Is realtime audio processing possible in iOS? - ios

So I'm planning to build an app that at the very least let's me use the mic on an iphone be converted into a balanced audio signal through the headphone jack. The problem is I'm not sure if getting mic input to the output is possible without a delay. I've looked into CoreAudio and AVFoundation, but it looks like one is getting deprecated soon and the other might be too high level to ever do what I need. I'm testing out AudioKit, but I've only run it in a simulator that's running on a virtual machine inside windows, so I might get much better results on an actual device (although I'm skeptical because the audio delay is about the same as when I monitor my microphone through windows).
Does anyone know any frameworks or literally anything that might make it possible to do real time audio processing without too noticeable of a delay?
Is it even possible on iOS or is the OS overhead too big?
Literally any answer is appreciated.

I'm doing real-time audio processing using AudioKit. There were a few hiccups, but I've been able to manage to add processing nodes to real-time mic recordings and output them to the speaker with virtually no delay.
A notable hiccup I ran into was the difference between a 'debug' build and a 'release' build in xcode. The release build takes longer to compile, but runs faster, thus reduces delay in the audiobuffer processing. My testing platform is an old ipad2 though, so you may not run into those issues if you're using more recent hardware.


Xilinx - Vivado Project: VGA IO not working

I'm new to Xilinx-Vivado. So at the moment we just need to look and see how Vivado and SDK work using Zybo Zynq-7000 Board. I searched on the internet, and found a project with VGA IO. The mysterious thing is that I actually made it to work when I was at school, but due to the current situation, we are not able to get much help, I am now alone with it at home.
This is the project.
Firstly I'd like to ask what does the console below tell me?
I generated the bitstream, and then exported the hardware included the bitstream, lastly I launch SDK. On SDK i programmed the FPGA and then ran the project as Launch as Hardware (System debugger and GDB).
That's how I did it:
And the configuartions:
And the output I am getting through the console is:
To my main problem, it is that I have connected all the cables to the Zybo Board that is required; USB cable from my laptop to the FPGA and VGA cable from the FPGA up to my monitor screen. The problem is that I am not getting any output on my monitor, do I have to enable something so that my VGA cable from FPGA to monitor is working?
This ultimately boils down to standard debugging. I can only give a couple suggestions.
First, confirm that your design is working in simulation; check that your outputs, especially your sync signals, are working as expected.
Next confirm that your IO constraints are set up correctly and that you are using the right IO pins on the board.
If those all seem correct, ideally you'd have access to a signal analyzer, but that sounds unlikely in current circumstances. As an alternative, you can look at using an ILA, like chipscope, to probe the signals and see monitor them in hardware.
Last, and obviously, make sure all of the cables are connected correctly.
Good luck with the design.

Memory limit issue with screen casting using the broadcast extension and WebRTC protocol on iOS

This is my first question posted on stackoverflow.
I'm trying to make screen cast app using BroadcastExtension and WebRTC protocol. But broadcast extension's memory limit(50mb) is so tight that if an application tries to send the original video(886 x 1918 30fps) without any processing, it immediately dies after receiving a memory usage warning. After lowering the resolution and frame rate of the video, there is no problem. Investigating the application using the profiler does not seem to cause any problems with memory leaks. I guess it is because of the frames allocated during the encoding process inside WebRTC framework.
So my question is, is it possible to send the original video using WebRTC without any other processing, such as down scaling or lowering the frame rate?
I forgot to mention in the question, but the library I used is Google WebRTC. I made two mistakes. One is to build the modified framework in debug mode, and the other is to use a software encoder(default is VP8). Because of this, it seems that the processing of the video frames was delayed and accumulated in the memory. DefaultEncoderFactory basically provides an encoder that operates in SW. (At least on iOS. Android seems to support HW-based decoder encoders automatically.) Fortunately, the iOS version google WebRTC framework supports the H264 hardware encoder(EncoderFactoryH264). In other cases you have to implement it yourself.
However, when using H264 to transmit, there is a problem that some platforms cannot play, for example, Android. The Google webrtc group seems to be aware of this problem, but at least it seems to me that it has not been resolved properly. Additional work is needed to solve this.

How to ensure audio rendered within time limit on iOS?

I am rendering low-latency audio from my custom synth code via the iOS Audio Unit render callback. Obviously if my rendering code is too slow then it will return from the callback too late and there will be a buffer underrun. I know from experience this results in silence being output.
I want to know what time limit I have so that I can manage the level of processing to match the device limitations etc..
Obviously the length of the buffer (in samples) determines the duration of audio being rendered and this sets an overall limit. However I suspect that the Apple audio engine will have a smaller time limit between issuing the render callback and requiring the response.
How can I find out this time limit and is that something I can do within the callback function itself?
If I happen to exceed the time limit and cause a buffer underrun, is there a notification I can receive or a status object I can interrogate?
NB: In my app I am creating a single 'output' audio unit, so I don't need to worry about chaining audio units together.
The amount of audio rendering that can be done in Audio Unit callbacks depends on the iOS device model and OS version, and well as potential CPU clock speed throttling due to temperature or background modes. Thus, it needs to be profiled on the oldest, slowest iOS device you plan on your app supporting, with some margin.
To support iOS 9, I very conservatively profile my apps on an iPhone 4S test device (ARM Cortex A9 CPU at 800 MHz), or an even older slower device by using an earlier iOS version. When doing this profiling, one can add some percentage of "make work" to test an audio callback and see if there is any margin (For a 50% margin, generate the sample buffer twice, etc.) Other developers appear to be less conservative.
This is why it is important for an mobile audio developer to have (or have access to) to several iOS devices (the older the better). If the callback meets the time limit on an old slow text device, it will very likely be more than fast enough on any newer iOS device.
Depending on the OS version, an underrun can either result in silence, or the Audio Unit stopping or crashing (which can be detected by no more or not enough callbacks within some predictable amount of time).
But the best way to avoid underrun is to do most of the heavy audio work in another thread outside the audio unit thread, and pass samples to/from the audio unit callback using a lock-free circular fifo/queue.
Adding to what hotpaw2 said, the worst performing iOS device I have encountered is the iPhone touch 16G without the rear facing camera. I have done projects where every device except the ipod touch 16G plays audio smoothly. I had to bump up the buffer duration to the next size to accommodate.
I typically have done all audio prepping prior before the render callback in a separate lockless ring buffer and keep the render callback limited to copying data. I let the application "deal" with a buffer underruns.
I personally never measured the render callback variance but I would guess that it would be consistently equal to the buffer duration time and would extremely minimal jitter (eg 5ms). I doubt it would be 4.9 ms one time then 5.1 ms the next time.
To get some timing info, in mach_time.hyou can use mach_absolute_time() to get some timing.
You didn't really say what your timing requirements are. I assume you need low latency audio. Otherwise, you can just set the buffer duration to be pretty big. I assume that you want to increase latency for slow devices using this code. I usually find what works on an iPod 16G and use that as a worst case.
NSTimeInterval _preferredDuration = ...
NSError* err;
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance]setPreferredIOBufferDuration:_preferredDuration error:&err];
And of course, you should get the actual duration used. The OS will pick some power of two based on the sample rate:
NSTimeInterval _actualBufferDuration;
_actualBufferDuration = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] IOBufferDuration];
As far as adjusting for device performance. You can set the buffer duration

OpenGL ES apps appear to run MUCH FASTER when profiling in Instruments

I'm scared to ask this question because it doesn't include specifics and doesn't have any code samples, but that's because I've encountered it on three entirely different apps that I've worked on in the past few weeks, and I'm thinking specific code might just cloud the issue.
Scoured the web and found no reference to the phenomenon I'm encountering, so I'm just going to throw this out there and hope someone else has seen the same thing:
The 'problem' is that all the iOS OpenGL apps I've built, to a man, run MUCH FASTER when I'm profiling them in Instruments than when they're running standalone. As in, a frame rate roughly twice as fast (jumping from, eg, 30fps to 60fps). This is both measured with a code-timing loop and from watching the apps run. Instruments appears to be doing something magical.
This is on a device, not the iOS simulator.
If I profile my OpenGL apps and upload to a device — specifically, iPad 3 running iOS 5.1 — via Instruments, the frame rate is just flat-out much, much faster than running standalone. There appears to be no frame skipping or shennanigans like that. It simply does the same computation at around twice the speed.
Although I'm not including any code samples, just assume I'm doing the normal stuff. OpenGL ES 2.0, with VBOs and VAOs. Multithreading some computationally intensive code areas with dispatch queues/blocks. Nothing exotic or crazy.
I'd just like to know if anyone has experienced anything vaguely similar. If not, I'll just head back to my burrow and continue stabbing myself in the leg with a fork.
Could be that when you profile, a release build is used (by default) instead of a debug build when you just hit run.

Low jitter audio on iOS

I'd like to load a small audio clip like a beep into memory, and schedule playback after x seconds with very low jitter. My application ideally gets less than +-1ms, but +-5ms could still be useful. The time is synchronized to a remote application without a microphone. My question is what kind of jitter can I expect from the audio APIs, and are they all equal in this regard?
I'm not familiar with the audio APIs, but from the latency discussions I've seen the number 5.8ms using remoteIO audio units. Does this mean +-3ms would be the best precision possible?
You would need to set this process as Real-Time to have a guarantee of low delay, otherwise you can get jitter in seconds because operating system can decide to make some background job.
Once you got it as real-time, you might archive lower delay.
Please check with Apple if you can make process real-time (with scheduling options). You might want to have extra permissions and kernel level support in your app to do it properly, that you can have guaranteed 1ms delay for audio app.
