a trivial one..
I am developing a new twitter widget, in which I want to get the first tweet for a given hashtag on a particular date.
say first tweet for #xyz hashtag tweeted on 12-08-10.
so far through googling and api doc I found rpp * page max = 1500.. if totaltweet for a given day is 2000 how can I retrieve last 500 tweets..
I have a few questions?
1. Is this for any hashtag that a user might request on the fly, or a set of hashtags that generally remain the same?
If it is a set of tags that stays the same for a while, roughly how many tags are there?
When you say a particular date, how far back in time are you going?
There are two standard ways to get tweets for a hashtag. You can use search, which goes back around 7 days or 1,500 tweets. For an active tag, that may only be a day or two. You can use the streaming API, but that doesn't go back, it just starts tracking from the moment you start making the request. The streaming API can track up to 400 hashtags without getting approval for a higher rate. The search API is limited to 10 to 20 hashtags per query.
If you answer questions 1-3, I can suggest a path to getting what you want.
