iOS ImageView and TextView inside scrollView - ios

I want to create this layout in which the image is at the top and scrolls along with textview, textview itself should not be scrollable but should expand with the text so that ImageView and textView are together in a single scrollView.
I'm not able to figure out the constraints and how to expand that text view.
The image shows the textview ending at the bottom of the screen because I have set it's scrollable property to off, I want the text to run down the screen ,textView to expand .I am ready to use stackViews as well if needed.
Thank you

You can achieve that by following these steps:
Create a tableView.
Add imageView as your tableView's tableHeaderView. (Use This Link) for more details).
Add only one row to tableView.
Add your textView to your row and add constraints as zero to contentView.
Set UITableViewAutomaticDimension as heightForRowAtIndexPath.
Also you don't need to use scrollView as tableView will do that for you.


Tableview in scrollview when tableview content size increase then textview just below the tableview goes up to the tableview

I have Viewcontroller in which I set the scrollview. In the scrollview I have tableview which is in the Container and just below the container I have an textview and some other UIViews when I set the tableview frame size equal to content size and tableview scroll property false so that only scrollview scrolls when the content size increase the textview goes up to tableview and I want that when tableview content increase then textview also goes down and parent view frame size increase and decrease as the content size
This look like a job for a UICollectionViewController. If you want to take a look here
you can get a better understanding of what they are and how to use them.
Basically you want to put each of those UITableViews, UILabels and the UIButtons in it's own cell(buttons need to be arranged) of the collectionView then the cell with the buttons try to use a stack view with the image. This will automatically set the different sections apart from each other. I know the idea of a collectionViewCell containing a tableView may seem weird but check this out
Another solution is to get crazy with constraints and autoLayout. I don't recommend this route because autoLayout will make decisions on it's own if the exact layout is not explicitly declared. Basically you'll set the constraints by pinning the tableView and labels to each other and the container they are in.
Checkout Apple's docs here
Good luck and let me know how it goes
I would recommend using a xib (if storyboards is your preference) or programmatically embed a tableview in the Scrollview Controller. Set a default cell height and then calculate the height of the Tableview by grabbing the amount of cells (which you'll normally get from .count in an array).
Afterwards, constrain the top, left, and right constraints of the tableview to its parent. You can imbed these in a scroll view for ease. Then if you want default text underneath it, all you have to do is constrain the top of the textview to the bottom of the tableview.
Do the cell for the button's. As the post above said, buttons might be best done in a CollectionView, so you can either create a default cell (xib again is useful) or use a prototype cell in storyboard. Collection views are the same principle as tableviews when it comes to populating data, they are just formatted differently and insets/spacing between cells.
This should help!

UITableviewCell Dynamic Height Programmatically with the use of UITableViewAutomaticDimension

Hi Guys here i am suffering issue of dynamic height of UITableview Programmatically. I have set Autolayout of all view without any error
but lblDesc (UILabel) not expand with its size according to content. plz guide me
sometimes I do not need btnVideo (UIButton) so i have to hide btnVideo(UIButton) and dynamically all social networks UIButton come after lblDesc (UILabel)
Here i attached my code with only one view
You should use UITextView instead of UILabel.
Btw, never forget you setup constraints between text view and container views for all edges correctly, so according to your text size, the whole cell will be resized dynamically.
I have reviewed your code. tableview has correct setting.
Just setup correct layout constraints so that table view could know how it should change the height of cell.

Scrollview doesn't scroll with multiline label in it

I have a multiline label inside a scrollview. I set up the content size, let's say to scrollView.contentSize.height = 2000
But the view doesn't scroll. There is barely any code in the project. What is going wrong?
The only thing is that I don't have constrain for the height of the label, because it will vary depending on the length of text.
It doesn't matter about the height. But what does matter is that you need to pin it to the bottom of the scroll view also.
By pinning it on the top and bottom it will use the label to set the content size and so allow it to scroll.
I suggest to add a UITableView instead of UIScrollView, adding one UITableViewcell that contains a UILabel. By setting the appropriate values of:
Label's constraints.
tableView's rowHeight.
tableView's estimatedRowHeight.
It should works fine for your case.
For more Information about setting a dynamic cell height, you might want to check this answer.
Hope that helped.

Dynamic Label in Swift, doesn't Scroll

I'm Learning Swift, and I want to figure out how I can scroll the UILabel
I have a Label that is populated dynamically , But the text goes under the bottom bar.
I tried with 0 Lines, Constraints.. I'd like to scroll the view for read whole text
After the answers I have this situation
With Textview I Can read all my text, using the scroll
With UIScrollbar and UILabel, I can't read all my Text.
When I have to use TextView instead of UIScrollBar+UiLabel?
Alternatively, you can replace UILabel with UITextView.
Then set textView.editable = false.
Add the UILabel into a UIScrollView. Set the content size according to the size of the UILabel.
You can also use a scrollview, if you have more than one control to scroll together. For example you have an image on top and a description below and you want to scroll them together, you can use a UIScrollView. Just put the image view and UILabel inside the scrollview.
If its just text you want to scroll, you can use a UITextView.

With Storyboards only, how do I create a UITableViewCell that can scroll left and right using UIScrollView?

Similar to where you can scroll the cells side to side, I want to be able to do it in my app using Storyboards and UIScrollView with my UITableViewCell.
I add some buttons to the contentView of my cell, and then UIScrollView with an embedded UIView on top of that to contain the main portion of the cell. I then add a label to that.
I understand that scroll views in Storyboard work by specifying constraints to show what the contentSize of the scroll view should be.
So I position the UIView in the UIScrollView to be the same width and height of the scroll view, but give it a trailing constraint of say 50pt to allow the scroll view to scroll. When I run it I can then move the cell to the left to reveal the buttons.
But to get it work in the other direction I have no idea. If I add a leading constraint it actually moves the cell to begin with away from the left, offsetting the cell to begin with when it should be left to the user to scroll it. It works fine other than initially being pushed over.
I created a sample project showing it here:
Like I said I just can't seem to figure out how to get it to scroll in both directions.
Try setting the contentView of the scrollView with width higher than the scrollView itself.
Something like:
Assuming your scrollView.frame is (0,0,100,100)
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(300,100)];
place your table view, let a part of your view out of the screen and check that case:
