Twilio Video - switch media devices option not working - twilio

I am using twilio with twilio-video v beta-2 counting on the master branch of this repo
I got to display the select media and push the devices into it but when I am trying to updateVideoDevice I got an error
updateVideoDevice error TypeError: track must be a LocalAudioTrack, LocalVideoTrack, LocalDataTrack, or MediaStreamTrack
at Object.INVALID_TYPE (index.js:30952)
at Object.validateLocalTrack (index.js:31469)
at LocalParticipant.unpublishTrack (index.js:17047)
at index.js:17096
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at LocalParticipant.unpublishTracks (index.js:17095)
at index.js:36056
my updateVideoDevice function is as the following
function updateVideoDevice(event) {
const select =;
const localParticipant = room.localParticipant;
if (select.value !== '') {
deviceId: { exact: select.value }
}).then(function(localVideoTrack) {
const tracks = Array.from(localParticipant.videoTracks.values());
log(localParticipant.identity + " removed track: " + tracks[0].kind);
log(localParticipant.identity + " added track: " + localVideoTrack.kind);
const previewContainer = document.getElementById('local-media');
attachTracks([localVideoTrack], previewContainer);
.catch(error => {
console.error('updateVideoDevice error' ,error);
can any one explain what I am doing wrong?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
This looks to be a breaking change between Twilio Video JS v1 and v2. In the v2 documentation, calling localParticipant.videoTracks returns a Map of <Track.SID, LocalVideoTrackPublication>. Calling .values() on that map returns an iterator of LocalVideoTrackPublications which is then turned to an array using Array.from.
The issue is that you then pass that array of LocalVideoTrackPublications to localParticipant.unpublishTracks(tracks); which causes the error because unpublishTracks expects an array of LocalTracks not LocalVideoTrackPublications.
You could fix this by mapping over the publications and returning the track property:
const tracks = Array.from(localParticipant.videoTracks.values())
.map(publication => publication.track);
Let me know if that helps.


Twilio Functions Error 20429 - Too many requests multiple sms messages

I am using Twilio functions and Programable SMS to send SMS Messages to a list of numbers form my iOS App. There are just over 100 mobile numbers (113 on the time of this error) in the list. Most of these messages send but then the function says that it timed out after 502ms.
I am using the example code from Twilio to send to group messages (that I have copied below) and making a URLSession request from my iOS app.
Is there a way that I can fix this issue so that I can send to this fairly large list of phone numbers or make the function run for longer?
Thank you very much for your help.
let messagesPhoneNumberString = [+447987654321abc,+447123789456def,+447123456789ghi]
"\(messagesPhoneNumberString)&globalID=\(current globalID)"
My Twilio Function Code:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let phoneAndIDString = event['phoneAndID'];
let globalID String = event['globalID'];
let numbersArray = phoneAndIDString.split(",");
numbersArray(number => {
let phoneNumberSplit = "+" + number.slice(1, 13);
let idSplit = number.slice(13);
console.log('Send to number: ' + phoneNumberSplit + ' - with ID: ' + idSplit);
return context.getTwilioClient().messages.create({
to: phoneNumberSplit,
from: 'Example',
body: 'Hello World: ' + idSplit
.then(messages => {
console.log('Messages sent!');
callback(null, response);
.catch(err => console.error(err));
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio Functions has a timeout of 5 seconds, so it is likely not the best idea to use a Twilio Function to send that many messages in one go.
You have some options though.
If you are sending all those numbers the same message then you could use the Twilio Notify passthrough API. Check out the details in this blog post about sending mass messages with Node.js.
Otherwise, if you have to send different messages then you could split up the numbers into batches and use the same function multiple times.
Finally, you could use a different platform to send the messages that doesn't have a 5 second limit.
In addition to the options provided in Phil's answer you could use recursion.
You could trigger the process from your app and pass all numbers in the initial function call just like you do now.
Then, the idea is to send just one message per function call and let the Twilio function call itself after it receives the response from .create(). This means no concurent calls to send messages, messages are sent one after another though the order in which they are received is not necessary the order in which the numbers are passed in the query string.
You'll need to add axios in the function dependencies configuration (
Axios is used to make the HTTP request to the function from within the function.
Each function run, tests for the stop condition which happens when the phone numbers query string length is zero. Then, uses .shift() to remove the first element from the numbers array to work with it. The remaining array is passed to the next function call.
This is the code I've tried, and it worked for me, but you'll have to change (the 11 length on .slice() method) for +44 because I've tested with US numbers +1 which are shorter in length.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const axios = require("axios");
let phoneAndIDString = event["phoneAndID"].trim();
let globalIDString = event["globalID"].trim();
// stop condition for recursive call
if (phoneAndIDString.length === 0) {
return callback(null, true);
let numbersArray = phoneAndIDString.split(",");
// take the first item of array
let number = numbersArray.shift();
// the remaining array will be passed to the next function call
phoneAndIDString = numbersArray.join();
let phoneNumberSplit = "+" + number.slice(0, 11);
let idSplit = number.slice(11);
console.log("Send to number: " + phoneNumberSplit + " - with ID: " + idSplit);
to: phoneNumberSplit,
from: "+17775553333",
body: "Hello World: " + idSplit
.then(msg => {
console.log("Message sent: " + msg.sid);
"" +
.then(function(response) {
// handle success
return callback(null, true);
.catch(function(err) {
// handle error
.catch(function(err) {
Try to go step by step with it while testing, console log things and then return early with return callback(null, true) as you go from top to bottom so you make sure you don't go in a loop.

Print stacktrace using Frida

I'm able to sucessfully hook into an Android method using Frida, but I am trying to find out who is calling that method. I can find that out if I can rewrite the method with Frida to print the stacktrace when the method gets called. I've tried a few things, but all of them have had some sort of error. This is the latest thing I have tried.
setImmediate(function() {
console.log("[*] Starting script");
Java.perform(function () {
var Activity = Java.use("com.package.MyClass");
Activity.getUpdates.overload('boolean', 'java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String').implementation = function (v1, v2, v3) {
console.log("v1: " + v1);
console.log("v2: " + v2);
console.log("v3: " + v3);
This is resulting in the following error
Error: Not allowed outside Java.perform() callback
at d (frida/node_modules/frida-java/index.js:86)
at frida/node_modules/frida-java/index.js:366
at [anon] (repl1.js:11)
at input:1
Any idea how I can achieve this?
I fixed it by using this:
Java.perform(function() {
It is necessary to add an additional Java.perform call

Unable to join chat channel

When trying to join a channel in the twilio code I've been working with, it comes up with the error saying that it "Cannot read property 'getChannelByUniqueName' of null". The chat works but when I try to open it up on a different browser, like firefox instead of chrome, it says the error "Channel with provided unique name already exist". Can anyone help with this problem?
// Initialize the Chat client
chatClient = new Twilio.Chat.Client(data.token);
function joinChannels(chatClient) {
joinChannel('generalss','Generals Chat Channel');
function joinChannel(channelName, channelFriendlyName) {
print('Attempting to join "' + channelName + '" chat channel...');
var promise = chatClient.getChannelByUniqueName(channelName);
promise.then(function(channel) {
console.log('Found ' + channelName + ' channel:');
channels[channelName] = channel;
}).catch(function() {
// If it doesn't exist, let's create it
uniqueName: channelName,
friendlyName: channelFriendlyName
}).then(function(channel) {
channels[channelName] = channel;
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It looks to me like you aren't passing the chatClient to your joinChannel method (and secondly that the client might not be fully initialised yet).
I would initialise the client with the following, which uses the create method that returns a promise that resolves when the Client is ready.
// Initialize the Chat client
new Twilio.Chat.Client.create(data.token).then(function(chatClient) {
Then, make sure you pass the client through to the joinChannel method:
function joinChannels(chatClient) {
joinChannel(chatClient, 'generalss','Generals Chat Channel');
function joinChannel(chatClient, channelName, channelFriendlyName) {
// the rest...
Let me know if that helps at all.

React-Native Websocket Event data property is missing

I am trying to connect to the Watson TTS API over a Websocket connection in React-Native. The connection is established and I can send a message to the server, however the data that I get back from the server somehow always is empty.
It seems as if the property is completely missing. If I log it to the console in react-native I get 'undefined' as a result. If i use the same code in the browser everything works perfectly.
I am using react-native 0.33 and here's my code:
function connectTTS(token) {
var voice = "de-DE_BirgitVoice";
var format = 'audio/basic';
var token = token;
var wsURI = "wss://" + voice + "&watson-token=" + token;
function onOpen(evt) {
var message = {
text: "Hello world.",
accept: format
// note: the Text to Speech service currently only accepts a single message per WebSocket connection
var audioParts = [];
var finalAudio;
function onMessage(evt) {
if (typeof === 'string') {
console.log('Received string message: ',
} else {
console.log('Received ' + + ' binary bytes',;
function onClose(evt) {
console.log('WebSocket closed', evt.code, evt.reason);
finalAudio = new Blob(audioParts, {type: format});
console.log('final audio: ', finalAudio);
function onError(evt) {
console.log('WebSocket error', evt);
var websocket = new WebSocket(wsURI);
websocket.onopen = onOpen;
websocket.onclose = onClose;
websocket.onmessage = onMessage;
websocket.onerror = onError;
It would be great if somebody with more react-native / websocket experience could help me find the solution. Thanks.
In react-native up to 0.53 (latest version at the moment), react-native WebSocket event processing relies on event-target-shim 1.1.1 lib which wraps an event and does not include data to the wrapped event, so in order to get WebSocket event data you may use one of two approaches:
Get data from __proto__;
Rewrite event-target-shim 1.1.1;
The first approach:
use <your event>
The second approach:
fork event-target-shim and reset to event-target-shim 1.1.1;
fork react-native;
Add the code listed below to the event-target-shim/lib/event-wrapper.js;
rewrite react-native package.json to use forked version of the event-target-shim;
rewrite package.json of your project;
Code to add in exports.createEventWrapper after var propertyDefinition = {...}:
if (event.type === "message"){ = {value:, enumerable: true};

Parse cloud code not working

I’m new to Parse and Cloud Code. I’m trying to initialize a new user’s data via a cloud code function. The function queries my “initial items objects” (a total of 223 items), then loops through each one creating a new “item” for the user. Inside the loop the new item’s fields are set and ends by calling save(). The function seems to be working, however, instead of saving 223 new items, only 9 are created. I placed a log statement after the save to see if in fact that loop was iterating through the 223 items … and it is. Below is my cloud code and log.
Any thoughts as to why only 9 items are being saved? The 9 items that are saved look fine.
Parse.Cloud.define("initializeNewUser", function(request, response) {
var InitialItemsObject = Parse.Object.extend("InitialParseItems");
var itemsQuery = new Parse.Query(InitialItemsObject);
itemsQuery.find().then(function(results) {
console.log('Found ' + results.length +' Items.');
var user = request.user;
var ACL = new Parse.ACL(user);
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var defaultItem = results[i];
var item = new Parse.Object("Items");
item.set('itemID', defaultItem.get('itemID'));
item.set('author', user);
item.set('groupID', defaultItem.get('groupID'));
item.set('itemName', defaultItem.get('itemName'));
item.set('itemNote', defaultItem.get('itemNote'));
item.set('itemChecked', defaultItem.get('itemChecked'));
item.set('itemIsFavorite', defaultItem.get('itemIsFavorite'));
item.set('itemSelected', defaultItem.get('itemSelected'));
item.set('itemStruckOut', defaultItem.get('itemStruckOut'));
item.set('manualSortOrder', defaultItem.get('manualSortOrder'));
item.set('productID', defaultItem.get('productID'));
item.set('itemTimestamp', defaultItem.get('itemTimestamp'));
//console.log(defaultItem.get('itemName') + ' saved.');
// success has been moved inside the callback for query.find()
console.log('Successfully initialize ' + results.length + ' Items.');
function(error) {
// Make sure to catch any errors, otherwise you may see a "success/error not called" error in Cloud Code.
console.log('Failed to initialize Items. Error code: ' + error.code + ' ' + error.message);
response.error("Failed to initialize Items. Error code: " + error.code + ": " + error.message);
I2015-07-17T15:16:38.661Z]v22 Ran cloud function initializeNewUser for user va0TTGwOk7 with:
Input: {}
Result: 223
I2015-07-17T15:16:38.930Z]Found 223 Items.
I2015-07-17T15:16:39.141Z]Successfully initialize 223 Items.
Ok I have a few comments.
1.) on line 7 you set user with request.user. I'm not sure how you are sending your data, but I've always used request.params.[insert item name]
2.) The next big thing is that by using "then()" you are using promises. at the end of every "then", you should be returning a promise. That means you wouldn't say "" but "return". Saving is a promise also so you will need to return those. Here should be your general promise pattern.
SomePromise.then( function(a)
{return promiseA} ).then( function(b)
{return PromiseB} ).then( function(c)
{response.success}, function(error){response.error})
3.) When you are saving lots of items, you either have to use "saveAll()" or make an array of promises, then save them all at once. A good rule of thumb is to use a promise array every time you are saving lots of things in an array. Here is the portion of the Cloud Code developer guide that will show you the correct format
