How to open my App for update in App Store without having it released - ios

I'm coding an IPhone/IPad App and have a webservice to check if the version is too old.
If the version is too old, then a message should appear a say: "Version too old. Click on the button to download the newest version in the app store."
The user should now be linked to the app in the app store.
How can I get the full link without having my app released in the app store and have an ID?
Best regards

One option is to send your app for a testFlight test. It allows you to have the full App Store link without releasing the app to the public.

I think you can use<companyname>/<appname> as per this guide.
This will, however, probably redirect via Safari first (I have not tried). But you can use this for the first version and later change it to the real URL in an update.


How to user can get updated version of notification of app for third party apps in iOS

I have seen few third party apps in iOS which are installed in iPhone/iPad, If those apps are updated version in app store,
If we open the the app in device, We used to get notification like "New version updated in appstore, Please update."
Is this notification comes defaultly, Or do we need to customise something in iTunes connect or in our application?
I'm looking for how to come to know the installed version is lower than appstore version and if so, How to show popup and once user click on the some button in popup, should navigate to appstore for update the app.
Can anyone give suggestions on this?
That functionality doesn't come by default. If you want to build in-app dialogs or views, you could look at something like Firebase Remote Config to store the minimum or recommended app versions and some appropriate messaging. You could also pass version information to your server and use push notifications to do something similar perhaps later when the user didn't have the app open.
No, that is not the default behaviour. You should implement it by your self or can use some code

Is there an api to allow the user to update the app from within the app?

Some new users may not know how to use the app store for updating apps. Is there a way from within the app I can provide a button that triggers updating the app ?
No, there is no built in way to do this.
If you have a way of detecting when a newer version is out (e.g. your server reports the version number of the latest version), then you could just direct users to your app's App Store page when they have an old version — just use -[UIApplication openURL:] to open your app's App Store URL, and it'll transfer them to the App Store app.
But as Losiowaty's comment mentions, this is not a thing you should worry about. Most people have automatic app updates turned on. This really is a non-issue.

Localization message when submitting an App in iTunes connect for review

What does the following message supposed to mean? I added those new localizations to the app and I'm now submitting the app for review.
Does that mean App 4.1 version (I'm releasing now) will not have those localizations available in the app store until I release another version? (V 4.2 for example) I'm a little bit confused because some of the previous localizations didn't appear immediately in the store after releasing.
Yes, you must upload a new version if you want the new information in the App Store.
Always remember to save your changes before submit.
This is the expected behaviour as the "App Name" field is not tied to a specific version in iTunes Connect in contrast to description, keywords etc.
Its displayed a little bit "awkward" in iTunes Connect by the yellow circle and the highlighted app name.
The popup basically "confirms" that the changes you made to the app name don't go live immediately for your current version (I assume 4.0 in your example), but only for the approved version 4.1

Is it possible to add my app to iTunes Connect and put my app binary on hold if accepted the review?

I'll clear myself, is it possible to add my app to iTunes Connect and add my binary and if all is good then put it on hold (mean, wait with the publishing, but the app will get accepted and publish in 1-2 weeks)?
You can control the your app release,
because in nearest past i have updated my app and in app control version it will ask me for releasing automatic or i will release after approved,
Yes, you can decide the date of publishing on iStore, and change it whenever you want.
Whenever you add a new app or want to upload the new version on the app store. You are asked for the two options
Automatically release - That you want to publish the app as soon as apple reviews the app. (this means app will be immediately become live if apple reviewed your app and don't find any issue)
I will release - that you want to make your app live on a specific date. (this means once apple reviewed your app still app will not be live until the user doesn't want)
Hope this will help you. Happy coding :)

Can apple review my app if the feeds are not live yet?

I need to submit to the Apple app store a new version of my app. My app is based on JSON feeds. The problem is that the new app works with a new version of the feeds, but the new version of the feeds can't be released while the current feeds still working for the current app.
So my question is how apple can review my app? Will Apple approve my app even if the feeds are not live?
My idea was to submit the app for the review even if it's not working, and if is approved start the new feed and remove the old one. Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?
Another idea could be submit the app, and while is in queue keep the old feed live, and after 4 days start the new feed (so Apple can review the app), in this case the app won't work just for a couple of days.
Short answer: No, your app will be rejected.
Longer answer:
You should provide a way to keep the current (past version) feed working at least for a while along side the new one, otherwise people that don't update the app, which you have no way to control, will have an application that doesn't work.
What you could/should do is keep the previous version available on one url ( and the new version on another url (
Internally you can keep just one version, the newer, and then use some kind of facade/converter to handle the conversion from the new schema to the old one. This way you would only need to maintain one version of the code while providing a way for both versions of the application to work.
Your app will be rejected if Apple tester find it empty of content.
I've had an app rejected for "not being ready for production" for something very similar.
