Storyboard output not matching the simulation - ios

Here is my desired output.
I've made sure that each view in my scroll view has been constrained and pinned equally to each side, as seen here.
However, when I run the simulation, the views are slightly off to the left.
Why is this happening?
EDIT: I listened to what you guys said and got rid of the defined widths and heights, but now I'm getting another error.

In that case, a recommend you to put everything stacked in a StackView.
you can do it selecting your views and after that click on that "embed in" icon, and select StackView
It will make easier to use manage left, right, top and bottom constraints.
After you click that probably all your views will get really close. And you will need to set spacing in the sidebar proprieties.
After that select your stacked view and add constraints to Landing, trailing, top, and bottom.
it will appear a red alert on your storyboard because you have not set the view's constraints relative to the stackedView, to do that, select all your views and click on Add Missing constraints at Select Views menu
don't forget to add Equal width and Equal height constraints
after you do everything your views will be the same for every iPhone


How do I properly set my constraints for an adaptive layout?

I am extremely bad at creating layouts for multiple screen orientations. All along I've been using suggested constraints on Auto-Layout but sometimes they don't work as desired. I've been trying to learn how set up my layouts properly by reading and watching tutorials, but I still cannot understand how exactly constraints work!
What I am trying to do is to make the button widths equally like so in iPhone 7:
But on other devices such as iPhone 4S, the second button width shrinks, which is not what I wanted:
Can someone please explain to me how constraints work in layman terms? I do not understand things like:
Leading/Trailing Space
Constrain to margins
Equal Widths and Heights
Top, Bottom, Baseline etc. (What do they even mean?)
Here's how to make two equal-width buttons:
Create two buttons
Add a vertical position constraint to each button. For example, you could position them in the center of the parent view using the "Align->Vertically in Container" function (in the lower-lefthand corner of the interface builder window)
Select both buttons. Add an equal width constraint between them using "Add New Constraints->Equal Widths"
Constrain the left edge of the left button to the leading edge of the parent view
Constrain the right edge of the left button to the left edge of the right button. Add space between the buttons using the "Constant" property of the constraint you created.
Constrain the right edge of the right button to the right edge of the parent view
Hope that helps! 😀

Xcode constraints is pushing everything on the view to the very top (behind navigation bar)

I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I set where I want the items to be using constraints and when I run and build the app it seems to push everything to the top. This occurs even when I don't put any constraints on any items. I've attached pictures if they help at all.
Have you tried setting the Top Constraint of your topmost subview to "Top Layout Guide" as seen in this screenshot? (Looks like your Top constraint is to the 'Superview' instead!)
Making sure your view is selected go click on the triangle constraint button in the bottom right and select clear constraints under all views.
Place the views where you want them. Then for each element click the square constraint button on the bottom right and do this:
Uncheck constrain to margins
Pin to top bottom and both sides
Check width and height
Then select the triangle and choose update frames for selected view.
Fine tune position by by selecting the view you want to move and updating the constraint value.
Because sometimes its just easier to start again than to try and fix constraints.
I've figured out a solution. Somal was on the right track in terms of the Top Layout Guide. I simply had to right click each individual object to drag onto the view and select Vertical Spacing to Top Layout Guide (See picture) or I could of simply delete the entire ViewController and start from scratch with no copying and pasting from the old View.

Xcode pin bottom constraint doesnt work

Why the pin constraint doesnt work? I have no constraints, and I want to pin one view to bottom of main view, so I select the child view, then I click the icon from "w:Any h:Any row" in Interface Builder bottom right (Pin), then i click the bottom "I" to create bottom constraint, but if I resize the controller view (in design mode) the view is not moved but something like this appears: (The red line with number - instead of moving the blue view to bottom).
I have pinned it to "bottom layout guide". I also tried to pin it to "view" from dropdown while pinning, but that doesnt work too.
If I look on the "Issue navigator" there is only warning saying "Position and size are ambigious for View"
Without any other other constraints there is no way for Xcode to know what you want to do with the view, all it knows is that you want the bottom of your subview to stay 99pts away from the bottom of the superview, but doesn't know what to do with the top, left, or right edges.
Try adding constraints for the remaining 3 edges, it can be as simple as setting the width and height (the options under the bottom edge in your screenshot), or something more complex depending on what you want to achieve.
You need to define the position of view properly. So that constraints can define position and size of the object.
Like in your case you have only provided constraint from the bottom, which will not be sufficient to define position. So you need to define either Height and Width constraints or top, left and right constraints.
And as long as long red line is being shown keep adding constraints.

Swift - Why ScrollView not full screen?

I had inserted a ScrollView into UIViewController and dragged ScrollView to fill the space between the navigation bar and the RAM label below:
But when I run the app, the ScrollView does not fill the space:
Please help me! Thank you very much.
P/S: Sorry for my english is bad.
The scroll view is not covering up the whole thing because you are running the app on a much bigger phone. The simplest solution is to run the app on iPhone 5.
However, if you want to solve the problem on all sizes of iOS device, you need to add constraints.
Constraints are things that tells a view when and how much it should resize and where it should be positioned.
To add a constraint, just select the view you wish to add a constraint to and go to the bottom right corner. You will see 4 buttons:
The leftmost button is used to embedding views in stack views. This is a feature of iOS 9. If your deployment target is lower, just ignore it.
The second button to the left is for adding constraints related to alignment - where the edges of the views are, what its baseline is and where it is positioned in the X and Y axes:
The third button to the left is used to add constraint related to margins, width, height and how the width and height should change when it is asked to resize (keep the aspect ratio, for example):
The rightmost button is used to let Xcode decide what constraints you should add. And I think most of the times its choices are okay. Sometimes though, you still need to do some tweaking before it works.
"So... what constraints should I add?" you asked.
Well, I think I should teach you how to think when you want to add a constraint. This way, you can figure it out yourself in the future.
You should first let Xcode guess what constraints you want. Just click the rightmost button and click "Reset to Suggested Constraints". This can save a lot of work if Xcode can get it right. So remember to always do this first.
Then, run your app on various devices and see if the view's position, size, and alignment are as you expected. If it is not, you might have to add and/or remove some constraints.
For example, if you found that your view is always the same size on different devices, (that could be bad because it means that some content my go out of view on smaller devices) it's probably because Xcode added a width and/or height constraint to the view. You should delete that so that the view's width and/or height is not fixed.
You can find your view's constraints in the view hierarchy:
Just select the constraint and press delete.
Uncheck Adjust subview option and add
scrollview.view.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
You need to add constraints for your scrollView. Set the leading and trailing constraints to 0. Pin the height of your scrollView and also don't forget to set the top layout constraint. You can either pin the height or add bottom layout constraint to your page control.
Constraints are very important and its even more important to set it correctly. Check the Apple Documentation - Working with constraints in IB
Uncheck constrain to margins and add 0 every one of the four limits of spacing to nearest neighbour.
My guess (from the little information we have) is that you are creating a constraint from your scrollview to the top of your view with a value equal to the height of the navigation bar. Set the value of this constraint to 0.
Just set the 4 constraints to 0 to the area you need and then uncheck the "Content Layout Guides" checkbox in the constraints tab here. It will automatically adjust to the area you have specified.
The checkbox to uncheck

Set fixed space between 2 views in Interface Builder

I am trying to learn to use layout constraints in interface builder but I am running across an issue...
I've got two views, one UILabel and one UIImageView, and I'd like a layout as follows:
the label should be centered in the superview
the imageview should be a set distance to the left of the label
Seems pretty simple, but I can't figure out how to impose a constraint for the second condition (the first is done automatically). Anyone know how to do this?
Click on both views while holding the command key so they're both highlighted. Then click on the pin button in the bottom right hand corner of IB (the middle button). Select horizontal spacing and the constraint should now be added. You should be able to adjust it as needed from there.
