Add React-native app to 'Activities' panel on IOS - ios

I am looking for informations about to add an App in the 'Activities' IOS panel in order to can add my app to the list of sharing apps.
I don't know if it's automatic or if it need some configuration.

This is possible using AppExtensions in iOS SDK.
In React native, the docs talk about App extensions here. And an example app for sharing is available in a github repo.


Tracking app installation and campaign details without Third-party APIs

For my iOS App, I am using Campaign Links from App Store Connect for advertisement purposes, and sometimes use Branch links.
Is it possible to get Campaign details inside app after installation is done natively without using any third party SDKs?
I would like to know from which campaign the installation came from with apple provided technology.
Is it possible to get the details inside the app programatically?
I have heard that In Android, they can achieve the functionality using InstallReferrerClient of the library
Do we have any similar option for iOS?
Please guide, Thank you.

Some apps haven't been configured to use Apple's SKAdNetwork

After I publish my Flutter app on Apple App Store Admob gave this warning.
Some apps haven't been configured to use Apple's SKAdNetwork
To ensure you're getting credit for all ads activity, like app
installs, be sure to configure SKAdNetwork with Google's network IDs.
When I click "Get instructions" button. It opens this page:
But as you know, this page is not for Flutter. This page is for Native iOS apps developing by Swift or Objective-C.
How can I configure Apple's SKAdNetwork in Flutter? Where to edit - change?
Interestingly, there is no source for this problem in the Internet.
I feel like the first person in the world to develop Flutter.
Really, there is no solution - no source in Flutter for this problem!
Note: There is no information about this problem in this source too:
EDIT: Must I implement ATT to configure SKAdNetwork? What happens if I only change Info.plist?
Even with flutter applications, you have different configuration files for iOS and Android.
Look for the Info.plist file within your project (you must have one, usually under ios/Runner and update the keys as mentioned in the link you have attached
I solved my problem, this warning has been removed automatically. I was using out-dated admob SDK.
Update your admob SDK to latest version.
I edited my pubspec.yaml file.
google_mobile_ads: ^1.0.1
I updated my app on App Store so no warning is seen now in Admob Panel.

Firebase dynamicLinks: Do i need an app on the store for my link to work correctly?

I created a dynamic link on firebase dynamics like in their tutorial here
using an app ID (WhatsApp) which is not mine because not yet on App Store.
When i click on it (in Notes or Mail), it goes to Safari and ask if i want to open WhatsApp in AppStore.
When i come back to my app, i don't receive any link.
Do i need to publish my app to the appstore before it works?
You do not need to publish your App in AppStore in order to test the Firebase Dynamic Links.
Did you followed steps here regarding Set up Firebase and the Dynamic Links SDK and Open Dynamic Links in your app?
Is your App receiving any link in UIApplicationDelegate's openURL: method? Can you reproduce the issue with quick-start App ?

Google app invites on iOS deep link only opens app store

I am working on adding Google App Invites deep linking to an iOS app and I followed all the steps for Adding App invites to iOS but the deep link just opens the app store to my app page even if the app is installed.
To recap, I...
Installed the Cocoapod
Generated and added the config file using the appropriate app store ID and bundle ID
Included the code for application:openURL:... and didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
Added the URL Scheme for google and inputted the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID
I'm not sure how to debug this considering I did all that Google told me to do. Their only help link on the Google Developers site was to Stack Overflow. Has anyone tried implementing these deep links on iOS and succeeded?
EDIT: This was done using iOS 8.x. #Caio pointed out the problem still persists on iOS 9 but not on iOS 7.x.
We need to set the value "applinks:{your_app_link}" to Associated Domains on Capabilities tab of Xcode.

specify other platforms app icons in phonegap ios

I built the app using phonegap with xcode 4.5 .Basically i chosen the template as PhoneGap based application.And create the simple app successfully installed the apps in deveices(iPad & Android mobile).I could see only default icon on all devices.How to specify that?Do i need to modify in phonegap.plist?
Each platform has its own way of handling the application icon, so you'll have to do some more work than just updating one file.
Did you see phonegap's wiki on that topic?
