iOS version of my app not shown on fabric dashboard - ios

In my my fabric dashboard I am not been able to view my iOS app currently whereas I can see the Android app.I have updated my app to latest SDK(from 10.2 to 11.4) and I have been recently added to the team. It used to be there before.What can be the possible issue?As the fabric and crashlytics pods are there configured in my app.


Unable to download Xamarin App using iOS10

I have Xamarin iOS app and I set the deployment target in the Info.plist to 10.0. We using soti and App Center to distribute our apps to our users. Users using version of iOS10 complaining that they cannot download the apps. Is there something I can do in Xamarin side to fix this issue?

iOS Hockey SDK not reporting crashes

I have installed hockey sdk on my native iOS application via cocoapods.
I've installed the default sdk using:
pod 'HockeySDK'
In my appDelegete I added the following lines:
BITHockeyManager.shared().configure(withIdentifier: "myID")
The app Identifier is correct with the one on the hockeyApp dashboard, I'm sure about it because the user is correctly traced.
The problem is that the sdk does not report crashes of the app.
I've installed the application and then disconnected the cable and reopend the app. When the app crashes and when then i reopen the application a prompt does not appear to me.
What could be the problem? Maybe I missing something on the the installation of the Hockey SDK?
Thanks all

Ionic Framework for ios - Development Mode

I am using ionic framework to create an app. Previously I was working on Windows, but now I moved to Mac.
I already register with IOS developer program. Is there is any step by step tutorial available so I can test my app on my different iPhone devices?
Once you build your project with ionic build ios (of course, you first have to add the platform with ionic platform add ios) you will have a project file which you can open up with Xcode on your Mac.
From there you can easily simulate your app on various iOS devices (iPhone, iPad...), just look up a basics of how to use Xcode (here's one official tutorial).
Ionic also provides you with the ionic emulate ios command which starts the iOS emulator with your app without you needing to run Xcode.
edit: Yes, you can use Ionic View for this. In the CLI there is an option to share your development app with someone else by simply doing ionic share

robovm binding admob iOS libgdx

I'm trying to set up my admob ads in my iOS libgdx project but i can't see no ads on iOS emulator I'm using the files from here
and they are the latest i know there is 7.0.0 admob iOS sdks but the binding are for lower version that suppose to work... or not?
any idea?
or i might shall use different adnetwork?
<Google:HTML> You are currently using version 6.12.2 of the SDK, which doesn't officially support iOS 8. Please consider updating your SDK to the most recent sdk version, 7.0.0, to get iOS 8 support, including a fix for smart banner rendering in landscape mode. The latest SDK can be downloaded from A full list of release notes is available at
2015-03-22 10:41:59.822 IOSLauncher[12856:751391] [debug] didReceiveAd
2015-03-22 10:42:30.217 IOSLauncher[12856:751391] [debug] didReceiveAd
I came across the same problem too. First I downloaded the newest iOS sdk for google mobile ads. Then I made a static library in Xcode. Then created my own bindings.

Can I publish with Xcode 6 to AppStore a Phonegap app that's developed with 2.5.0 Cordova Version

I have an app developed with Cordova/Phonegap I need to upload to App Store.
The project uses 'cordova 2.5.0' and we would like to upload it to AppStore with Xcode 6. The app just shows data information from web services, it doesn't access to the native features of the iOS SDK, like camera, gps ..
Can I upload it directly, or I have to upgrade the project to iOS 3.7.0 and Cordova 4.0.0.
There's no explicit need to upgrade your project to the latest version of Cordova in order to upload it to the App Store - Apple won't reject it on this basis. So long as your app complies with the App Store Review Guidelines, it won't be a problem.
Having said that, there are some potential issues with using an old version of Cordova with more recent versions of iOS, such as the overlapping status bar issue in iOS 7, but nothing that can't be resolved.
If you've tested your app on iOS devices running the latest version of iOS and it looks/works fine, there shouldn't be a problem.
