How to user can get updated version of notification of app for third party apps in iOS - ios

I have seen few third party apps in iOS which are installed in iPhone/iPad, If those apps are updated version in app store,
If we open the the app in device, We used to get notification like "New version updated in appstore, Please update."
Is this notification comes defaultly, Or do we need to customise something in iTunes connect or in our application?
I'm looking for how to come to know the installed version is lower than appstore version and if so, How to show popup and once user click on the some button in popup, should navigate to appstore for update the app.
Can anyone give suggestions on this?

That functionality doesn't come by default. If you want to build in-app dialogs or views, you could look at something like Firebase Remote Config to store the minimum or recommended app versions and some appropriate messaging. You could also pass version information to your server and use push notifications to do something similar perhaps later when the user didn't have the app open.

No, that is not the default behaviour. You should implement it by your self or can use some code


Send iOS user to update iOS version

Is there a way to send a user to the iPhone settings screen - the page where he can update the iOS version. Is this possible?
I want to notify users of old versions of my app the this version is no longer supported and that an iOS update is required to see new versions.
You can't send user to any other part of the settings screen other then your apps part.
As mentioned by madmik3 might/will actually reject your app because of this.
You might want to present the user with a alert telling them they should update there iOS version. But be aware that some device can not longer update and Apple will offer them an older version of you if you allowed it.
This version should then not give the message of be unavailable.

How to open my App for update in App Store without having it released

I'm coding an IPhone/IPad App and have a webservice to check if the version is too old.
If the version is too old, then a message should appear a say: "Version too old. Click on the button to download the newest version in the app store."
The user should now be linked to the app in the app store.
How can I get the full link without having my app released in the app store and have an ID?
Best regards
One option is to send your app for a testFlight test. It allows you to have the full App Store link without releasing the app to the public.
I think you can use<companyname>/<appname> as per this guide.
This will, however, probably redirect via Safari first (I have not tried). But you can use this for the first version and later change it to the real URL in an update.

How to auto-update apps managed by MDM?

I'm building an in-house app that is distributed via the AirWatch app catalog. The app always runs with Guided Access enabled and all devices running it are managed by AirWatch. My questions are regarding auto-update:
Is there a way that AirWatch can force the update immediately or as soon as the device comes back online, without asking for the user's input? If so, how does the app being open affect this behavior? How does guided access being enabled affect this behavior?
Is there a link from AirWatch, perhaps an itms-services:// link, that the app can call to install the new version if a web service had indicated that it's no longer the latest version? If so, how does Guided Access being enabled affect this behavior?
Is there any other good model for remotely updating the app that will spread the update as quickly as possible and under the above conditions? The solution can be using MDM or a custom web service or both combined.
Thanks a lot for your help!!
If your devices are running iOS7 and you have your app Deployment settings set to "Auto" (as opposed to "On-Demand") the device will automatically take the update once it processes the APNs notification to do so. If the device is locked/offline it will typically check for outstanding APNs messages within a minute or so of being unlocked or coming back online.
What I don't know is since your app is in guided access mode if you're receiving a pop-up to install the new version. I've seen previously where if the app that requires an update is open iOS will prompt. What we have done to battle this is embed a check in the app that phones home to see if the app is current. If the app is NOT current the user can't do anything until they update their app.
Regarding a direct-link to the App Catalog to update the app that might get tricky with guided access enabled. Before you even try to tackle that issue understand that the app catalog webclip URL contains the UDID of the device as of AW7.1 (I think). Since the UDID is no longer programmatically accessible code-side AirWatch allows you to push the UDID upon app installation in the Deployment/Application Configuration section. You can embed {DeviceUid} into the key share on the device which will make it accessible for that applciation, hence allowing you to create the appropriate App Store URL within your app.
Good luck
honestly I didn't work with AirWatch. But I don't think that Apple provides a way for automatic update of ad-hoc or enterprise apps.
Well, I can describe a solution for an enterprise app I developed last year. Hope it will help you somehow.
First of all, I made it as a part of our secure website. (a little test flight)
Here's how app update works
When the app launches it sends special request to a server asking if
it is outdated and a new app version is available. (+ servers sends
url for new version installation (with itms-services://))
if update is required, app fires alert with description of new
version, if user taps update, the app opens Safari where the user
is able to install a new version.
We made to different kinds of alert, optional (minor version change) and compulsory(major version change). With later variant user is unable to get rid of alert view, so he has to update the app.
You can update your internal app through the AirWatch Console and applications versioning.
I never used it but I imagine that at the end of the new version process, there is a way to push the updated app to the related devices. If the Push Mode is set to Auto, the user won't have to do anything and the app should be updated. If it is On Demand, the use will have to initiate the process from the App Catalog. From for the latest option, you have the solution to send a notification to the user.
It is also possible to retire or inactivate older versions to only keep the newest one.
If you have access to AirWatch Online Documentation, I recommend you the page Using Add Version for Applications. If you don't, contact your administrator and ask for all the pages located in Mobile Application Management -> Internal Applications and the page Using Add Version for Applications.
You should try it with a single device though ;)

Start a function which controls available new version on store to push a notification while even app is not active

I have an application for web and ios devices. I control that both versions are same or not. The version information is stored on server.
What I want to do is:
App will check version of app(the appstore version) with web version through wcf method. If they are not equal then the app will not continue to call other views after login page until the new version is installed. But to install the new version I need to check the app store also for the new available version.
There is a possibility that the user will not open the app again. So if it is available then a notification will appear to download it even if app is not active.
So after checking versions and if they are not equal, an app store checking function has to start to check the new app version on appstore.If there is an available one, that function push a notification for the new version on appstore. And this function has to continue to work when app is not active.
Is it possible to do and if it is how can I start a control to push a notification for a new app version while even app is not active? or if it is not possible is there another way? Thank you so much.
I researched on web but I started to get confused a lot. So I asked here.
It seems like backend stuff to me. Upon login just check the current version on appstore like this this will give you a JSON object. After comparison you can easy send push notification to that user and let them know that newer version is available on appstore. All you need to do in XCode is ask for push-notifications permission and then send device UDID to your backend, so you can push notification if app versions differ.

Determine installation of the app from Facebook

I am using in my app Facebook's Mobile App Ads for Installs.
That means I can see when people install my app from Facebook along with the conversion rates using Facebook's dashboard.
My question:
Is there a way to know that from code?
I mean, is there a way to know when the user installed and launched the app from Facebook versus installed and launched from the App Store?
Using the public iOS APIs the answer is definitely No. You can only catch if your app is launched from a push notification.
A workaround is to create a URL scheme and track the events on your own (when this scheme is called). The official documentation for this is here.
