Can't download heroku on ubuntu for windows (wls) - ruby-on-rails

Whenever I type the command to download the cli, sudo snap install --classic heroku this message appears:
error: cannot communicate with server: Post
http://localhost/v2/snaps/heroku: dial unix /run/snapd.socket:
connect: no such file or directory
And when I use this other link:
curl | shcurl | sh
And then I type heroku create, this other message pops out:
heroku: command not found

It seems that snaps are missing on Ubuntu for Windows. However, I was able to install Heroku on the WSL through Node Package Manager. Try $ npm install -g heroku.


How to install docker correctly in ubuntu 22.04 is it possible at this time?

I am following the docker installation tutorial in ubuntu:
And when I try this step: sudo apt install ./docker-desktop-4.8.1-amd64.deb I am getting the next error: E: Unsupported file ./docker-desktop-4.8.1-amd64.deb given on commandline
Not sure what that means or if I am missing something.
E: Unsupported file ./docker-desktop-4.8.1-amd64.deb given on commandline
I also tried with:
curl --output docker-desktop.deb
sudo apt install ./docker-desktop.deb
And got the error:
E: Invalid archive signature
E: Internal error, could not locate member control.tar{.zst,.lz4,.gz,.xz,.bz2,.lzma,}
E: Could not read meta data from /home/rodolfo/docker-desktop.deb
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
Any ideas?
According to official documentation, and the steps I followed to install docker in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Visit the following site
Scroll down until you find the Install using the convenience script section.
You will find the following commands:
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ DRY_RUN=1 sh ./
the first command will install a shell script with the all needed commands and the other will run this shell script.
You can test the installation by running these commands
$ sudo docker --version
$ sudo docker info
If it looks fine, you now have docker in your machine.
Optional step is to download docker desktop for Ubuntu 22.04
MAKE SURE You already installed docker engine before installing docker desktop for Ubuntu
Try moving the DEB file to HOME folder or Change the directory in terminal to the folder where the file is downloaded
So I had the same problem and the solution was to go to the folder root that I downloaded the deb file in it wish is Downloads for me and I rerun the commend
My issue ended up being Ubuntu 22.04 was installed with wsl version 1.
wsl -l -v
Ubuntu-22.04 Running 1
wsl --set-version Ubuntu-22.04 2

Installing TaskCat using docker, and running taskCat errors out bash: taskcat: command not found

After installing docker successfully, and installing taskCat using docker,
$ curl -s | sh
When i run the below command
$ taskcat -c /ci/taskcat.yml
I get an error
"bash: taskcat: command not found"
Do a whereis taskcat, or use the find command or locate command to find the install location of the taskcat command.
The path variable for taskcat has not been setup, that maybe a reason why it says command not found.
Some commands get installed in the homedirectory/bin folder, this path is not included by default in the PATH variable.
You can do export PATH=$PATH:/home/myuserdir/bin to solve this issue.

Error creating hyperledger composer rest server

I got the following error:
"Error: event message must be properly signed by an identity from the same organization as the peer: [failed deserializing event creator: [Expected MSP ID Org1MSP, received ]]"
When I execute:
Similar to :
Could not deploy business network to hyperledger fabric beta using composer
But this is on rest server and I have the correct versions:
composer -v
composer-cli v0.8.0
composer-admin v0.8.0
composer-client v0.8.0
composer-common v0.8.0
composer-runtime-hlf v0.8.0
composer-runtime-hlfv1 v0.8.0
docker -v
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.13.0, build 1719ceb
npm -v
Hypeledger running with my model:
composer network ping -n calma-network -p hlfv1 -i admin -s adminpw
The connection to the network was successfully tested: calma-network
version: 0.8.0
participant: <no participant found>
Command succeeded
The command you entered only shows the version of the composer command line interface and doesn't include the version of the composer rest server. The composer rest server is standalone and doesn't require the composer cli to run. It is highly likely your composer rest server is older than version 0.8.0 but there is no easy way to check the version. One way is to invoke the command
npm list -g --depth=0 | grep composer-rest-server
you need to uninstall and reinstall the composer rest server to get the latest level.

zsh: command not found: dcos

I tried to install DC/OS cluster on my Mac by dcos-vagrant.
Intsallation is quite smooth, no errors found.
==> m1: sudo: chmod u+x /opt/mesosphere/bin/
==> m1: sudo: /opt/mesosphere/bin/
==> boot: DC/OS Installation Complete
==> boot: Web Interface: http://m1.dcos/
but when I opne the http://m1.dcos/, doesn't show the web-ui, show the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error, and cannot find the dcos command.
GET http://m1.dcos/ net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
➜ dcos-vagrant git:(master) dcos marathon app add
zsh: command not found: dcos
Anyone can help me! Thanks in advance!
dcos cannot work duo to I didn't install the dcos CLI.
intallation DC/OS CLI
To install the CLI, copy and paste into your terminal:
mkdir -p dcos
cd dcos
curl -O
bash ./ . https://m1.dcos
source ./bin/env-setup
Empty response from http://m1.dcos/ would seem to indicate the UI service or admin router is having issues, but the CLI working means admin router is reachable and correctly proxying components like Marathon & Mesos.
You might check the admin router logs to see if it's having trouble serving the UI html/js.
systemctl status dcos-adminrouter.service
journalctl -u dcos-adminrouter

Can't start elasticsearch server via Homebrew

So I have installed elasticsearch through brew:
$ brew install elasticsearch
Then when I run the elasticsearch server:
elasticsearch -f -D es.config=/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.19.3/config/elasticsearch.yml
I get this error:
{0.20.4}: Setup Failed ...
- FailedToResolveConfigException[Failed to resolve config path [/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.19.3/config/elasticsearch.yml], tried file path [/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.19.3/config/elasticsearch.yml], path file [/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.20.4/config/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.19.3/config/elasticsearch.yml], and classpath]
How can I fix this? Any ideas och suggestions are welcome.
I did this and it had worked for me:
Get the package:
$ curl -k -L -o elasticsearch-0.20.2.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf elasticsearch-0.20.2.tar.gz
Run the elasticsearch server:
./elasticsearch-0.20.2/bin/elasticsearch -f
try with
elasticsearch -f -Des.path.conf=/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.19.3/config/
That's weird, my install asked me to run elasticsearch slightly different. I got it running with:
$ brew update
$ brew install elasticsearch
Run Elasticsearch
$ elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
As #karmi said, brew info elasticsearch shows how to run elasticsearch on your system.
Things haven't been changed in 2021.
Homebrew stops distributing newer version of elasticsearch, and kibana, although you can still get outdated versions in homebrew-core.
It's beacause Homebrew defers to the OSI's open source licence definition. The new license used by elastic softwares is not compatible with it, and Homebrew rufuses to distribute them.
So, elastic begins to distribute these software with its own custom tap.
# tap maintained by elastic organization
brew tap elastic/tap
brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full
# brew install elastic/tap/kibina-full
# brew install elastic/tap/logstash-full
