Any interaction with the screen locks animation - ios

I have a UIView that sets a timer and each firing it generates a UIImage on a background queue (priority .userInitiated), and when finished (measured to take between 1-2 milliseconds, it pushes to the main queue and updates a UIImageView's image.
This creates a smooth animation effect (e.g. if the Timer is configured to fire 30 times per second). Touching the screen however either slows down or completely shuts down the updating. I removed my overrides of touchesBegan,Moved,Ended and any GestureRecognizers to ensure that I wasn't doing anything expensive. Simply touching the screen (especially dragging quickly) prevents the UI updating.
I watched this and googled as many SO posts as I can but I'm completely stuck on this.
Here is a reproduction of the problem. Run the app and it will display a stripped down rendering of a basic project. From there, you can drag/touch the screen and notice the frames will either slow down to a crawl or completely stop.
Github Repro


scrolling freezes and scroll not working in iphone devices ionic3?

I have create the app in ionic3 it working perfectly but in the iphone devices scrolling not working and screen freezed.
if I use in the app.scss from this link:
.content-ios:not([no-bounce])>.scroll-content::before { bottom: 0; }
above css remove the bouncing effect but in the segment section screen are bouncing again where we have to used segment section.after add above css scrolls perfectly with native momentum. But, div itself sometimes freezes and does not respond my finger moves. After 2-3 seconds later, it becomes again scrollable
I don't know how I am reproducing this problem. But, as I see there are two main behavior creates this situation.
First, If I wait for a while, for instance, 20 seconds, and touch the div, it does not respond. I wait a couple of seconds, and it becomes working again.
Second, I touch several times quickly, and then, it becomes freezing, and again, after a couple of seconds later, it starts working again.
How can I prevent this freezing as well scrolling
below we have create the video for that issue please check and let me know:

CoreAnimation - Unnecessary screen redraws on animation start cause lags

There's a CAReplicatorLayer with a bunch of replicated CAShapeLayers on the screen.
They are just shown, they don't move, nor are they supposed to do anything but be visible.
I'm running an animation to move some other CAShapeLayers around on the screen. As soon as the animation starts (the first time), the CAReplicatorLayer(with all its replications) gets redrawn. I see that due to the CoreAnimation profiler with "flash updated regions".
Those two things are absolutely not related at all, and though the CAReplicatorLayer with all its replications gets redrawn.
I've got a test project here, that shows exactly the problem. Press one of the two animation buttons to run the animation and watch the screen regions being flashed, with the CoreAnimation profiler active.
There's a very noticable lag but only very first time the animation is run. When pressing reset, the lag begins again. On pressing reset the CAShapeLayers that are used for the animation are recreated.
I'm using an iPad 3 Retina to test this, if you have a never / faster device than me, you maybe have to increase the instanceCount of the CAReplicatorLayer to 300-1000, to see the initial lag when starting the animation.
What can I do, to stop that unnecessary re-rendering of screen regions, that obviously don't need a re-render?

touchesMoved called at irregular intervals

I'm making a game for iOS where you mostly drag big objects across the screen. When I run the game on an actual iPad/iPhone for a while (continuously dragging the object in circles across the screen) every 5 minutes or so the dragged object goes all stuttery for about 10-30 seconds. Then, it goes back to moving silky-smooth.
Visually, it looks like the game's frame rate dropped to 15 fps for a while, but in actual fact it's running at rock-solid 60 fps all the time. However, I noticed that the only thing that doesn't move smoothly is the dragged object, while the rest of the game is all running perfectly smooth.
This led me to believe that the stuttering is related to the touch input in iOS. So I started looking at touchesMoved, and saw that it's normally called every 16 milliseconds (so touch input runs at 60 fps). So far so good.
Then I noticed that when the object starts stuttering, touchesMoved starts being called at weird time intervals, fluctuating wildly between 8 milliseconds and 50 milliseconds.
So while the touchscreen is in this weird state, sometimes touchesMoved will get called just 8 milliseconds after the previous call, and sometimes it won't get called until 50 ms after the previous call. Of course, this makes the dragged object look all choppy because its position is updated at irregular intervals.
Do you have any idea what could be causing touchesMoved to stop being called at regular intervals, as it normally does?
-Whenever I tilt the screen to force the screen orientation to change, roughly 70% of the time the touchscreen goes into the aforementioned state where touchesMoved starts being called irregularly. Then after 10-20 seconds it goes back to normal and everything looks smooth again.
-I've tried this on two iPads and two iPhones, with iOS 6 and 7, and the issue appears in all of these devices.
-An OpenGLES view is used to display the graphics. It syncs to the display refresh rate using CADisplayLink.
-The Xcode project I'm using to test this has been generated by the unity3d game development tool, but I've found several non-unity games where the same issue appears. this appears to be a system-wide problem. note I'm measuring the timings in objective-c using CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent, completely outside unity.
This is not a bug in Unity.
Something inside the OS is getting into a bad state and the touch-drag messages stop flowing smoothly. Sometimes you'll get multiple updates in a frame and sometimes you'll get none.
The issue does not happen on iPhone4 or below, or if the game is running at 30Hz frame rate.
I experienced this bug while using an in-house engine I'd written while working at a previous company. It first manifest itself after upgrading the UI system of a scrabble genre game, where you drag the tiles about on the screen. This was utterly bizarre, and I was never able to pin down the exact reproduction steps, but they seem to be timing related, somehow.
It can also be seen on Angry Birds (unless they've fixed it by now), and a variety of other games on the market, basically anything with touch-drag scrolling or movement. For Angry Birds, just go into a level and start scrolling sideways. Most of the time it'll be silky smooth, but maybe 1 in 10 times, it'll be clunky. Re-start the app and try again.
A workaround is to drop the input update frequency to 30Hz for a few frames. This jolts the internals of the OS somehow and gives it time to straighten itself out, so when you crank it back up to 60Hz, it runs smoothly again.
Do that whenever you detect that the bad state has been entered.
I've also run into this. I can verify that it's a bug in Unity 4.3.x.
My 4.2.x builds process touches on device at 60Hz with TouchPhase.Moved on every frame.
My 4.3.x builds get 20-40Hz with TouchPhase.Stationary being emitted on dropped frames.
TestFlight history saved my sanity here.
Don't forget to file a bug with UT.
It's a real disaster. Sometimes it's lag and sometimes it's really smooth. It lags even when GPU and CPU utilization are below 10%. it's not Unity bug. I'm using cocos2d v3.
If someone found a cure, please post it!
I've been running into this as well. My current hypothesis which I still have to verify is that if you ask for a given frame rate (eg. 60fps), but your actually achieved frame rate is less than that (eg. 45fps) that this causes a timing/race condition issue between Unity requesting inputs from iOS at a higher frame rate than it actually is running at. However, if you set it to 30fps (at least in my UNity 5.2 tests with iOS 9.1) then you get a solid 30Hz of input. When I disabled a chunk of my game and it was running at a very solid 60fps, then I would consistently get 60Hz of input from the touch screen. This is what I have for now, but I have to prove this in a simple project which I haven't had time to do yet. Hope this helps someone else.
I found a potential solution to this problem here: (posting here because it took me a lot of research to stumble across that link whereas this StackOverflow question was the first Google result).
To follow up on this, I got a resonse on my bug report to Apple. This
is the response:
"As long as you don't cause any display updates the screen stays in
low power and therefore 30hz mode, which in turn also keeps the event
input stream down at 30 hz. A workaround is to actually cause a
display update on each received move, even if it is just a one pixel
move of a view if input is needed while no explicit screen update will
be triggered."
In my application, using a GLKView, I set its
preferredFramesPerSecond to 60. Occasionally, my input rate would
randomly drop to 30hz. The response from Apple doesn't fully explain
why this would happen, but apparently the expected method of handling
this is to call display() directly from touchesMoved() while dragging.
I've subclassed GLKView and I set preferredFramesPerSecond to 60. On
touchesBegan(), I set isPaused=true, and start calling display()
within touchesMoved(). On touchesEnd(), I set isPaused=false. Doing
this, I'm no longer having any issues - the app is more performant
than it's ever been.
Apple's example TouchCanvas.xcodeproj does all drawing from within
touchesMoved() as well, so I guess this is the intended way to handle
As far as I can tell, your best bet to achieve a smooth look may be to interpolate between touch events, rather than immediately mapping your objects to your touch position.
tl;dr: It seems just having a CADisplayLink causing any OpenGL context or Metal device to draw at 60fps can cause this.
I was repro'ing this on my iPhone 7 Plus w/ iOS 10.2.1.
I made a small sample simple app with a CADisplayLink with preferredFramesPerSecond = 60, and tried the following rendering approaches:
GLKView w/ display()
CAEAGLLayer, used as prescribed by Apple at WWDC (opaque, sole layer, fullscreen, nothing drawn above it)
In each case, the render method would only clear the screen, not try drawing anything else.
In each case, I saw the input rate problem.
The following "tricks" also seemed to do nothing, when called inside touchesMoved:
Calling glkView.setNeedsDisplay() (with enableSetNeedsDisplay set to true)
Moving some other view
Calling glkView.display() (actually, seems like it can raise your input rate to 40 events per second. But it doesn't look any better, as far as I can tell, and seems wrong to do, so I wouldn't recommend it.)
I gave up, after running all these tests. Instead, I interpolate my object between the touch positions instead. So it's what I'd recommend, too.
But I figured I'd include my research here in case somebody else takes a stab at it and finds a better solution.

Cocos2D 2.1 - High CPU usage while idle

I have this iPhone app created in Cocos2d 2.1.
WHen the app first starts it presents a full screen background and a UIACtionSheet where the user has to choose one option to start the application. That's it. This actionsheet is presented by the first scene to run by the delegate (HelloWorldLayer scene).
Nothing else is loaded. Nothing is running on any thread that I am responsible for that. Even so, the CPU usage is about 20%. I have profiled that on instruments and this is what I have:
I see this [CCGLView swapBuffers] that is inside something that calls attention, ths CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION (CoreFoundation).
If I choose "show obj-c only" I see this:
Apparently the guilty is this drawScene but how can a scene with a background image and a UIActionsheet use that much CPU?
How do I trace the source of this problem?
NOTE. This is being tested on the device. On simulator CPU usage is 77%!!!!!
Cocos2d, like any OpenGL application, redraws the contents of the screen every frame. Typically that means 60 frames per second. Swapping the frame buffers and all the other overhead associated takes some CPU time.
So what you're observing is normal behavior, there's nothing that can be done about it. There is no concept of "idle" in a rendering engine, it draws the contents of the screen even if they didn't change (or the screen is empty) on the assumption that screen contents usually do change.
You can however pause the CCDirector to reduce framerate, conserving CPU cycles and battery. Or call stopAnimation to completely stop all updates, including scheduled selectors. However what happens to the framebuffer is undefined, usually it sticks around (ie the last rendered frame "freezes") but this may not be true for all situations and devices.
As far as Simulator is concerned: ignore it. Its performance characteristics are not the least bit comparable nor instructive.

Why are my iPad touch events being delayed (sometimes up to a second)?

I'm working on a game, and I'm using a CAEAGLLayer backed UIView subclass to present the game engine. Touch handling is done using -touchesBegan:withEvent: et. al.
Everything works fine, except that very rarely, if one of the on-screen controls is tapped rapidly, -touchesBegan:withEvent: doesn't get called for somewhere between 0.1 and 1-2 seconds. This happens maybe one in 20 times, and only if you tap the screen rapidly (4-5 times) first. It seems to be more likely to happen if I am also holding down another finger on a different control on the screen.
Thinking that it was something to do with my own code, I subclassed UIApplication so I could add a logging statement to -sendEvent:. When the laggy touch happens, -sendEvent: doesn't get called until some period of time after the touch has started, so it the touch handling code inside my UIView subclass doesn't appear to be at fault.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here (other than iOS having some obscure bug)? Is there some sort of internal "events queue" that makes event delivery become laggy when it fills up? Has anyone else experienced this?
Touch events are only dispatched in the main UI run loop, and sometimes only when the main run loop goes idle for a bit. So if your app is busy handling several previous touch events in a row without taking a break, the main UI run loop might be saturated, and thus not get any further touch events until done with the current stuff.
Touch events also have time stamps. So you can check if they're coming too fast (faster than your event handlers and resulting UI updates can run), and skip or combine some of the event handlers, as appropriate for your app, if you want the app to stay maximally responsive.
