Load Jenkins into a DR environment - jenkins

I've been looking all over the internet for a free way to load Jenkins up as an enterprise application. To be more clear, I mean to load Jenkins front end into two or more servers and allow load balancing between them.
Everything I've read is regarding distributed build. While I will also want to do this, make all servers build agents as well, I would like a disaster recovery environment kind of set up for the front end in the event that, say, our connection is down to a data center. Active/Active hosting would be desired, but active/backup would be fine too.
Any materials available to explain how to do this?

I haven't used this solution but it looks like the Gearman Plugin might provide the architecture you're looking for. It looks like the plugin creates a job queue that can be accessed by multiple Jenkins masters and serviced by multiple build agents. Looks like this would support an active/active set up.


Job-based cloud processing solution

I would like to do some cloud processing on a very small cluster of machines (<5).
This processing should be based on 'jobs', where jobs are parameterized scripts that run in a certain docker environment.
As an example for what a job could be:
Run in docker image "my_machine_learning_docker"
Download some machine learning dataset from an internal server
Train some neural network on the dataset
Produce a result and upload it to a server again.
My use cases are not limited to machine learning however.
A job could also be:
Run in docker image "my_image_processing_docker"
Download a certain amount of images from some folder on a machine.
Run some image optimization algorithm on each of the images.
Upload the processed images to another server.
Now what I am looking for is some framework/tool, that keeps track of the compute servers, that receives my jobs and dispatches them to an available server. Advanced priorization, load management or something is not really required.
It should be possible to query the status of jobs and of the servers via an API (I want to do this from NodeJS).
Potentially, I could imagine this framework/tool to dynamically spin up these compute servers in in AWS, Azure or something. That would not be a hard requirement though.
I would also like to host this solution myself. So I am not looking for a commercial solution for this.
Now I have done some research, and what I am trying to do has similarities with many, many existing projects, but I have not "quite" found what I am looking for.
Similar things I have found were (selection):
CI/CD solutions such as Jenkins/Gitlab CI. Very similar, but it seems to be tailored very much towards the CI/CD case, and I am not sure whether it is such a good idea to abuse a CI/CD solution for what I am trying to do.
Kubernetes: Appears to be able to do this somehow, but is said to be very complex. It also looks like overkill for what I am trying to do.
Nomad: Appears to be the best fit so far, but it has some proprietary vibes that I am not very much a fan of. Also it still feels a bit complex...
In general, there are many many different projects and frameworks, and it is difficult to find out what the simplest solution is for what I am trying to do.
Can anyone suggest anything or point me in a direction?
Thank you
I would use Jenkins for this use case even if it appears to you as a “simple” one. You can start with the simplest pipeline which can also deal with increasing complexity of your job. Jenkins has API, lots of plugins, it can be run as container for a spin up in a cloud environment.
Its possible you're looking for something like AWS Batch flows: https://aws.amazon.com/batch/ or google datalflow https://cloud.google.com/dataflow. Out of the box they do scaling, distribution monitoring etc.
But if you want to roll your own ....
Option A: Queues
For your job distribution you are really just looking for a simple message queue that all of the workers listen on. In most messaging platforms, a Queue supports deliver once semantics. For example
Active MQ: https://activemq.apache.org/how-does-a-queue-compare-to-a-topic
NATS: https://docs.nats.io/using-nats/developer/receiving/queues
Using queues for load distribution is a common pattern.
A queue based solution can use both with manual or atuomated load balancing as the more workers you spin up, the more instances of your workers you have consuming off the queue. The same messaging solution can be used to gather the results if you need to, using message reply semantics or a dedicated reply channel. You could use the resut channel to post progress reports back and then your main application would know the status of each worker. Alternatively they could drop status in database. It probably depends on your preference for collecting results and how large the result sets would be. If large enough, you might even just drop results in an S3 bucket or some kind of filesystem.
You could use something quote simple to mange the workers - Jenkins was already suggested is in defintely a solution I have seen used for running multiple instances accross many servers as you just need to install the jenkins agent on each of the workers. This can work quote easily if you own or manage the physical servers its running on. You could use TeamCity as well.
If you want something cloud hosted, it may depend on the technology you use. Kubernetties is probably overkill here, but certiabnly could be used to spin up N nodes and increase/decrease those number of workers. To auto scale you could publish out a single metric - the queue depth - and trigger an increase in the number of workers based on how deep the queue is and a metric you work out based on cost of spinning up new nodes vs. the rate at which they are processed.
You could also look at some of the lightweight managed container solutions like fly.io or Heroku which are both much easier to setup than K8s and would let you scale up easily.
Option 2: Web workers
Can you design your solution so that it can be run as a cloud function/web worker?
If so you could set them up so that scaling is fully automated. You would hit the cloud function end point to request each job. The hosting engine would take care of the distribution and scaling of the workers. The results would be passed back in the body of the HTTP response ... a json blob.
Your workload may be too large for these solutions, but if its actually fairly light weight quick it could be a simple option.
I don't think these solutions would let you query the status of tasks easily.
If this option seems appealing there are quite a few choices:
Option 3: Google Cloud Tasks
This is a bit of a hybrid option. Essentially GCP has a queue distribution workflow where the end point is a cloud function or some other supported worker, including cloud run which uses docker images. I've not actually used it myself but maybe it fits the bill.
When I look at a problem like this, I think through the entirity of the data paths. The map between source image and target image and any metadata or status information that needs to be collected. Additionally, failure conditions need to be handled, especially if a production service is going to be built.
I prefer running Python, Pyspark with Pandas UDFs to perform the orchestration and image processing.
S3FS lets me access s3. If using Azure or Google, Databricks' DBFS lets me seamlessly read and write to cloud storage without 2 extra copy file steps.
Pyspark's binaryFile data source lets me list all of the input files to be processed. Spark lets me run this in batch or an incremental/streaming configuration. This design optimizes for end to end data flow and data reliability.
For a cluster manager I use Databricks, which lets me easily provision an auto-scaling cluster. The Databricks cluster manager lets users deploy docker containers or use cluster libraries or notebook scoped libraries.
The example below assumes the image is > 32MB and processes it out of band. If the image is in the KB range then dropping the content is not necessary and in-line processing can be faster (and simpler).
Pseudo code:
df = (spark.read
.option("pathGlobFilter", "*.png")
from typing import Iterator
def do_image_xform(path:str):
# Do image transformation, read from dbfs path, write to dbfs path
# return xform status
return "success"
def do_image_xform_udf(iterator: Iterator[pd.Series]) -> Iterator[pd.Series]:
for path in iterator:
yield do_image_xform(path)
df_status = df.withColumn('status',do_image_xform_udf(col(path)))
df_status.saveAsTable("status_table") # triggers execution, saves status.

Installing existing Jenkins as a Windows Service

We currently have two existing and long standing Jenkins instances that are not currently installed as a service. The desire is to get them installed as a service on their host machines. I have found and read the documentation on how to do that.
My question is not particularly about how to do it, that appears to be simple enough. My concern is all the existing jobs and configurations that are there. Will they be effected by installing as a service? Will I need to essentially setup the Jenkins instance again? Are there any recommended precautions i should take? I currently have backups of each Jenkins instance, in case i need to back out. I'm hoping that someone out here as converted existing Jenkins setups to run as a service and can help ease my worries about losing the existing setups.
Thank you in advance!

What are best practices for jenkins security?

What are the best practices for a jenkins installation like the one below?
I do have a quite small dedicated server with 16 gb of ram and 2tb of diskspace with enabled hardware virtualization, and one use of it would be to host my own projects (opensource), and there are applications set up such as git repository manager and stuff.
I would like to set up jenkins there for automatic building, but I want to make it secure.
This installation is small enough to require only a master node, but I am planning to disable building on master completely, and to run a virtual machine as an agent, for the reason that it would be isolated as much as possible on the same physical server, so that a job would be unable to destroy jenkins master data.
Should I go for master only anyway? or, if using a virtual machine agent, should I have only one executor there or multiple ones? I probably cannot isolate multiple parallel jobs running on one agent without using one agent per job, but maybe I am overthinking all this. Using one agent per job, at least in case of virtual machines, would exhaust server resources very quickly, or alternatively, money.
You can use Jenkins own database of users, which I have used in commercial settings and it has worked perfectly well. If you have Active Directory you can also integrate with this if you want to go to extra effort so people only have to remember one login.
Once users are logged in you should provide authorisation via the Role-Strategy plugin

CI / CD: Principles for deployment of environments

I am not a developer, but reading about CI/CD at the moment. Now I am wondering about good practices for automated code deployment. I read a lot about the deployment of code to a pre-existing environment so far.
My question now is whether it is also good-practice to use e.g. a Jenkins workflow to deploy an environment from scratch when a new build is created. For example for testing of a newly created build, deleting the environment again after testing.
I know that there are various plugins to interact with AWS, Azure etc. that could be used to develop a job for deployment of a virtual machine.
There are also plugins to trigger Puppet to deploy infra (as code) and there are plugins to invoke an infrastructure orchestration.
So everything is available to be able to deploy the infrastructure and middleware before deploying code (with some extra effort of course).
Is this something that is used in real life? How is it done?
The background of my question is my interest in full automation of development with as few clicks as possible, and cost saving in a pay-per-use model by not having idle machines.
My question now is whether it is also good-practice to use e.g. a Jenkins workflow to deploy an environment from scratch when a new build is created
Yes it is good practice to deploy an environment from scratch. Like you say, Jenkins and Jenkins pipelines can certainly help with kicking off and orchestrating that process depending on your specific requirements. Deploying a full environment from scratch is one of the hardest things to automate, and if that is automated, it implies that a lot of other things are also automated, such as infrastructure, application deployments, application configuration, and so on.
Is this something that is used in real life?
Yes, definitely. A lot of shops do this. The simpler your environments, the easier it is, and therefore, a startup with one backend app would have relatively little trouble achieving this valhalla state. But even the creation of the most complex environments--with hundreds of interdependent applications--can be fully automated; it just takes more time and effort.
The background of my question is my interest in full automation of development with as less clicks as possible and cost saving in a pay-per-use model by not having idling machines.
Yes, definitely. The "spin up and destroy" strategy benefits all hosting models (since, after full automation, no one ever has to wait for someone to manually provision an environment), but those using public clouds see even larger benefits in terms of cost (vs always leaving AWS environments running, for example).
I appreciate your thoughts.
Not a problem. I will advise that this question doesn't fit stackoverflow's question and answer sweet spot super well, since it is quite general. In the future, I would recommend chatting with your developers, finding folks who are excited about this sort of thing, and formulating more specific questions when you all get stuck in the weeds on something. Welcome to stackoverflow!
All is being used in various combinations; the objective is to deliver continuous value to end user. My two cents:
Build & Release
It depends on what you are using. I personally recommend to use what is available with the tool. For example, VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) offers complete CI/CD pipeline. But if you have a unique need which can only be served by Jenkins then you must use that and VSTS offers that out of the box.
IAC (Infrastructure as code)
In addition to Puppet etc. You can take benefits of AZURE ARM (Azure Resource Manager) Template to Build and destroy an environment. Again, see what is available out of the box with the tool set you have.
What I have personally used is Azure Dev/Test Labs and have the code deployed to that via CI/CD pipeline. Later setup Shutdown policy on the VM so it will auto-start and auto-shutdown based on time provided. This is a great feature to let you save cost on the resources being used and replicate environments.
For example, UAT environment might not needed until QA is signed off. But using IAC you can quickly spin up the environment automatically and then have one-click deployment setup to deploy code to UAT.

Jenkins for monitoring application in prod

While I'm interested in Jenkins as a means to provide continuous build functionality, I'm really even more interested in Jenkins as a means to exercise my application in its prod environment against unexpected changes in infrastructure beyond my control that may effect my application. I can't find a ton of information on using Jenkins in this way, but I was wondering if there are others out there doing this? Essentially I have a project that runs maven test parametized with my prod url, but for these projects I don't actually do any building. Are there other tools besides Jenkins I should be considering to do this? If so, why?
If you've got your tests set up to run via Maven already, I think Jenkins would be a good option. You could set up email, IM or SMS alerts using Jenkins plugins, and keep a record of the results within Jenkins.
The only down sides I can think of are:
You'll probably want to run your monitoring a lot more frequently than a regular CI job, so you might want to keep more build records than the default of 10.
If you already have a system like Nagios or OpenView to monitor system resources, it might be better to integrate app monitoring into that rather than having another source of truth.
Jenkins Provides a plugin called Status Monitor Plugin
We have ours set to check a specific URL every 5 mins and email us when something fails. Our problem is that it won't sent emails to cell phone carrier email addresses. However, if regular email will suffice, the setup time for a plugin is less than a half hour and it is reliable as long as the Jenkins server stays up.
