Unable to integrate amazon in my iOS app - ios

I am scanning ISBN code to get book results from amazon. I created account on amazon developer site. Then I want to create app on amazon site(for getting the AWSAccessKeyId) but its giving option for android app and web app. Is Amazon API's cant be used on iOS devices or we do not need to create app for using amazon API's in iOS.

Well to answer the first part, you can surely use Amazon Api's in iOS apps.
We can read in detail how to set up the app to use Amazon Api here.
The second part is quite tricky. Because the documentation does not state how to get the Access Key Id but it does state that we need it so I guess they simply forget to include the iOS option while generating it and hence an AccessKey generated using Android will work for iOS as well.


How can I get Alexa working on my iOS app?

I have been checking out the Alexa Skills kit the past few days. I have also been poring through the documentations for both the Skills kit and the Voice Service. I am just having a little hiccup trying to understand the flow. I have implemented one of amazon's sample skills (favourite colour sample) in the developer console and also wrote a sample lambda function to handle the type of response that will be delivered. Its working on the test simulator and what left is basically getting lambda running through my ios app. However I have the impression that I don't have to use the voice service. Am I wrong? I am quite confused, it would be awesome if anybody who has some more clarity could shed some light on the matter. If I get lambda working also, I think it will accept requests that are in a particular format. Where do I have to send the encoded audio to get a json response to send to the skills kit? To the Alexa Voice Service?
Also I am authenticating my app using cognito and dynamo db. If I were to use Alexa Voice Service, then it is mentioned that the user will have to also login to amazon. So do I still have to work with the login with amazon sdk? Or is there a workaround?
Based on Amazon documentation there are two ways to interact with Alexa:
Sounds like you want to implement the app thru the Companion method.
As far as the JSON goes, i am currently resolving that issue now, (will post answer once I have it resolved).
Basically you have to use AVFoundation to capture audio from iPhone and send 2 https messages to Alexa (One message with JSON Body & the second message with audio captured as body.) Bases on Documentation
Companion App
(You have a device (such as a smart speaker) that you want to add Alexa to. So, you build in support for AVS. Great! Now you need a way to authorize it and associate it with the user's account. This is the "companion app" approach. The companion app connects to your smart product and allows the user to login and authorize the speaker to use Alexa and connect to their Amazon account.)
Mobile OR Website
(You don't have a device you need to authorize - instead you want to speak to Alexa from within your Android/Iphone application.)
Android or Iphone
You can find a swift example on github on how to implement a iOS AVS client

Access DropBox or Google Drive API from a Web app

Apologies if this is a rubbish question, but it's something I've never had to give much thought and I'm short on time. I have a Web App which is required to run offline and on iOS. This Web App has a lot of content consisting mainly of videos. One solution we are thinking of is to utilise DropBox's or Google Drive's API's to download the content and access it.
The main issue with this is whether you can access a native app (DropBox or Google Drive) from a browser or Web App. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Ideas so far are:
Access Drop Box or Google Drive native app from a web app (not sure if this is possible and is the current question)
Wrap up the web app to make it a hybrid native app using something like Phone Gap (this is plan B but will have its own issues)
Convert to a Google Chrome App to get improved access to Google Drive API (not sure how this would function on iOS)
Start from scratch and build a native iOS app (a longer term solution)
Late, but maybe helpful: www.cloudrail.com
It's a useful Javascript library to access the Dropbox and Google Drive API
We ended up making a hybrid app using PhoneGap for iOS.

Uploading image to Azure and getting back its URL

I am writing an iOS app for a service that runs on Azure. I need to be able to upload images (users' profile pictures) and get back the image's URL.
Azure's SDK for iOS doesn't seem to work with Blob, but only with Tables.
On my search, I've found tutorials like this, which gives an intro on the SDK, or this one that shows how to store a base64 string of the image in a table, but that's not what I'm seeking.
Is it possible to upload images to the Blob? If yes, how?
I am not an ios person, but have worked on apps that run on azure and communicate with ios for information hence this might be of your help as I am certain rest services can be accessed from ios.

iCloud for web application

Has Apple provided public API for web applications?
I want to build an application which will be similar to dropbox.
I want the user to be able to manage files and edit them from their devices (iphone/ipad/mac) and from website (any browser based) too.
Is this possible now to see the list of files using iCloud API?
As I just stumbled across this thread while searching for a solution for iCloud contacts in my web-app, I just wanted to add that nowadays CloudKit JS seems promising for this use case. It's a bit unfortunate it needs an app on its side, but it's still better than nothing :)
Can I use iCloud API in web application?
No, Apple only provides APIs that can be used within native apps on iOS or OS X devices. There's no documented API that could be used for a browser-based interface to a user's iCloud account (some API apparently exists, since Apple uses it, but third parties do not have access).

How did Google Music for iOS access data from another iOS App?

Today I downloaded the new Google Music app for iOS and it immediately had me signed in already. I assume they accomplished this using one of the other Google Apps on my phone. To keep this appropriate for StackOverflow, here's the question, specific and objective:
How (technically) can an app (like Google Music) authenticate a user using data from another app (like Google Search or Google Chrome)? I was under the impression that apps in iOS were entirely sand boxed.
I'm very curious in finding a technical explanation for this, so if someone could recommend a way to rephrase or retag the question, please feel free to edit or migrate.
iOS Keychain can be shared with your other apps via access groups, see this for example.
