I have installed Android 3.2.1 from https://developer.android.com/studio/.
I have SDK location in "C:\Users\myUser\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk" with "SDK Platforms" installed "Android 9.0(Pie)".
enter image description here
enter image description here
I have my JAVA_HOME variable with JDK 1.8.
When I start android studio I don't see under menu Tools many subitems like
"AVD Manager" "SDK Manager" "Layout Inspector" "Theme Editor" "Connection Assistant" "FireBase" "App link Assistant";
I see the only subitems: "Task & COntexts" "Generate JavaDoc" "Ide Scripting Console" "JShell Console" "Groovy Console" "Kotlin".
My friend has Android Studio 3.2, earlier version and he sees correct subitems under main menu Tools.
I have checked my settings in "Appearance & BEhavior" -> "Menus & Toolbars" -> "Main menu" -> "Tools" and I can see "Android" folder with "AVD Manager" "SDK Manager" "Layout Inspector" "Theme Editor" ;
I have also "AndroidToolsGroupExtension" with items " "Connection Assistant" "FireBase" "App link Assistant".
Any suggestions?
Installed VS2019 in Windows 10 workstation.
Connected to our TFS server.
The "Team" menu option appears in the VS menu, but under it, the "Team Project Settings" is not showing.
How can I get this option to show?
As a reference, the same VS2019 was installed in our test server (Windows Server 2019), and there, the "Team Project Settings" shows fine under the "Team" menu.
after installing when I try to open review assistant board in getting below error.
command "View.ReviewAssistant.ShowReviewAssistantBoard" is not valid.
steps tried:
Reinstalled visual studio
reinstalled review assistant
Install Review Assistant - Open Visual Studio - EXTENSIONS - Manage Extensions - Click Link Devart Review disabled - restart Visual Studio.
I have published an application on the AppStore and now I want to make a new Release for this app.
In Visual Studio I have just two build configurations, Debug and Release. The other configurations, "Ad-Hoc" and "AppStore", are missing
If I select the Release build configuration the "Archive" option is disabled, I can select just "Show the IPA file on server", if I load the file using "Load Application" it will be loaded like a testing version.
What can I do to be able to publish it like a release application?
I don't believe that Archive menu item has been implemented in Visual Studio yet. You can do an archive from the command line. See:
As of Xamarin 4.x, it is now possible to create a .xcarchive from Windows by setting the ArchiveOnBuild property to true. For example, using MSBuild on the command line:
msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:ServerAddress= /p:ServerUser=xamUser /p:Platform=iPhone /p:ArchiveOnBuild=true /t:"Build" MyProject.csproj
The .xcarchive will be placed in the $HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives directory on the Mac build host that both Xcode and Xamarin Studio search to display previously built archives.
See this Xamarin Forums post for some brief additional notes about the ArchiveOnBuild property. See the documentation about Xamarin.iOS command line builds on Windows for additional details about the ServerAddress and ServerUser properties.
Trying to compile an iOS Build shows the following error message:
Could not find 'Xamarin.iOS'
The setting "Deployment Target" on the page "iOS Application" shows this message:
Unable to retrieve iOS SDK information from Xamarin Mac Agent server.
The setting "iOS Bundle Signing" in the project properties shows the following message:
Failed to obtain Profile information from the build server.
Please, check the connectivity with the Mac build host
Visual Studio is successfully connected to a Mac with XCode 8.1. The Xamarin Mac Agent on Windows shows the Mac with a valid "chain" symbol. The "Device Log" on Windows shows all messages from an iPad connected to the Mac, so the connection to the Mac works.
Rebooting all systems had no effect.
Creating an iPad App with Xcode alone works flawless, it runs perfectly on the iPad using the provisioning profile from Xcode.
Version information:
Windows 10.0.10586
macOS 10.12.1
Visual Studio Community 2015 (Windows) Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
Xamarin Studio Community (Mac) Version 6.1.2 (build 44)
XCode 8.1 (8B62)
I'm building an ipa file in xcode. I'm using the build and archive option. In info.plist file for the project, I have set "Bundle versions string, short" and "Bundle Version" to a user defined variable, which I have set in my build target's build settings to be 1.0.0.
However, in organizer, when the build and archive finishes, it shows "Version: local". Anyone know what I'm missing or if this is the correct behavior?