Can Jenkins jobs be configured to ignore certain check ins? - jenkins

I am not using ANT at all so the proposed duplicate does answer this question about Jenkins.
I am working on a build script that will increment the version number of the program. To do this the version file will be checked out, next version number computed and written back, and then checked in.
It occurs to me that this will trigger yet another build in an endless cycle. When we used TFS builds we could put a string in the check in comment like ***NOCI*** or something and that check in would be ignored and not trigger a new build.
Is there any such option for Jenkins or a technique I can apply myself to solve this?
I am using the TFS plugin to access my SCM.

The Subversion SCM plugin allows you to specify paths that will be excluded when polling for new versions. Git SCM also can be configured to exclude some regions.
By excludng the file that contains the version number you will be able to avoid the vicious circle that you observed.

Since you cannot cloak or .tfignore your versioning can use the NOCIOption property, and pass in the flag for it, in your comments.
You would setup the NOCIOption property of the SyncWorkspace workflow activity in TFS, and during your version change, pass "****NO_CI***" flag in the comments of the checkin. This is kind of hackish and could be avoided if you used GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs versioning, linked throughout your project instead.
I suggest not using your "versioning" file, as it's fundamentally wrong for the reason of cyclic checkins. I would suggest using the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs linked throughout your .NET solution and stamping that prior to calling MSBuild. It works like a champ for setting and linking versioning throughout your .NET projects in your solution. You implement Global Assembly Info in your solution as described in this answer here.
You can understand more of it here, at "What are the best practices for using assembly attributes". You could simply stamp this file (via Powershell or whatever) and call MSBuild and your version will be present in all .DLLs.


Displaying in Jenkins content from workspace text file in build screen

I have a Jenkins job that stores artifacts as a post-build action. Within these artifacts is a text file that tells which version of the software has been built. Is it somehow possible in a Jenkins project to get access to this text file and displaying its contents somewhere on the Jenkins build page somehow? This way the build manager would instantly see what software version this archived artifact contains. Thanks!
There are more advanced ways with GroovyScript, but I can suggest something like this:
Use Description Setter plugin. It uses RegEx to look at the console output (build log) for a pattern and sets the description (as seen in screenshot) accordingly.
If you don't have the version already printed in console log, you can print it out with either
cat filename (Linux) or type filename (Windows). No need to store a version text file as an artifact (unless you need it for other purposes)
To answer your question directly, in order to add text to actual build page, you can use Groovy Postbuild plugin, something like this:
def workspace =["WORKSPACE"]
String fileContents = new File('${workspace}/filename.txt').text
manager.createSummary("folder.gif").appendText("${fileContents }")
The plugin page has a lot of examples.
I got a revised proposal. Since all you really want is to include a semantic versioning information in your displayed build name and/or description, there is a simpler way to do this.
First of all I have stumbled upon a plugin that does the extraction of your version from the Maven or SBT build process quite nicely - the Semantic Versioning Plugin. This does what is advertised - extracting the version from POM or whatever and including this as a file and a variable in your build process. So you have the freedom to use both, either include the file in your build process and do what you heart wishes AND/OR use the variable to affect the build flow in Jenkins. Now, because this plugin still have couple of bugs I would like to point you for now to my own build of this plugin with fixes already in that can be obtained from here. I will take my own version down the moment that all fixes will be merged to the official plugin...
Then let's start with the name. As suggested previously the best way to do so is to use the Build Name Setter plugin. In order to use both plugins to set up a name for your build navigate to the configuration of the project and find an option named "Determine Semantic Version for project" in there, activate it and either use the default name of the variable or provide your own. When you're down scroll down a little bit to the option named "Set Build Name" and activate it. By default you will see the regular build naming convention there - #${BUILD_NUMBER}. You can use that variable as well as any other provided by any plugin, but in this specific case you need to use the environment variable that you have named above, i.e.:
This will set the name of every build to something more meaningful, so in this case it may result in #76 - 0.0.76-SNAPSHOT. Obviously you're free to experiment on your own to tailor the name of the build to specific format you desire. Keep in mind that it might break your page flow a little bit since the name will be longer than usually, therefore it will push that table with latest builds on the left side of the screen as well it will affect your dashboard.
Now, in order to customize your build information further you might want to take a look at Description Setter Plugin as well. Personally, since I have started to investigate this case further, I use the combination of both at this time. You can use the same token expansion as the one listed above, the big difference is that you will need to create/maintain a file that will be used to create the description. What you will include in this description is only limited by all the variables or token published by Jenkins itself or any of the installed plugins (take a look here). Personally I am listing some information gathered from different places as well as some additional stuff created/provided by Maven during the build process. So it's pretty handy.
Both plugins mentioned above (Build Name Setter and Description Setter) can use other sources of information to build the name and description - it can be properties files, etc. For example one can use Job Exporter Plugin to drop a properties files to read all possible information about the build itself in the form of, as example:
In this case this will resolve to user name of the user who have triggered the build.
Again, any variable visible to Token Macro plugin can be used.

Automatic Versioning with Team Foundation Server 2012; Increment Only on Changed Assembly

I've been tasked with setting up a new Team Foundation/Build server at my company, with which we'll be starting a new project. Nobody here currently has experience with TFS, so I'm learning all of this on my own. Everything is working so far; The server's been set up, the Repository and Team Project has been created, the Build Server has been created, and I've created a simple hello world application to verify the source control and Continuous Integration builds (on the build server) run properly.
However, I'm having a problem setting up the automatic versioning. I've installed the TfsVersioning project, and it's working fine; I'm able to define a format for my assembly versions. I haven't yet decided what format I'll use; probably something like Major.Minor.Changeset.Revision (I'm aware of the potential problem regarding using the changeset number in the assembly version, so I may decide to switch to Major.Minor.Julian.Revision before we begin development).
The problem:
I don't want assemblies to have new file versions if their source code has NOT changed since the last build. With a continuous Integration build this isn't a problem, as the build server will only grab the source files that have changed, causing an incremental build which produces only updated modules; the existing unchanged modules won't be built, so their version will remain unchanged.
If I set up a nightly build, I'll want to clean the workspace and perform a Build-All. However, this means that ALL assemblies will have new version (assuming the Assembly File Version includes the build number).
A solution?
This has prompted me to consider using the latest changeset number in the Assembly File Version. This way, if nothing has been committed between two successive Build-Alls, the versions won't be incremented. However, this would mean that a change and commit to a single file would force a version increment on ALL assemblies.
I'm looking for one of two things:
A way to only increment Assembly Version Numbers if their source/dependencies have changed since the last build. Successive Build-Alls should not cause changes in version numbers.
A way for testers and non-developers to be able to tell version W.X.Y.Z and version W.X.Y.Z+1 of assembly 'Foo' are identical, even though they have differing file versions.
I've probably read about 20 articles on the subject, and nobody (except this guy) seem to address the issue. If what I'm asking for isn't common practice in the Team Foundation ALM, how do I address the second bullet point above?
Thanks for your time!
This is something I did in the past. The solution has two critical points:
You must use an incremental build, i.e. Clean Workspace = None
The change to AssemblyInfo.cs must be computed at each project
This latter is the most complex and I will just draft the solution here.
In the custom MSBuild properties use CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets to inject an hook in normal Visual Studio compile
Also forward a value for the version
In custom.proj redefine the target BeforeCompile to something similar
<Target Name="BeforeCompile"
<Message Text="*TRACE* BuildNumber: $(BuildNumber)"/>
You need to have a task for replacing the AssemblyFileVersion in the AssemblyInfo.cs source. MSBuild Extension Pack has an AssemblyInfo task for this purpose.
I posted the full details at my blog here, here and here.

Changeset Number into Version Info with hosted TFS

We're using Team Foundation Service instead of a local TFS.
Our solution was created on Visual Studio 2012.
My problem is now that we want all assemblies to have the same version number (this part is already solved by using a CommonAssemblyInfo.cs that is linked into all projects).
The issue I'm facing right now is that we need the tfs changeset number at the last digit of the assembly version (e.g. where 4711 is the changeset number).
I've found several examples, but none of them worked for me.
And yes, I especially searched here on stackoverflow a lot.
I also have to admit that I've never looked into the MSBuild scripts...
Can anyone please give me a hint on how to accomplish this?
Is it for example possible to use the MSBuild Extension Pack on Team Foundation Service (not local TFS) and if, how to do that?
As always, time is my worst enemy...
Note that from 2010 Tfs employs Windows workflow for building the package the workflow calls msbuild for compiling the projects only - while its possible to pass changeset this way to msbuild its rather more hops.
Following deals with your problem, however the linked solution is more complex that needed:
Can assembly version been automatically updated with each TFS 2010 Build?
This is one of best series of tutorials on the custom build activities, the author is on stack as well i believe, one specificly about versioning
In short you need a custom activity to run before compilation on source files, find all CommonAssemblyInfo.cs files, feed this list to your custom activity, it modifies the values inside with passed value of full version number or only the changeset and optionaly check in the change (probably not since your changeset will be out of sync then).
You can also take a look at set of activities there is TfsVersion activity among them, at the very least it will provide examples.
Functionality need for this should be available through Team Explorer and source control - The Custom activity assemblies and build templates usually are located in folder in your team project root - the location of this folder is defined for build controller you can change this through team explorer build section.
Changeset is available from value BuildDetail.SourceGetVersion, not sure if this was fixed/changed in 2012 however there were 2 issues about this value in 2010
Its doesnt respect GetVersion override in default build template - you will manualy need to update if override is used
When running latest build (no override) it will get the last changeset number from tfs - depending on your branches this may not be the same as 'last' changeset for the branch of build. You will either have to live with this, provide overrides for each build or implement activity that checks branch history for last changeset value and overrides it again.
It should be noted that GetVersion should be able to accept any sourcespec version - changeset, date, label etc. I havent played around with this enough to provide more details to you.
Colin Dembovsky wrote a great overview of doing version embedding using the new pre-build script setting in TFS 2013 build definitions.
The Changeset number is easily accessible within the pre-build process in the environment variable TF_BUILD_SOURCEGETVERSION. I was able to use this to embed the Changeset value in our binaries using a script based on Dembovsky's work above. (I used Perl, not powershell, so you probably don't want to see it ;-)
This approach doesn't require any changes to the build workflow which makes it a big win for me.
I've used Wintellect's solution - MSBuild-only, no TFS magic needed. I also added to the auto-generated CSharp file:
So I get the TFS build number.

Jenkins: Single job with multiple subversion modules

I am using Jenkins for a project and would like to know if the following is possible. I have four separate SVN modules which are checked out as part of the job. Each SVN module is added to a separate directory. Depending on which module is updated during the SCM polling, I would like to only build certain directories.
With Cruise Control, I was able to set a variable for each module that was updated and passed those variables to the ant build script to control the build.
Has anyone done anything similar or have any ideas?
This Question is pretty complex. You are touching too much different parts of CI builserver and some tasks out of it.
Basically ... providing job / project in Jenkins with information that controls behavior of build itself is not best way, but if you have no other option, well, then you have no other option.
Build itself should be enough agnostic and it should contain all the parameters enabling build to be successful both in CI, and in Workstation ( from cmd.exe, for example ).
Depending on which module is updated during the SCM polling, I would
like to only build certain directories.
So basically you want Maven build system, which provides model/module based conditional build, not building one single Project, like Ant does.
With Cruise Control, I was able to set a variable for each module that
was updated and passed those variables to the ant build script to
control the build.
Here you want to have some kind of similar Build Triggering capability. Here comes place where without more detailed explanation of requirements only thing I can suggest is to check out Pramatreized Build Trigger plugin, which would allow to trigger build by parameters you set.
Has anyone done anything similar or have any ideas?
Finally, here you can also check out this plugin:
In the conclusion, some features are provided by Jenkins out-of-the-box, so if you use Ant, you can easily use Environment variables and start building your needed behavior. Usually after investing some time by thinking how to do something without help from tons of Jenkins plugins it somehow makes you really understand, what is the key of thing you want to achieve.
Hope I helped somewhat. Cheers, mate.

Teambuild / MSBuild and stamping QA-approved builds

We have an automated build and QA process for our software, using tfs/teambuild and msbuild, and we want to be able to know (for audit purposes) whether a component has gone through that process or not.
For example, if a library is installed on a user's machine, I'd like to be able to inspect it in some way to tell that it went through the build. In particular, I want to be able to distinguish it from components built directly on a developer's machine, and then manually installed.
What is the best way to do this? Code signing as part of the build process seems closest to these requirements, but presumably this would not cover any 3rd-party libraries that might be used? I also read about the ILMerge tool to merge all assemblies into one, but then I don't know enough to work out whether they can then be signed or not?
I'm sure we're not the first people to have the requirement, so casting around for any ideas or hints from others who might have done such a thing
Our developer builds are set to keep the versions at "", but our build server marks the build based on a pre-configured version and automagically generated build string. "". Your build server doesn't allow for this?
Your build process should be updating each of your projects assemblyinfo.cs files (or a global linked equivalent), you can do this with the TFS changeset number, so like the previous poster indicated you end up with the property on each dll of 1.0.changeset.buildno or something similar. You can do this easily in msbuild.
You could have the values of each assembly info file set in source control to be something obvious like 0 or 999.
A lot of what your asking is about process and training as well though.
If your using installers or zips to package your deliverables then you can also label them with the build number as part of your build process.
But if you have changeset you have the link from dll to code, so traceable, coupled with links to third party dll references as defined in each csproj.
