JOSESwift jwe encryption failed to decode in the nimbus server - ios

Had anybody used JOSESwift successfully? In my case, decryption in the server failing, probably cannot find the matching private key or wrong with encryption. Getting error 500.
My code is, getting the public keys from a server.
keys?.keys?.forEach({ (key) in
do {
let jwkData = key.toJSONString()?.data(using: .utf8)
let rsaKey = try RSAPublicKey(data: jwkData!)
BPLogger.log("key components: \(rsaKey.parameters)")
BpidCache.shared.joseRsaKey = rsaKey
} catch {
BPLogger.debug("Error: \(error)")
The server expected a 'kid' field in the jose header, which was missing in the framework. So I have added it... The backend Java server uses nimbus library.
func generateParametersJose() {
let rsa = BpidCache.shared.joseRsaKey
var publicKey: SecKey? = nil
do {
publicKey = try rsa?.converted(to: SecKey.self)
} catch {
var header = JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512)
// header.parameters["kid"] = "1"
let jwk = MidApi.Model.JWTKey(key: cek);
let jwkData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(jwk)
BPLogger.debug("jwkData = \(String(data: jwkData, encoding: .utf8)!)")
let payload = Payload(jwkData)
// Encrypter algorithms must match header algorithms.
guard let encrypter = Encrypter<SecKey>(keyEncryptionAlgorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionKey: publicKey!, contentEncyptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512) else {
guard let jwe = try? JWE(header: header, payload: payload, encrypter: encrypter) else {
BPLogger.error("Falied jwe creation.")
var comps = jwe.compactSerializedString.components(separatedBy: ".")
var jweHeader = comps.first
let data = jweHeader?.base64URLDecode()
var orgH = try! JSONDecoder().decode(BPJweHeader.self, from: data!)
orgH.kid = "1"
let newJson = try! JSONEncoder().encode(orgH).base64URLEncodedString()
comps[0] = newJson
let newHeader = comps.joined(separator: ".")
BPLogger.log("jwe.compactSerializedString = \(newHeader)")
headers = ["X-Encrypted-Key": newHeader]
// headers = ["X-Encrypted-Key": jwe.compactSerializedString] // this also fails
What am I doing wrong?

The latest version of JOSESwift (1.3.0) contains a fix for the problem that prevented setting additional header parameters.
You can now set the additional header parameters listed in RFC-7516. Setting the "kid" parameter like you tried to do in your question works like this:
var header = JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512)
header.kid = "1"
If you use the framework via CocoaPods, make sure to run pod repo update to make sure you install the latest version which contains the fix.


How can I create a Public Key from a PEM File (String) in Swift?

I'm pretty new to RSA Keys and Certificates and all of that. So I'm getting a PEM File from a network request, I understand the PEM file is basically the certificate without header and footer, so essentially I have a string. I need to create a PublicKey from that in order to Encrypt some text, but I think I'm doing something wrong. This is my code so far, I have talked to other teams (Android) and when they print out the Encrypted Data, they are getting a regular String and I'm getting lots of weird characters. Thanks in advance guys! (:
func encryptBase64(text: String, certificateStr: String) throws -> Data {
let encryptionError = EncrpytionError(message: "There has been an issue with encryption")
let certData = Data(base64Encoded: certificateStr),
let certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(nil, certData as CFData),
let publicKey = SecCertificateCopyKey(certificate)
else {
throw encryptionError
let algorithm: SecKeyAlgorithm = .rsaEncryptionOAEPSHA256AESGCM
guard SecKeyIsAlgorithmSupported(publicKey, .encrypt, algorithm) else {
throw encryptionError
guard let cipherText = SecKeyCreateEncryptedData(
algorithm, .utf8)! as CFData, nil)
else {
throw encryptionError
return cipherText as Data
And when I try to print cipherText as a String, I get this weird thing:
"D�aj�\\m꒤h,�A�{��8�~�\nY\u0003F�Cˤ�#��\"�\u0018�\u0007\u001fX#VC�U_��E\u0005dž1���X��\/4Px��P\u0016�8}% ��<��#�I_�K\u000e�\bR*�� ���斋�7,�%���F^q�\u0000\\�'�ZTD\u0013Q�_\u0010\u001f>i]&��B���#1\u0006\b��E\u0004�F���yS\u0013�3����SB)��m\u0017%��5ʲ����s\u0003��r�&�?�8b��W#\u001e��؞ۡ��8�s~��ӹ�u\"�2��U�&\b�3XV���˔Y��xt[\fm&P:\\�\f� y��6jy"
Android team is doing something like this on Kotlin:
private fun extractPublicKey(certificateString: String): PublicKey {
val encodedCertificateBytes = certificateString.toByteArray()
val decodedCertificateBytes = Base64.decode(encodedCertificateBytes, Base64.DEFAULT)
val inStream = decodedCertificateBytes.inputStream()
val certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")
val certificate = certificateFactory.generateCertificate(inStream)
return certificate.publicKey

Error 13010 "Object does not exist" while downloading jpeg image from Firebase storage using getData()

Language : Swift 5
iOS: 13.2
macOS: Catalina 10.15.4
Firebase Storage Rules:
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth!=null;
The code to upload image and save download URL: (Which works fine, because I can see images uploaded to storage and their respective download URLs stored to real-time database.)
let storageRef =
//Let's upload all workout pictures
let uploadPicsRef =
let uploadNumberRef = uploadPicsRef.child("\(String(describing: workoutNum))")
let workoutPicturesRef = uploadNumberRef.child("WORKOUTPICTURES")
let workoutPicURLRef = workoutRef.child("WORKOUTPICTURESURL")
var count = 0
var picNumber = 0
//workoutPictures list/array contains images selected from iPhone Gallery, using
for workoutPic in self.workoutPictures
let workoutPicData = workoutPic.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)!
count = count + 1
let pictureName = "Picture\(count).jpg"
// Upload the file to the path in pictureRef
let pictureRef = workoutPicturesRef.child("\(pictureName)")
let metaData = StorageMetadata()
metaData.contentType = "image/jpg"
pictureRef.putData(workoutPicData, metadata: metaData) { (metadata, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error while uploading image")
pictureRef.downloadURL { (url, err) in
picNumber = picNumber + 1
The code to download image:
let myGroup = DispatchGroup()
let workoutPicUrls = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "WORKOUTPICTURESURL")
for url in workoutPicUrls.children
let snap = url as! DataSnapshot
let link = snap.value as? String
let storageRef =
let pictureRef = storageRef.root().child(link!)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
pictureRef.getData(maxSize: 1*2000000*2000000) { (data, err) in
if (err != nil) {
} else {
let pic = UIImage(data: data!)
Error Domain=FIRStorageErrorDomain Code=-13010 "Object https:/ does not exist." UserInfo={object=https:/, ResponseBody={
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found. Could not get object",
"status": "GET_OBJECT"
},, data={length = 115, bytes = 0x7b0a2020 22657272 6f72223a 207b0a20 ... 54220a20 207d0a7d }, data_content_type=application/json; charset=UTF-8, NSLocalizedDescription=Object https:/ does not exist.,, ResponseErrorCode=404}
What I have tried so far:
Checked firebase storage rules.
When I paste the path https:/ in chrome browser window, the expected image opens.
Set the maxSize to a ridiculously high number 1*2000000*2000000.
Thank you!
Is it possible that you are storing the full https URL in the database and are trying to create a reference by adding the full https url as a child to the storage reference?
I think you should try to either store just the path and name in your database or you change your download code to use the https URL.
// Create a reference from an HTTPS URL
// Note that in the URL, characters are URL escaped!
let httpsReference = storage.reference(forURL: "")
httpsReference.getData(maxSize: ...
Also you're running your getData method inside DispatchQueue.main.async. getData has itself a completion handler and might take some time, when you run that inside of DispatchQueue.main.async it will block your code until the download is done. Only put code that update the UI inside DispatchQueue.main.async. In your case as soon as you do something with your workoutPicsArray or the UIImage to update your view.
Have a look here to see if you can figure out how you are actually trying to get the data. It might be helpful to put a print() after each line to see what you are creating and using at what point.
Download Files on iOS

How to create folder and files in google drive using swift

I am using google drive SDK for folder creation, but unable to create. I am able to login and get all files and folder but unable to create it.
I am using swift and used this code
let metaData = GTLRDrive_File() = "xyz"
metaData.mimeType = "application/"
let querys = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate.query(withObject: metaData, uploadParameters: nil)
querys.fields = "id"
//service.executeQuery(querys, delegate: self, didFinish: nil)
self.service.executeQuery(querys) { (ticket:GTLRServiceTicket, object:Any?, error:Error?) in
// Put your completion code here
But unable to create folder. Can anyone help me out. Thanks in advance.
func chilkatTest() {
var success: Bool = true
// It requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
// This example uses a previously obtained access token having permission for the
// Google Drive scope.
let gAuth = CkoAuthGoogle()
let rest = CkoRest()
// Connect using TLS.
var bAutoReconnect: Bool = true
success = rest.Connect("", port: 443, tls: true, autoReconnect: bAutoReconnect)
// Provide the authentication credentials (i.e. the access token)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A multipart upload to Google Drive needs a multipart/related Content-Type
rest.AddHeader("Content-Type", value: "multipart/related")
// Specify each part of the request.
// The 1st part is JSON with information about the file.
rest.PartSelector = "1"
rest.AddHeader("Content-Type", value: "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
let json = CkoJsonObject()
json.AppendString("name", value: "testHello.txt")
json.AppendString("description", value: "A simple file that says Hello World.")
json.AppendString("mimeType", value: "text/plain")
// To place the file in a folder, we must add a parents[] array to the JSON
// and list the folder id's. It's possible for a file to be in multiple folders at once
// if it has more than one parent. If no parents are specified, then the file is created
// in the My Drive folder.
// Note: We'll assume we already have the id if the folder. It is the id's that are specified here,
// not the folder names.
var parents: CkoJsonArray? = json.AppendArray("parents")
var folderId: String? = "0B53Q6OSTWYolY2tPU1BnYW02T2c"
parents!.AddStringAt(-1, value: folderId)
parents = nil
// The 2nd part is the file content, which will contain "Hello World!"
rest.PartSelector = "2"
rest.AddHeader("Content-Type", value: "text/plain")
var fileContents: String? = "Hello World!"
var jsonResponse: String? = rest.FullRequestMultipart("POST", uriPath: "/upload/drive/v3/files?uploadType=multipart")
if rest.LastMethodSuccess != true {
// A successful response will have a status code equal to 200.
if rest.ResponseStatusCode.integerValue != 200 {
print("response status code = \(rest.ResponseStatusCode.integerValue)")
print("response status text = \(rest.ResponseStatusText)")
print("response header: \(rest.ResponseHeader)")
print("response JSON: \(jsonResponse!)")
// Show the JSON response.
// Show the full JSON response.
json.EmitCompact = false
// A successful response looks like this:
// {
// "kind": "drive#file",
// "id": "0B53Q6OSTWYoldmJ0Z3ZqT2x5MFk",
// "name": "Untitled",
// "mimeType": "text/plain"
// }
// Get the fileId:
print("fileId: \(json.StringOf("id"))")
Link for libraries needed:-
Download libraries
Include CkoAuthGoogle, CkoRest and CkoJsonObject header files in your project.
It is basically due to the scope, I have to give kGTLRAuthScopeDriveFile in scope area
private let scopes = [kGTLRAuthScopeDriveReadonly,kGTLRAuthScopeDriveFile]
and rest same in google
func folder(){
let metadata = GTLRDrive_File() = "eBilling"
metadata.mimeType = "application/"
let querys = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate.query(withObject: metadata, uploadParameters: nil)
querys.fields = "id"
self.service.executeQuery(querys, completionHandler: {(ticket:GTLRServiceTicket, object:Any?, error:Error?) in
if error == nil {
else {
print("An error occurred: \(error)")
Swift 5
If you are looking to just create a folder without uploading a file with it,
I was able to create a drive folder using Google's REST endpoint like this.
This function takes the auth token and a filename and parameters to create a URLRequest that can then be sent off within a URLSession.
func createFolderRequest(authToken: String, folderName: String) -> URLRequest {
let headers = [
"Content-Type": "multipart/related; boundary=123456789",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + authToken
let body =
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "\(folderName)",
"mimeType": "application/"
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers
request.httpBody = .utf8)
request.addValue(String(body.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)), forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Length")
return request
I referenced the google docs for multipart file uploads here

How can I get YouTube data in iOS app?

I am trying to build an app that will contain some YouTube videos.
I am using YouTube's API and accessing data using Alamofire but my attempts of data retrieval lead to the following error:
error =
code = 404;
errors =({
domain = "youtube.playlist";
location = channelId;
locationType = parameter;
message = "Channel not found.";
reason = channelNotFound;
message = "Channel not found.";
This is the contents of my viewDidLoad
let API_KEY = "*********"
let UPLOADS_PLAYLIST_ID = "PL28aSZBaDzoatmISten8xeFPPuva7l8s5"
let CHANNEL_ID = "PL28aSZBaDzoatmISten8xeFPPuva7l8s5"
let parameters =["part":"snippet","channelId":CHANNEL_ID,"playListId":UPLOADS_PLAYLIST_ID,"key":API_KEY]
Alamofire.request("", parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { (response) in
if let JSON = response.result.value
First go to youtube and find the channel name and and put into
let CHANNEL_ID = "properchannel"

Cleaning malformed UTF-8 data

With Swift, I'm trying to fetch HTML via URLSession rather than by loading it into a WKWebView first as I only need the HTML and none of the subresources. I'm running into a problem with certain pages that work when loaded into WKWebView but when loaded via URLSession (or even a simple NSString(contentsOf: url, encoding String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)) the UTF-8 conversion fails.
How to reproduce
This fails (prints "nil"):
print(try? NSString(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue))
But changing the URL to the site's homepage, it succeeds:
print(try? NSString(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue))
How can I "clean" the data returned by a URL that contains malformed UTF-8? I'd like to either remove or replace any invalid sequences in the malformed UTF-8 so that the rest of it can be viewed. WKWebView is able to render the page just fine (and claims it's UTF-8 content as well), as you can see by visiting the URL:
Here is an approach to create a String from (possibly) malformed
UTF-8 data:
Read the website contents into a Data object.
Append a 0 byte to make it a "C string"
Use String(cString:) for the conversion. This initializer replaces ill-formed UTF-8 code unit sequences with the Unicode replacement character ("\u{FFFD}").
Optionally: Remove all occurrences of the replacement character.
Example for the "cleaning" process:
var data = Data(bytes: [65, 66, 200, 67]) // malformed UTF-8
let s = data.withUnsafeBytes { (p: UnsafePointer<CChar>) in String(cString: p) }
let clean = s.replacingOccurrences(of: "\u{FFFD}", with: "")
print(clean) // ABC
Swift 5:
var data = Data([65, 66, 200, 67]) // malformed UTF-8
let s = data.withUnsafeBytes { p in
String(cString: p.bindMemory(to: CChar.self).baseAddress!)
let clean = s.replacingOccurrences(of: "\u{FFFD}", with: "")
print(clean) // ABC
Of course this can be defined as a custom init method:
extension String {
init(malformedUTF8 data: Data) {
var data = data
self = data.withUnsafeBytes { (p: UnsafePointer<CChar>) in
String(cString: p).replacingOccurrences(of: "\u{FFFD}", with: "")
Swift 5:
extension String {
init(malformedUTF8 data: Data) {
var data = data
self = data.withUnsafeBytes{ p in
String(cString: p.bindMemory(to: CChar.self).baseAddress!)
}.replacingOccurrences(of: "\u{FFFD}", with: "")
let data = Data(bytes: [65, 66, 200, 67])
let s = String(malformedUTF8: data)
print(s) // ABC
The cleaning can be done more "directly" using transcode with
extension String {
init(malformedUTF8 data: Data) {
var utf16units = [UInt16]()
utf16units.reserveCapacity(data.count) // A rough estimate
_ = transcode(data.makeIterator(), from: UTF8.self, to: UTF16.self,
stoppingOnError: false) { code in
if code != 0xFFFD {
self = String(utf16CodeUnits: utf16units, count: utf16units.count)
This is essentially what String(cString:)
does, compare
CString.swift and
Yet another option is to use the UTF8 codecs decode() method
and ignore errors:
extension String {
init(malformedUTF8 data: Data) {
var str = ""
var iterator = data.makeIterator()
var utf8codec = UTF8()
var done = false
while !done {
switch utf8codec.decode(&iterator) {
case .emptyInput:
done = true
case let .scalarValue(val):
case .error:
break // ignore errors
self = str
