Xcode 9.2 Building failed without showing any errors - ios

I know the problem isn't within the pods the problem only happens when I start refactoring the project changing existing classes or so then when I try to build the project it simply fails with no error unless I'm in the file itself which has the error.
I'm trying to refactoring existing project on a separated branch but as it showed in the attached link the Xcode not showing any errors but it keeps failing
what I've tried to:
Clean and Build
Clean and Quit -> Xcode
Change build setting to show all compiled items
Video showing the issue
Preview for the issue

If you're using pods for your project, then quit xcode update your pods with pod update a


Shell script invocation error in Xcode 9

I've the following problem: I'm using Xcode 9.1 to build my Swift apps. Since a few days I got the error
shell script invocation error
everytime I want to compile the project. It's the only error which is displayed.
I already read some threads here and followed the instructions. F.e. I uninstalled CocaoaPods and reinstalled the latest version, I cleaned up the project, the right scheme is selected etc. But I can't get it to work.
Or is it maybe a problem that I have no iCloud keychain configured? A message with the question to store the "access" key was displayed once but I don't know if this is a problem of Xcode.
Tried it with:-
pod deintegrate
pod install

Xcode 9 - linker command failed with exit code 1

While compiling the application getting as following error
" compiled with older version of Swift language (3.0) than previous files (4.0) file "
Could you please help me?
Use the xcworkspace to build instead of the xcproject?
This usually happens when using Cocoapods and you are building from the xcproject which doesn't know about the cocoapod libraries.
Delete the derived data and do a clean build.
And if you are building a framework, make sure you've selected Generic IOS Device while building or set the Build for Active Architecture only as true in Build Settings.
I think this happens because you changed your app name or maybe the target
look to solve this problem see your target in Podfile
and then come back to your xcode in the targets
select your target app and in linked Frameworks and Libraries (the last one down) see if there's
any pods with light color and a strange name than your target in the podfile
and remove it using the minus button down .
I'd rather fix the specific problem, but if none of the other answers worked a full reset can solve it. If you are getting this error and you are also getting error readouts that refer to "duplicate symbol files", AND all other efforts have failed, then a full reset could work for you.
What worked for me:
Read the error report to identify the repo that supposedly contains duplicate files.
Drag repo to the trash.
re-clone your repo.
set up your repo with correct remote tracking. git remote add <url.git>, or git remote set-url <url.git>
This absolutely worked for me. In my case for some elusive reason, when I ran git pull upstream develop for a local dependency, git would pull in/generate duplicate files from multiple commits.
After following the above steps, the issue went away and git pull upstream develop was no longer pulling from multiple commits at once. Perhaps there was a weird git cache for my repo.
I had the two copies of files in the codebase. Deleting one copy helped code to build successfully
I am probably late for you, but for future devs in problems...
If you have been manipulating the podfile or creating new targets or maybe changing the name of any of them, check that in build phases options your just have correct pod framework for the name of the targets.
if you have pod
first clean project and close Xcode then open terminal and go to folder of Project then pod update
open the project and run
in my case work!
I fixed this problem today by running the app in the simulator using the target associated with the bundle file named in the Build Settings-->Bundle Loader setting of the test target. Previously I had deleted my derived data folder while working on a different target that has a different Product Name than the one associated with the test target bundle file. Rerunning the app in the simulator must have recreated the bundle file in the derived data folder that the test target is looking for and then my tests started running fine.

Xcode 8.3 Archive error: Linker command failed with exit code 1

I started getting this error only after upgrading from Xcode 8.2 to Xcode 8.3, and only when making an archive build (debug builds work fine).
When I do the archive via Xcode, the only message I get is "Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation).
I build with the command line xcodebuild -scheme MyProduct
When I built this way, I found a number of issues (again, only when doing Archive):
I had to add import UIKit to practically every swift file.
all the pods had issues
remove everything from app-Bridging-Header.h
add a few things back into app-Bridging-Header.h
My current issue is with the AWS pod, using version 2.5.3
So my app-Bridging-Header.h has #import <AWSS3/AWSS3.h>
Here is the error from the command line build:
error: 'AWSS3/AWSS3.h' file not found with <angled> include; use "quotes" instead
#import <AWSS3/AWSS3.h>
The error log continues after that. I also tried the crazy suggestion of switch in the import to "AWSS3/AWSS3.h"...that didn't work either.
What is going on?
This really appears to be an issue with one of my pods. I built a new solution, imported a subset of my pods and everything built. Then when I updated with the full list of pods it broke.
For me it is coming due to Bitcode enable in my project and i have used a custom framework with disabled bitcode.
Two things you can do :
Either disable bitcode in your project
Build framework with bitcode enable
NOTE: If you click on error and it doesn't show anything then right click on error and select Reveal in Log. You will get error for this issue
At long last I was able to figure out this was a pod issue...just had to figure out which one it was.
I created a brand new project and started adding my pods in one by one (actually, 3 by 3...one by one would have taken too long).
Conclusion: localytics 4.3.1 has a bug in it somewhere. I downgraded to 4.3.0 and the problem went away.
I got a problem like this. My suggestion is that you should remove the version of 8.3 and download any old version from this link: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
I hope that it will work.

‘Cordova/CDV.h’ file not found in Xcode 8.2.1

I have one hybrid Cordova project, which is running fine Xcode 5.1.1, but when I am trying to Archive the project in Xcode 8.2.1 with ‘Generic iOS Device’ I am getting the error ‘Cordova/CDV.h’ is not found.
I read many articles about this problem, but none could solve my problem. Most answers are telling to follow the below steps:
"Add this line to your Build Settings -> Header Search Paths:
I have did this but problem not solved, getting another error ‘ld: library not found for -lcrt1.3.1.o
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)’
Also I have changed the bitcode YES to NO in target Build Settings, but no fruitful result.
Project cordova version 3.4.0 where installed cordova version in machine 6.4.0
Has anybody experience with this kind of problem?
Please, can anyone help? I've been working on this for days.
I got it work by following below steps
In your Xcode project settings select TARGETS
Within TARGETS select the Build Settings tab
In the sub-options under the Build Settings tab be sure to select All
Scroll down to the Search Paths section
Locate Header Search Paths
Add the following configuration to the Release option (as a new value on its own line): $(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include
Clean the project: Command + Shift + K
Restart Xcode
I wanted to report that the response provided by Vinay worked for me. I had to make sure I was in the share extension target, and I added it to the path exactly as suggested above in the Release option, and did not even have to do a clean to get it to regenerate the PCH.
BUT, I was puzzled by this after looking at the setting further and I realized this path was already in the setting. I edited it again, and removed the redundant path, hit 'run' again, and it loaded onto my iPhone and ran fine.
So, I believe that just setting this in the search path forced a recompile on the share extension PCH and all is working again.
I hope this helps others.
I know its too late to answer on this question but still many developers facing the above issue and as per the latest Cordova & ionic version below steps will work in the above error.
As per new update in Cordova some time due to some permission issue or directly run or build iOS platform it's unable to add below file or folders in your iOS project platform :
so somehow above folder will not add in your project and that's why it's not building your iOS project.
To overcome this issue you need to remove iOS platform from your ionic project and again add it.
Remove iOS platform: sudo ionic cordova platform remove ios
Add it again: sudo ionic cordova platform add ios
By doing this cordova download CordovaLib folder from server and add it into your iOS project and after that users can able to build their project without any error.
recently I faced this issue and I solved by doing the above steps.
Hope this helps others.
Happy coding!
Seems like the "Cordova" folder isn't getting copied into the project during cordova platform add ios
So, you'll have to copy the "Cordova" source folder into your project manually. But you'll have to download the ios source packages from github first, which is located at:
After downloading the "cordova-ios-master.zip" package and unzipping it, copy the folder named "CordovaLib" into your project next to the Xcode project file:
PROJECT_FOLDER/platforms/ios/CordovaLib <------- here

Xcode Dependencies Error

I was having an issue changing my Target Deployment to 8.4 (its been 9.1since I started the project). I was getting an error saying Parse was setup to use 9.1 so I couldn't change it. Then I changed the platform information in my podfile and reinstalled the pods. Now I am getting these two errors when I try and Build the app.
Check dependencies
Unable to run command 'CpResource RLA\ Volunteer.app' - this target might include its own product.
Unable to run command 'Touch RLA\ Volunteer.app' - this target might include its
own product.
Any help is welcome.
I'm running Xcode 7.1.1 on a Macbook Pro and coding in Swift.
I figured it out. My .app file in my Product folder in Xcode had a selected target. I don't really understand why it worked by unselecting a Target Membership (so nothing is selected when I select the .app file) fixed the dependency errors.
