Springfox swagger ui support for java 7 - swagger

I am trying to integrate springfox swagger ui into my spring MVC project.
I have already integrated swagger 2.9.2 and it was working all fine.
Now I found out that this version does not support java 7 but I need this for one legacy project.
From release notes it was clear that 2.9.0 will be last version supporting java 7.
My question is -
If I have only basic swaggerconfig, will I have to change anything if I migrate downward to 2.9.0 ?
UPDATE 1 - version 2.9.1 does not support Java 7.
and on version 2.9.0, its giving error of "Unable to infer base url".
I just changed version number from 2.9.2 to 2.9.0.
On version 2.9.2 it is working fine.
UPDATE 2 - api-docs are getting generated and accessible however swagger-ui is not able to refer base url and if we provide it the api url manually then we can see that its able to get swagger resources(Response code 200) however nothing is displayed on Swagger UI.
Please provide your inputs.

You can use "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.mangofactory/swagger-springmvc" for JAVA 7. I working fine!


Java OData client using SAP Cloud SDK problems

I am having troubles with updating my OData Client.
I would refer to How to call bound functions / actions inside Java client using SAP Cloud SDK? where people from SAP helped me alot, thanks!
Issue is, I wanted to update dependency to last version of SAP Cloud SDK because of new functionality that supports bounded functions and actions.
Back then (4 months ago), I had written myself documentation how to generate and use OData Java client properly, using SAP Cloud SDK. Quite a number of people was succesful back then with installing.
Now, 4 months later, I cannot generate properly client. I have installed lombok and also set it as reference in Eclipse and am using latest Eclipse (2021-06).
I will put screenshots of my errors. It says like my properties are not generated properly and that 1 method is missing - getOdataType().
These problems just started to occur last 2 weeks or so.
Thank you in advance!

The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 2.1.3

I want to make sure that my application is built against .NET Core 2.1.3, so I installed version 2.1.401 of the SDK and set the TargetFrameworkVersion of the project to 2.1.3.
This gives me the following error message (emphasis mine):
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.401\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(137,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 2.1.3. Either target .NET Core 2.1 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET Core 2.1.3.
So the interesting thing is that the build seems to use the freshly installed SDK (2.1.401) - which is supposed to support .NET Core 2.1.3 - but it is still complaining that .NET Core 2.1.3 is not supported. This doesn't make sense to me...
What could be wrong here?
(For my answer I will assume that you're building a framework-dependent application and not a self-contained application.)
You cannot set 2.1.3 directly as the <TargetFramework> in the .csproj because it's just the patch version that's different.
Only the following entries are allowed: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/frameworks
So in your case the .csproj needs to have <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.1</TargetFramework>.
But as Damir pointed out in the comment, you can force the version if you also add <RuntimeFrameworkVersion>2.1.3</RuntimeFrameworkVersion> to the <PropertyGroup>.
You can check the effect of this change if you open the "Manage NuGet Packages" dialog and look at the version of the metapackage Microsoft.NETCore.App that is implicitly being used.
Without the <RuntimeFrameworkVersion> it's 2.1.0, otherwise it should be 2.1.3.
But aside from that there are sometimes other factors as well that will implicitly determine the version that's being used.
For example, if you want to build a self-contained application you have to specify the <RuntimeIdentifier> which will also force the framework version to 2.1.3 because it will publish the highest patch runtime on your machine automatically.
That said, I wouldn't recommend to set any <RuntimeFrameworkVersion> manually for the most part.
Starting with .NET Core 2.1 all framework-dependent applications (that are built using .NET Core 2.0 or later) will automatically roll forward to the latest minor version that is installed if the original version of the runtime isn't present on the system.
So if you only have .NET Core 2.1.3 installed on the target system, your framework-dependent .NET Core 2.1.0 application will automatically use that runtime and framework.
You can read a bit more about the .NET Core version selection mechanism here.
I had the same issue and and was at the time using visual studio 2017 and had latest .net sdk installed(which at time of the post 2.2.401). Installing sdk 2.2.107 and adding it to the global.json file (I have it my project root) solved
the problem for me.
"sdk": {
"version": "2.2.107"
Also see this related post on the visual studio developer community forum.

Primefaces 5.2 captcha component renders API 1.0 captcha

I am using Primefaces 5.2 and when i use the captcha component, it renders the old API 1.0 captcha. If you look at Primefaces 5.2 showcase it renders the latest API 2.0 captcha. What could be the problem?
PrimeFaces latest community edition uses the 5.2 (i.e 5.2.0) version which implements the old captcha system from Google.
However, reCAPTCHA 2.0 has been introduced in 5.2.9 so you will have to wait for the next PrimeFaces 5.3 community edition (which is going to be released in "early fall" or in "mid-septembre 2015") or build and compile sources from the GitHub repository by yourself if you cannot wait.
Note (edited following Kukeltje's comment): PrimeFaces' version of the showcase is usually updated when there are new components or major improvements. Current showcase version is 5.2.10 bringing the new signature component.
See also:

Does Grails 2.3.x Support JDK 8

It seems like this questions should be easy but the installation requirements for Grails (http://www.grails.org/Installation) haven't been updated in 2 years. Does anyone know for sure is Grails 2.3 will run on JDK 8?
As noticed by heikkim this ticket which is now closed suggests that support for Java 8 will start on Grails 2.4:
http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-11063 (title: Java 8 support)
Tried an app (built on v2.3.7) on JDK 8 and hit a road block with database-migration plugin while compiling the app. If that particular plugin is commented out then everything looks good during compilation.
Running the app (with a sample controller) throws an error related to withFormat method from grails-plugin-mimetypes. Looking into it.
Raised an improvement defect for grails-database-migration plugin. I think this may not be required as well but making grails JDK8 compatible might need changes in grails-core. However, I have not checked with latest milestone build for Grails 2.4 which might already be taking care of those compatibility issues.

Grails & Vaadin plugin - how to get latest version of Vaadin?

I am using this plugin http://www.grails.org/plugin/vaadin and the plugin supports only Vaadin version 6.5.1.
Is there any way how to upgrade Vaadin version to the latest one (e.g. 6.7.3)?
And maybe even more, is it anyhow possible to use Vaadin 7 (7.0.0-aplha...) together with Grails-Vaadin plugin? I know it is not stable release, but it would be great to start working with that version.
I think you could checkout the plugin's sources or download it as a zip-file, extract and then include it as inplace plugin into your project:
// Add in BuildConfig.groovy of your project.
grails.plugin.location.vaadin = '../path/to/vaadin'
After that you could do any manipulations to upgrading the plugin to required version of Vaadin.
I have upgraded Vaadin and Grails to the latest version. I have not found how to do it officially, so I have put it to my github profile, feel free to use it: https://github.com/ondrej-kvasnovsky/grails-vaadin-plugin/downloads
