Triggerig Jenkins pipeline job after code pushed to github - jenkins

I want to know how we can setup a jenkins pipeline job which gets triggered after each commit made github private repository.
I am able to do it using a freestyle job but not able to do it using a pipeline.
I did setup the gihub project url, GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling and wrote a simple pipeline script of checking out the branch.
When I do a changes in the branch and commit it the build wont get triggered.
Can I get a solution on this please?

It works when we add a timestamp block in the pipeline code.

I m able to trigger the pipeline by Adding a GitHub Webhook in Jenkins Pipeline.
I have followed steps mentioned in this blog.
In my case jenkins is running on localhost. Replacing localhost with your jenkins_url should work.
Also, I did not found GitHub Pull Requests mentioned in the blog, so I skipped that step.
After completing the configuration you have to build the pipeline manually once, after that everytime a developer commits a code to GitHub, pipeline build will be triggered.


Webhook trigger for jenkins remotefile multibranch pipeline job

I have a multibranch configuration job, which I have created for using the remote jenkins file plugin, I have git repo in which I have the "jenkinsfile" named as customjenkins Now I am trying to configure the job in such a way that when ever a change is done to the "jenkinfile" the build should trigger, but in my case the top build is only triggered but the job with repo inside doesnt trigger and only can be done manually, please see the picture below for better understanding. Can anyone tell me what am I missing here

Auto create Jenkins job from source code repo - no jenkins interaction

I am looking to auto create jobs in jenkins upon pull request , branches, master push etc similar to what we do in Gitlab. My SCM is butbucket here.
I have so far setup docker based agent integration with Jenkins and butbucket, when I create a job and configure it to use repo it all works fine , but I just want to remove altogether a step of job creation in jenkins and want the workflow like this:
In butbucket source code repo to keep all pipeline configuration for and branch and tag to trigger Jenkins pipeline without touching Jenkins for job creation or any config creation. Just want to drive all via the script in code repo for pipeline .
Any recommendations or help for workflow would be appreciated
I got the answer to my Question , hence listing the steps for very simple use case for how it would work.
Go to bitbucket server repository to which you want to enable pull request based trigger. Add Post Recieve Hook to this repository "Webhook to Jenkins for Bitbucket Server" , Enable this hook to have connection to jenkins. Enabling this plugin will issue POST request to jenkins each time a new Pull request is opened.
On Jenkins Server this will work with Blue Ocean Pipeline which by default will pick the change for pull request branch and trigger the job on each pull request.
Blue Ocean pipeline will by default create multi branch pipeline job to work with bitbucket repository.

How can I trigger a Jenkins pipeline run from a GitHub webhook and still allow manual builds?

I am using GitHub pull request builder to trigger pipeline builds from GitHub webhooks when developers make a PR.
To make sure I pull the pipeline script related to the PR I am using Pipeline script from SCM and specifying ${sha1} as the branch specifier. The issue is that when I trigger the build manually, Jenkins is trying to pull a ${sha1} branch (since the env variable doesn't exist).
Is there a way to default to master when triggering the build manually?

How to get the Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin to work with multibranch pipelines in Jenkins?

I'm trying to set up a scenario where a pull request is created on github that triggers a Jenkins multibranch pipeline, and where that multibranch pipeline uses the Generic Webhook Plugin to extract values from the POST request sent from github to jenkins to be used in the script.
Unfortunately, as described on the Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin wiki:
Note: When configuring from pipeline, that pipeline needs to run once, to apply the plugin trigger config, and after that this plugin will be able to trigger the job. This is how Jenkins works, not something implemented in this plugin. You can avoid this by using Job DSL and have Job DSL create pipeline jobs with the plugin configured in that DSL.
This would be OK using a normal pipeline since it would just be a one off on creation of the Jenkins job. The problem however is that a multibranch pipeline will create a new job whenever a new branch/PR is created, and that means that for each pull request I create on github (which triggers my multibranch pipeline script), I have to then run it twice to get the generic webhook functionality working. Having to resubmit for each PR would be tedious for long-run projects.
It seems to me like there are two possible approaches to solving/improving on this problem. One is to try and play around with DSL Jobs (as suggested by the wiki); but I tried this and couldn't get it to work (it was adding a huge amount of complexity to the set up, so I've abandoned it for now).
The second possible solution is as follows: when a PR is created in github, the Generic Webhook will cause a new job to be created in the multibranch pipeline corresponding to that PR; the first time the multibranch pipeline runs the first build of this newly created job will fail for the reason given in the quote above; but then a solution might involve testing that the first job failed and somehow telling Jenkins to try rebuilding for that job again.
So my question relates to this second approach: how can I most neatly run a rebuild for this multibranch pipeline upon the creation of a PR on github?
Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated!
For triggering multibranch pipline by webhook you can use this plugin:
"Multibranch Scan Webhook Trigger"
Actually that is not true for multibranch pipelines. Just ordinary pipelines needs to run twice.
I updated the docs like:
When configuring from pipeline (not multibranch pipeline)...

Push to github doesn't trigger jenkins pipeline job

I have configured jenkins pipeline job which should be triggered by github push but it isn't.
I specified github project
I checked GitHub hook
trigger for GITScm polling And I run job manually.
I use ngrok so my localhost is visible. Important think is webhook is working fine because I tried do it with frystyle job and it was triggered.
Do you have any idea what is going on?
