Primefaces 5.2 captcha component renders API 1.0 captcha - jsf-2

I am using Primefaces 5.2 and when i use the captcha component, it renders the old API 1.0 captcha. If you look at Primefaces 5.2 showcase it renders the latest API 2.0 captcha. What could be the problem?

PrimeFaces latest community edition uses the 5.2 (i.e 5.2.0) version which implements the old captcha system from Google.
However, reCAPTCHA 2.0 has been introduced in 5.2.9 so you will have to wait for the next PrimeFaces 5.3 community edition (which is going to be released in "early fall" or in "mid-septembre 2015") or build and compile sources from the GitHub repository by yourself if you cannot wait.
Note (edited following Kukeltje's comment): PrimeFaces' version of the showcase is usually updated when there are new components or major improvements. Current showcase version is 5.2.10 bringing the new signature component.
See also:


How to know the current version of select2 plugin?

I have a legacy web app, which uses select2 jQuery plugin. The app just includes the select2.min.js version without any clue of the used version. is there any attribute the shows me the current version?

Springfox swagger ui support for java 7

I am trying to integrate springfox swagger ui into my spring MVC project.
I have already integrated swagger 2.9.2 and it was working all fine.
Now I found out that this version does not support java 7 but I need this for one legacy project.
From release notes it was clear that 2.9.0 will be last version supporting java 7.
My question is -
If I have only basic swaggerconfig, will I have to change anything if I migrate downward to 2.9.0 ?
UPDATE 1 - version 2.9.1 does not support Java 7.
and on version 2.9.0, its giving error of "Unable to infer base url".
I just changed version number from 2.9.2 to 2.9.0.
On version 2.9.2 it is working fine.
UPDATE 2 - api-docs are getting generated and accessible however swagger-ui is not able to refer base url and if we provide it the api url manually then we can see that its able to get swagger resources(Response code 200) however nothing is displayed on Swagger UI.
Please provide your inputs.
You can use "" for JAVA 7. I working fine!

Acegisf tag Library for jsf 2.0

I have a JSF 2.0 application. Can we use acegi-jsf of version 1.1.3. Can we use this tag library for JSF 2.0.
Acegi does not exist anymore. It was taken over by Spring in April 2008 and continued under the brand "Spring Security". That Acegi tag library is likely JSP targeted and not Facelets targeted. JSF 2.0 was namely introduced in December 2009, which is a long time after the Acegi takeover by Spring.
You should be looking for Spring Security JSF 2.0 tag library instead. However, a "JSF 2.0 tag library" can better be rephrased to "Facelets tag library" in order to end up with a more correct term and thus get better Google hits. You ultimately want to use this on Facelets (XHTML) files, right?
I don't do Spring, but Googling on "Spring Security Facelets tag library" yields among others this link which describes how to manually declare Facelets tag libraries and EL functions. There does thus not seem to be a full integration (i.e. just dropping JAR in webapp without the need to manually create .taglib.xml files), they seem to be working on that for future releases.

JSF 2 compatible with jQuery Mobile?

so I have been tasked with finding out whether an existing JSF project can incorporate jQuery Mobile. I have only finished college 2 months ago so I have limited experience, which is why I am turning to you guys for help.
The project is using eclipse with JSF,Maven and Spring. At the moment it is my belief that only jQuery mobile 1.0 is fully usable with JSF. One of the pre-requisites of the project however states that the latest version of jQuery Mobile must be used.
So my question is this, is jQuery 1.2 fully usable with JSF? Or does it have parts that are not compatible.
If so does anyone have any good tutorials they can link to on how to use this?
Thanks in advance for any help provided, any information that needs clearing up or any clarification needed just let me know.
I have used jQuery Mobile 1.0 in combination with JSF2 in the past, and things worked pretty well. Not sure about the 1.2 version, but I don't know any reason why that wouldn't work.
As mentioned in Chaney's comment, binding and retrieving data to the jQuery controls can sometimes be troublesome. You might want to check out PrimeFaces Mobile, which takes most of that burden off you and should get you started pretty quickly (if it doesn't conflict with any other component libraries you are using). The latest version of PrimeFaces Mobile seems to use jQuery 1.8.2 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.0.

JSF 2 RI (Mojarra) and Tomahawk compatibility

I need to use fileUpload from Tomahawk because not provided by Jsf.
I want to know if Tomahawk is 100% compatible with Mojarra
I dont' find this information on the web.
My version of Mojarra (2.1.2) and tomahawk (1.1.11)
There are three builds of Tomahawk 1.1.11: One for JSF 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0. As long as you use the 2.0 build of 1.1.11 you should be able to use it on Mojarra 2.1.x. The Tomahawk site clearly states all of this.
As requested:
And then look at the download page, noting the different variants of Tomahawk 1.1.11 available for download:
