Get first tweet of a given day - twitter

Hi all
I am new to twitter API.. So my question may be a trivial one..
I am developing a new twitter widget, in which I want to get the first tweet for a given hashtag on a particular date.
say first tweet for #xyz hashtag tweeted on 12-08-10.
so far through googling and api doc I found rpp * page max = 1500.. if totaltweet for a given day is 2000 how can I retrieve last 500 tweets..

I have a few questions?
1. Is this for any hashtag that a user might request on the fly, or a set of hashtags that generally remain the same?
If it is a set of tags that stays the same for a while, roughly how many tags are there?
When you say a particular date, how far back in time are you going?
There are two standard ways to get tweets for a hashtag. You can use search, which goes back around 7 days or 1,500 tweets. For an active tag, that may only be a day or two. You can use the streaming API, but that doesn't go back, it just starts tracking from the moment you start making the request. The streaming API can track up to 400 hashtags without getting approval for a higher rate. The search API is limited to 10 to 20 hashtags per query.
If you answer questions 1-3, I can suggest a path to getting what you want.


Buy historcal tweets for a specific period and specific keyword in Arabic

I want to buy data from twitter or any other source that can sell twitter data legally. I want all tweets that mention a specific keyword in the last six months. I want them to make analysis for a research purpose.
It seems that plan were changed in recent days for twitter and Gnip.
I'd recommend going to
It'll ask you to submit the query rules you're looking for and the duration of time. Once that's set up, a Twitter employee should reach out with an estimate.

Is there a way to search for old tweets on a specific date using a specific hashtag?

For example how could search for tweets using the #oldtweets sent on 5-29-16, from 8pm to 9pm.
According to the The Twitter Search API documentation, the query you want is not possible:
The Twitter Search API searches against a sampling of recent Tweets
published in the past 7 days.
Beyond the last 7 days, what you want to achieve can only be done through manually searching an account on Twitter.
Another alternative would be to use
Scroll to the timeframe you want to record or you can attempt to capture the entire feed. Note the auto scrolling option as well.

Issues getting tweets from Twitter API by date range

Good evening, StackOverflow!
I am working with twitter API to retrieve tweets from the twitter. I need to receive tweets by a time range, for example, all tweets from #someUser for the last week, or last 10 days... or from March to April.
I am looking at documentation, and it doesn't really specify how to use the date to narrow down the list of receiving tweets. I mean, I can use since_id or max_id, but it is not really what I'm looking for.
I mean, I can receive tweets by one using max_id and since_id, check the date, and see if it falls into my time frame, and continue until I get to the edge. Anyway, it is not a good practice.
So, is there a way or maybe I missed something in the documentation?
I really would appreciate any help (just a tip would work).

How to track tweets?

TunnelBear offers 1 GB free every month when you tweet about them. I am trying to implement something like this in my web app.
This is how I intend to go about it.
My system will let anyone tweet about my business with some predefined message like "Use Awesome_business to increase profit. Awesome_business is the best!"
A cron job will regularly (every 5 min) fetch the last 10 tweets of all connected twitter accounts
Analyse them to see if they contains keywords like "use", "Awesome_business", "best", "increase", "profit"
Offer discount for every account which tweets will contains keywords listed above.
Does anyone have a better idea about how to go about this?
You could try leveraging Twitter's Streaming API:
So you can open a connection and you'll receive tweets as they occur, instead of having to periodically check (plus if there are more than 10 tweets in the last 5 min then you just lost those extras).
Also twitter's search API doesn't allow for specific times, you can only give it a day, so the best you could do is pull all tweets from the last day, and then manually parse the data to find tweets in the specific amount of time from your last poll.
Twitter's API also let's you do hashtag filtering, so you can just grab all tweets with a hashtag relevant to your business, and then reward those people specifically? would make it easier on you so you don't have to write any parsing logic on your end.

Can I use twitter api to search tweets one week before?

I am trying to search keywords in twitter through tweepy.
However, I found it seems like that I can not search the tweets one week before, the code below is the main search code.
for searched_tweets in tweepy.Cursor(,
q = "python",
since = 2014-02-03,
until = 2014-02-04,
lang='en' ).items()
I am not sure whether there is any limited or any better way to search by time, thanks for your help!!
Unfortunately, you can't get tweets older than a week with the twitter search API.
Also note that the search results at may return historical results while the Search API usually only serves tweets from the past week. - Twitter documentation.
You can get specific tweets older than a week by looking at individual users or using specific post ids (if you have them) but it's not reasonable to index every single tweet ever to be searchable using the API.
If you need a large time range, you can collect them yourself using the streaming API or check out a service that does (see this dev twitter thread for examples).
