How do I put videos in Firebase Hosting? - firebase-realtime-database

I have a flutter app and that should be able to retrieve videos from firebase hosting. In addition, the app should also be able to add videos to firebase hosting and delete videos from firebase hosting. Hoe can I do this?

You can't upload files to Firebase Hosting from a mobile app. You need to use the Firebase CLI to upload files.
If you want your mobile app to be able to upload files to some storage, you should probably use Cloud Storage for Firebase. It's meant for exactly this case.


Can you get a song onto your iPhone thru your app?

I would like to get songs from my computer to my iPhone inside of my own app. This would be a music playing app that would have the ability to load songs into its own directory from some private source like a laptop or cloud storage.
Example: If I have 100 songs on a Google Drive and I write an iOS app that loads those files from the Google Drive into the apps directory.
iOS, iPhone, Swift.
Yes you can download files into your app's Documents directory, which will be private to your app.
Here's a SO question on downloading a file in Swift/iOS that shows some concrete code examples: How to download file in swift?
You can also find many tutorials online on saving files and making HTTP requests in Swift.
You'll need to determine specifically how to make requests to your file provider e.g. Google Drive. This might involve not only the URL itself but also authentication, SSL validation etc. which are deeper topics in themselves but fully supported in Swift/iOS.
Yes, you can definitely download songs to your phone from your computer. You just have to make a directory area in your app and have the song be fetched into that directory.

Get number of active users for an iOS

We are building a custom, company-wide dashboard. Is there a way to get the number of users (through REST API) that downloaded and are actively using our iOS App?
Our app has Fabric integration (seems Fabric will be a part of Firebase soon?), but maybe there are other, better alternatives?
I checked Fabric and Firebase's document, there is no REST API to get activity data from these service. You can get data from their dashboard, the format is csv.
I saw some python library claimed they can do this job, but not sure these library can work or not. You can search "Firebase or Fabric" on PyPi.

Stream audio file from Google Cloud Storage to iOS Firebase client app

I'm using Firebase with an iOS client app, and I need to stream an audio file from Google Cloud Storage. I know file streaming support exists in the Android SDK with the class: StreamDownloadTask, but I cannot find an equivalent in the iOS SDK.
Best scenario would be able to achieve this without intermediary server functions, so directly between the iOS client and GCS. Is this possible?
If not, I have a Node.js server that I can use. Should I use the createReadStream GCS API function and pipe that to the client? Or is there a better way?
Any advice on the optimal way to create a stream from a GCS audio file to an iOS app would be hugely appreciated!
Firebase employee here
There is not, in fact, any Cloud Storage streaming API for iOS in the same way that there is for Android. If this is important to you, please file a feature request and explain why it's important for your particular case.

when implementing Dropbox API on iOS app

I just started implementing Dropbox API on my iOS app.
Last time, when I played around with iCloud a bit, I found that Apple recommended an app save the data either locally or on iCloud, not on both.
I remember the code for data transition when user switching the setting between local and iCloud was a bit difficult.
Does this apply to Dropbox, too?
So, when the user chose Dropbox option, should I save all data through Dropbox API exclusively?
or could I save one copy through Dropbox and another through native iOS code?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Which API?
For both files (Sync API) and datastores (Datastore API), the iOS SDK will cache data locally on the device as well as store it in the cloud, so there's really nothing to do aside from use the SDK.

Unable to integrate amazon in my iOS app

I am scanning ISBN code to get book results from amazon. I created account on amazon developer site. Then I want to create app on amazon site(for getting the AWSAccessKeyId) but its giving option for android app and web app. Is Amazon API's cant be used on iOS devices or we do not need to create app for using amazon API's in iOS.
Well to answer the first part, you can surely use Amazon Api's in iOS apps.
We can read in detail how to set up the app to use Amazon Api here.
The second part is quite tricky. Because the documentation does not state how to get the Access Key Id but it does state that we need it so I guess they simply forget to include the iOS option while generating it and hence an AccessKey generated using Android will work for iOS as well.
