specify other platforms app icons in phonegap ios - ios

I built the app using phonegap with xcode 4.5 .Basically i chosen the template as PhoneGap based application.And create the simple app successfully installed the apps in deveices(iPad & Android mobile).I could see only default icon on all devices.How to specify that?Do i need to modify in phonegap.plist?

Each platform has its own way of handling the application icon, so you'll have to do some more work than just updating one file.
Did you see phonegap's wiki on that topic?


Add React-native app to 'Activities' panel on IOS

I am looking for informations about to add an App in the 'Activities' IOS panel in order to can add my app to the list of sharing apps.
I don't know if it's automatic or if it need some configuration.
This is possible using AppExtensions in iOS SDK.
In React native, the docs talk about App extensions here. And an example app for sharing is available in a github repo.

Use Monaca Version in ios app

I am using Monaca Cloud IDE to build an ios (and android) app. In the App Build Settings > App Settings there is a required field of Version Number. I would like to display this number in my apps splash screen and an About screen in the app. Is this number accessible as a variable from within the app? If so how would I reference it?
I think this cordova-plugin-app-version plugin might help you to achieve what you want. It reads the version of your app from the target build settings. Hope this helps!

How to forcefully load desktop site in iFrame in Cordova App?

I want to forcefully load the Desktop View of any website in Cordova App for iPad. I am trying to loading in both iframe and InappBrowser.
By changing User Agent; I tried several methods to change User Agent but no luck. Any idea on this please? If we change user agent will the Apple reject the app while submitting for App Store?
I saw the option in Safari in iPad for 'request desktop site'. Can we do it programmatically in Cordova? or any option in iFrame for this?
Normally the website is redirecting from the Desktop url to mobile site url. So disable redirection is a solution? If so is there any option for that?
Change the iFrame size to pc desktop size and scale to reduce; I tried this but mostly not working.
or is there any other solution.
It was working fine before version 4.0.0 of cordova-ios (Different from cordova version).
To be able to do that again a quick fix can be to remove the ios folder created by the new version and adding the old one:
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios#3
Hope it helps

Can I show localized Drop In UI using Braintree iOS SDK

I have integrated Braintree Drop-In UI in my app and every thing is working perfectly :)
I just want to know that can I show localized UI? Is it supported in current version of iOS SDK? For example if current locale is french.. i can set it by doing some thing like [self.braintree setLocale:#"fr"] etc.
I have searched several Braintree forums and haven't got any answer regarding this.
On an iOS integration, yes it's supported.
Currently, the Drop-in option is available in 18 languages on iOS and Android, but only in English (US) on the web.
Here's the SDK details on iOS localization bundles
If you're integrating via Cocoapods, then the localizations are automatically available to you when you switch the device language.
However, if you're doing a manual integration (i.e. dragging and dropping the raw Braintree SDK files into your project), you will need to create a resource bundle named Braintree-Drop-In-Localization, add the localized .strings files for the desired languages, and add that resource bundle to the app.

Porting native apps to Phonegap?

I have a native app for iOS and am being tasked to create a new app that includes portions/sections of that original native app within this new project. The caveat being that the app I am now tasked to develop must be done with Phonegap/Cordova.
My question is, what options do I have for utilizing the native code within the Phonegap project, or does the same functionality all need to be rewritten in HTML5/JS? I'm new to Phonegap so I don't fully know it's capabilities.
Generally phonegap apps are coded in javascript, css, html and where ever they need access to the native layer, they use phonegap plugins to access the native functionality. If you want use your existing code for integration into a phonegap app, you can do it by wrapping your code using phonegap plugin architecture and create plugins for the functionality from the code that you wish to reuse. Then you call those plugins where ever required in your application.
The below link is good starting point for creating plugins.
