Apple Siri Intent stops playback without apparent reason - ios

I would like to improve the integration of my App FM-Pod with Siri intents shortcuts. I've done this App to listen the radio on the HomePod and, as of now, I've been able to start the playback, change the stations, etc. but I'm facing a strange issue which causes the audio playback to stop alone after about 1 minute...
Does anyone knows the reason? What's wrong?
Here is the code in Swift for starting the playback, leveraging on AVAudioPlayer:
open func handle(intent: StartFMPodIntent, completion: #escaping (StartFMPodIntentResponse) -> Void) {
DataManager.getStationDataWithSuccess(filename: "favorites") { (data) in
if debug { print("Stations JSON Found") }
guard let data = data, let jsonDictionary = try? JSONDecoder().decode([String: [RadioStation]].self, from: data), let stationsArray = jsonDictionary["station"]
else {
if debug { print("JSON Station Loading Error") }
HPRIntentHandler.stations = stationsArray
if !FRadioPlayer.shared.isPlaying {
FRadioPlayer.shared.radioURL = URL(string: HPRIntentHandler.stations![0].streamURL0!)
let response = StartFMPodIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: nil)
response.stationName = stationsArray[0].name

According to
Extension is killed after code is finished running.
Since the getStationDataWithSuccess run in Asynchronously, its code reaches the end before the asynchronous function finishes running.
You have to find different place to handle this.


Post to Instagram by opening Instagram app – iOS, Swift

I have an Instagram scheduling app and I am trying to open this (see image below) in Swift 5.x. The goal is simple: save Image to Firebase, once it is time to post, notification!, user clicks on the notification and this (image below) opens up with the appropriate image/video to post. Everything works except for opening Instagram with the appropriate photo/video. I have tried this:
func postToInstagram(image: URL) {
let videoFileUrl: URL = image
var localId: String?
let request = PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromVideo(atFileURL: videoFileUrl)
localId = request?.placeholderForCreatedAsset?.localIdentifier
}, completionHandler: { success, error in
// completion handler is called on an arbitrary thread
// but since you (most likely) will perform some UI stuff
// you better move everything to the main thread.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard error == nil else {
// handle error
guard let localId = localId else {
// highly unlikely that it'll be nil,
// but you should handle this error just in case
let url = URL(string: "instagram://library?LocalIdentifier=\(localId)")!
guard UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) else {
// handle this error
}, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
and this:
func postToInstagram(image: URL, igURL: String) {
let urlStr: String = "instagram://app"
let url = URL(string: igURL)
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url!) {
print("can open")!, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
To no avail. The latter code works, but only opens the Instagram app itself, which is fine, but I would like to open the View in the image below rather than Instagram's home screen. I also tried changing the URL to "instagram://share" and this works but goes to publish a regular post, whereas I want the user to decide what they want to do with their image.
This is where I want to go:
Note: For everyone who will be telling me this and whoever will wonder: Yes, my URL schemes (LSApplicationQueriesSchemes) are fine. And, just to clarify, I need to fetch the image/video from Firebase before posting it.

CallKit Audio session starts when navigating to the application only

I'm working on a voip app now and want to support holding.
But when a second call comes and I hold my current call. Switching to my first call I hear no sound at all.
The way to hear it is to navigate from callKit native screen to my app and hence I can hear the voice.
func configureAudioSession() {
_ = try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord, mode: .videoChat, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.mixWithOthers)
_ = try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().overrideOutputAudioPort(AVAudioSession.PortOverride.none)
_ = try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setMode(AVAudioSession.Mode.voiceChat)
func startAudio() {
print("Starting audio")
do {
_ = try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
} catch {
func stopAudio() {
print("Stopping audio")
do {
_ = try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(false)
} catch {
For supporting holding, you dont have to start/stop audio session, instead you can use CXSetHeldCallAction provided by Callkit itself. Here, is the code for hold that i use.
let callKitCallController = CXCallController()
func performHoldAction(isOnHold:Bool, uuid:UUID) {
let holdCallAction = CXSetHeldCallAction(call: uuid, onHold: isOnHold)
let transaction = CXTransaction(action: holdCallAction)
callKitCallController.request(transaction) { error in
if let error = error {
CPrint("holdCallAction transaction request failed: \(error.localizedDescription).")
CPrint("holdCallAction transaction request successful")
Once system puts the call on hold(by above method OR due to other incoming call accepting or any other reason), then in CXProviderDelegate, the method func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXSetHeldCallAction) gives you the callback for the detail.
Here, system/callkit itself interacts with audio, you dont have to explicitly start or stop audio for holding.
Note: Make sure that you given supportsHolding to true for the CXCallUpdate that you gave for new call.

AVAudioPlayer resume from background but pause for other apps

My audio starts and stops as I would expect. When I background the app the music keeps playing, if I activate Siri, the music interrupts but then resumes as I would expect.
The issue I have is that, if my sounds are playing in the background, and I start up Apple Music or Podcasts, the audio mixes together which I don't want however if I use Siri, my audio stops then resumes after.
I want my music to stop and the other to take control of the audio just like it does with Siri. I have tried removing .mixWithOthers but when I do that, it seems that once I background my app and I start Siri, afterwards my audio is no longer able to start again even though the code within the .ended case is called.
func commonInit() {
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, with: .mixWithOthers)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleInterruption), name: .AVAudioSessionInterruption, object: nil)
var shouldResume: Bool = false
#objc func handleInterruption(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let info = notification.userInfo,
let typeValue = info[AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey] as? UInt,
let type = AVAudioSessionInterruptionType(rawValue: typeValue)
else { return }
switch type {
case .began:
case .ended:
guard let optionsValue = info[AVAudioSessionInterruptionOptionKey] as? UInt
else { return }
let options = AVAudioSessionInterruptionOptions(rawValue: optionsValue)
if options.contains(.shouldResume) {
Ideally I want my app to resume after any interruptions, but I also want my app to stop playing if there are any interruptions.
Adding UIApplication.shared.beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents() after setting the category fixed this issue but I'm not sure why.

Alamofire not failing when airplane mode is on

I'm developing an iOS download app, that uses Alamofire 4.4 and Swift 3.0.
The app gets a url and downloads the file using Alamofire.
I'm using the background session manager so that the app can download whilst in the background and send a notification when complete.
For some reason, after adding this, the .failure response is never triggered even when putting airplane mode on.
If it turn airplane mode back off, the download weirdly continues going, but leave it long enough and it doesn't continue downloading, so you'd imagine it would have triggered the failure...
I have this code for the download request:
if let resumeData = resumeData {
request = resumeData, to: destination)
else {
request =, to: destination)
alamoRequest = request
.responseData { response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
//get file path of downloaded file
let filePath = response.destinationURL?.path
completeDownload(filePath: filePath!)
case .failure:
//this is what never calls on network drop out
.downloadProgress { progress in
let progressPercent = Float(progress.fractionCompleted)
//handle other progress stuff
.success case triggers fine, and progress returns fine.
If I cancel a download with alamoRequest?.cancel() then it does trigger the .failure case.
Here's my completion handler:
class BackendAPIManager: NSObject {
static let sharedInstance = BackendAPIManager()
var alamoFireManager : Alamofire.SessionManager!
var backgroundCompletionHandler: (() -> Void)? {
get {
return alamoFireManager?.backgroundCompletionHandler
set {
alamoFireManager?.backgroundCompletionHandler = newValue
fileprivate override init()
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "com.uniqudeidexample.background")
self.alamoFireManager = Alamofire.SessionManager(configuration: configuration)
And in my AppDelegate:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession identifier: String, completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
BackendAPIManager.sharedInstance.backgroundCompletionHandler = completionHandler
//do other notification stuff...
Before I added the background session stuff it worked ok, and when I activated airplane mode it failed. So am I missing something?
Hope that all makes sense, it's my first app, so not clued up on all the technicalities,

iOS Swift - MPCommandCenter & NowPlayingInfoCenter Controlling Music on Lock Screen

I am creating a music player (In Swift 3) that uses MPMediaItems and MPMediaPlayerController. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to control music from the lock screen or notification center...
I have read every article I can find on MPRemoteCommandCenter and MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and I cannot get it to work.
I have enabled background music playback, currently the music continues playing outside of the app, but does not received remote commands.
Below is the code currently being used
In my View Did Load I call the following function
let player = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer()
let commandCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
func configureCommandCenter() {
print("Enter configuration")
self.commandCenter.playCommand.addTarget { [weak self] event -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus in
guard let sself = self else { return .commandFailed }
return .success
self.commandCenter.pauseCommand.addTarget { [weak self] event -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus in
guard let sself = self else { return .commandFailed }
return .success
self.commandCenter.nextTrackCommand.addTarget { [weak self] event -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus in
guard let sself = self else { return .commandFailed }
return .success
self.commandCenter.previousTrackCommand.addTarget { [weak self] event -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus in
guard let sself = self else { return .commandFailed }
return .success
To reiterate my project compiles fine, plays media, continues playing media when app is not in focus and when phone is locked, however no commands are seen from within the app, resulting in the app not being able to be controlled from the lock screen or notification center. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would also like to mention that I have looked at the Apple API Docs related to both RemoteCommands and InfoCenter.
Am I missing some key step in order to get remote commands registering from within the app?
The problem is that your player is MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer(). You cannot use the application music player as a remote control target.
If you want remote control target capabilities, you need your player to be something like an AVAudioPlayer.
