Xilinx - Vivado Project: VGA IO not working - sdk

I'm new to Xilinx-Vivado. So at the moment we just need to look and see how Vivado and SDK work using Zybo Zynq-7000 Board. I searched on the internet, and found a project with VGA IO. The mysterious thing is that I actually made it to work when I was at school, but due to the current situation, we are not able to get much help, I am now alone with it at home.
This is the project.
Firstly I'd like to ask what does the console below tell me?
I generated the bitstream, and then exported the hardware included the bitstream, lastly I launch SDK. On SDK i programmed the FPGA and then ran the project as Launch as Hardware (System debugger and GDB).
That's how I did it:
And the configuartions:
And the output I am getting through the console is:
To my main problem, it is that I have connected all the cables to the Zybo Board that is required; USB cable from my laptop to the FPGA and VGA cable from the FPGA up to my monitor screen. The problem is that I am not getting any output on my monitor, do I have to enable something so that my VGA cable from FPGA to monitor is working?

This ultimately boils down to standard debugging. I can only give a couple suggestions.
First, confirm that your design is working in simulation; check that your outputs, especially your sync signals, are working as expected.
Next confirm that your IO constraints are set up correctly and that you are using the right IO pins on the board.
If those all seem correct, ideally you'd have access to a signal analyzer, but that sounds unlikely in current circumstances. As an alternative, you can look at using an ILA, like chipscope, to probe the signals and see monitor them in hardware.
Last, and obviously, make sure all of the cables are connected correctly.
Good luck with the design.


STM32 Memory Dump and Extracting Secret Key

I am quite new at embedded development and started with a STM32F429 board to improve myself.
I have just developed a basic Caesar encryption application for my board. It is working well, and defined the secret key as "3". Now I would like to extract this super secret(!) key from my device.
How can I do it? Should I dump the memory or firmware of my device, and how?
May you suggest me any software for this proccess? (Not ST Utility or STM softwares please. Because I would like to try gained experiences on other devices as well.)
I take it the value you're looking for is hardcoded. In that case it resides in the internal flash. So yes, a memory dump will be necessary.
I will go the long way and assume that you know very little about how it works, so if you know some of this stuff, well, good for you. I will try to give a few pointers.
Specifically about STM32:
You have an option to boot the microcontroller from the so-called system memory, which is read-only memory, and it is already preprogrammed from factory with a bootloader. You can talk to that running bootloader via UART (most common way, comes with ST-Link, but any cheapo USB-UART bridge also works). Or it can be some other protocol. You can ask that bootloader to read its flash out to you, among other things. This is covered in AN2606.pdf. It has some useful links in it, such as:
names of documents, where you can find specific bootloader commands for any interface you wish. Of course, you only care about interfaces, that the bootloader of your specific MCU F429 supports, which are found in the same AN2606, page 172 (for bootloader version 0.7, there is also 0.9 for those MCUs, I have no idea how to tell which one you have, so...try? UART configuration seems identical anyway):
So what exactly needs to be done? Flip the state of BOOT0 pin - permanently - of the MCU and reset it (power cycle or reset pin, both ok). You will boot the MCU into bootloader instead of booting program from flash. You can read about it in the Reference manual STM32F429, page 69. It talks about states of BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins on boot. What pins are boot0 - if they're not marked on your board, then you'll have to consult F429 datasheet, page 69 (I swear, it's a coincidence). Depending on your specific IC, it will be one pin or another.
It will activate all MCUs peripherals as per docs above and it and wait on its UART and other pins for commands. Commands listed in the documents I provided above. Let's take a look at AN3155 about USART of bootloader:
And the commands are
are all in that document, the table of contents in pdf really helps to find stuff quickly. Of course, if you need specific details, and you will need specific information about specific commands, it's all in there too. How many bytes in command, how many bytes at a time you read from flash etc. Basically, you can either write your own program that does that (even program another microcontroller to program that microcontroller using victim's bootloader), or use any other software that knows what commands to send to the bootloader. It can be ST utility, it can be any other program. They all implement the very same command set, so it doesn't actually matter much. I couldn't find many programs that do that, the only thing that stood out was stm32flash. Never used it myself. I'm ok with ST stuff, since I know what it does (I think).
Oh yeah back to getting the secret value out. I almost forgot about that. Well, then you open the dump in hex viewer/editor, and scroll it around looking for interesting combination of values. Yeah, that's kinda what it looks like. One can run it via disassembly. Scroll disassembled code around, see if there are any numeric values that stand out. You know, some random number 0xD35B581 or something hardcoded in the middle of pretty program could mean something, like be a serial number or a secret number. Unfortunately, I'm reaching boundaries of my competence here, so won't go any further on what one can do with dump.

Enforce use of independent flip mode with DXGI FLIP SwapChain

I currently face a problem with DXGI Swapchains (DirectX 11). My C++ application shows (live) video and my goal is to minimize latency. I have no user input to process.
In order to decrease latency I switched to a DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD swapchain (I used BitBlt before - see For best performance, use DXGI flip model for further details). I use the following flags:
//Swapchain Init:
On one computer the swapchain (windowed) goes into the "Hardware: Independent Flip" mode and I have perfectly low latency, as long as I have no other windows in front. On all other computers I tried, I am stuck in the "Composed: Flip" mode with higher latency (~ 25-30 ms more). The software (binary) is exactly the same. I am checking this with PresentMon.
What I find interesting is that on the computer where the independent flip mode works, it is also active without the ALLOW_TEARING flags - from what I understood they should be required for it. I btw also see tearing in this case, but that is a different problem.
I already tried to compare Windows 10 versions, graphic drivers and driver settings. GPU is a Quadro RTX 4000 for all systems. I couldn't spot any difference between the systems.
I would really appreciate any hints on additional preconditions for the independent flip mode I might have missed in the docs. Thanks for your help!
Update1: I updated the "working" system from Nvidia driver 511.09 to 473.47 (latest stable). After that I got the same behavior like on the other systems (no ind. flip). After going back to 511.09 it worked again. So the driver seems to have influence. The other systems also had 511.09 for my original tests though.
Update2: After dealing with all DirectX debug outputs, it still does not work as desired. I manage to get into independent flip mode only in real full screen mode or in windowed mode where the window has no decorations and actually covers the whole screen. Unfortunately, using the Graphics Tools for VS I never enter the independent flip and cannot do further analysis here. But it is interesting that when using the Graphics Tools debug, PresentMon shows Composed Flip, but the Graphics Analyzer from the Graphics Tools shows only DISCARD as SwapEffect for the SwapChain. I would have expected FLIP_DISCARD as I explicitly used DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD.

Multiple boards Windows Device Manager prompts resource conflict, error code is 12

I inserted multiple same boards into the system. Device PCIe is implemented with Xilinx IP core. After each FPGA program is programed, manually refresh the device manager to check whether the device and driver are working properly.
My confusion is that it seems that this approach can only work on two boards at the same time. After the third board is programmed , and then refresh the task manager, the system prompts insufficient resources, "This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use (Code 12)"
I tried to disable the other two boards, but the device still prompted conflicts. I don't know how to query conflicting resources.
My boards have 2 BARs(BAR0: 2KB, BAR1:16MB), and 1 IRQ.
I did a few experiments and felt that it was caused by the conflict of memory resources. The conflicting party was the AMD integrated graphics card that came with the motherboard.
1st, 2nd, 3rd all indicate my board number.
3rd is not recognized because of conflicts.
After I shut it down, I plugged in all three boards and then turned it on again. As a result, during the startup process, the system restarted again after a sudden power failure, and then all three boards were normal. At this time, it is found that the memory address of the graphics card has changed
I want to know how to resolve the conflict? modify my driver code or FPGA configuration?
PCIe enumeration should resolve memory allocations issues, however there are a couple implementation issues to be aware of. Case in point, I have used Xilinx XDMA's with a 64 bit BAR of 2GB in size and I have literally bricked a DELL XPS motherboard. But I have done the same with an IBM system and it just worked. The point here is that enumeration can be done with Firmware, Hardware or OS driven event. If you doing hardware manager, that sounds like OS driven, but when I toasted the XPS board, that was some kind of FW issue that was related to BAR size that resulted in a permanent failure. 16MB isn't big and it should not be a problem, but I would recommend going with the Xilinx defaults first and show reliability there. I think it's one BAR at 1M. I have run 3x 64 bit BARS at 1MB a piece without issue, but keep it simple and show reliability. Then move up. This will help isolate if it is a system flakiness or not.
I have seen some system use FW based enumeration that comes up really fast, before the FPGA has configured, in which case there is no PCIe target to ID. If you frequently find that your FPGA is not detected on power up, but detected on a rescan, this can be a symptom. How to resolve this is a bit of a pain. We ended up using partial reconfiguration. Start with the PCIe interface, then have a reconfig to load the remaining image. Let's hope it isn't this problem
The next thing is to be aware of is your reset mechanism within the FPGA. You probably hooked the PCIe IP reset to the bus reset which is great, however, I have in the past also hooked that reset to internal PLL locked signals that may not be up. For troubleshooting purposes, keep that reset simple and get rid of everything else to show that just the PCIe IP by itself is reliable first.
You also have to be careful here too. If you strip things down, make sure it is clean. If you ignore the PLL lock and try to use a Xilinx driver, such as the XDMA driver, it has a routine where it tries to identify the XDMA with data transactions. It is looking for the DMA BAR one BAR at a time. But when it does this, the transaction it attempts may go out on the AXI bus if the BAR isn't the XDMA control BAR. If the AXI bus isn't out of reset or clocked when this happens you will lock the AXI bus and I have locked up a Linux box this way on several occasions. AXI requires that transactions complete, otherwise it just sits there waiting.
BTW, on a Linux box, you can look at the enumeration output in the kernel log. I'm not sure if Windows shows you the same thing or not. But this can be helpful if you see that the device was initially probed but then something invalid was detected in the config register, versus not being seen at all.
So a couple things to look at.

Is realtime audio processing possible in iOS?

So I'm planning to build an app that at the very least let's me use the mic on an iphone be converted into a balanced audio signal through the headphone jack. The problem is I'm not sure if getting mic input to the output is possible without a delay. I've looked into CoreAudio and AVFoundation, but it looks like one is getting deprecated soon and the other might be too high level to ever do what I need. I'm testing out AudioKit, but I've only run it in a simulator that's running on a virtual machine inside windows, so I might get much better results on an actual device (although I'm skeptical because the audio delay is about the same as when I monitor my microphone through windows).
Does anyone know any frameworks or literally anything that might make it possible to do real time audio processing without too noticeable of a delay?
Is it even possible on iOS or is the OS overhead too big?
Literally any answer is appreciated.
I'm doing real-time audio processing using AudioKit. There were a few hiccups, but I've been able to manage to add processing nodes to real-time mic recordings and output them to the speaker with virtually no delay.
A notable hiccup I ran into was the difference between a 'debug' build and a 'release' build in xcode. The release build takes longer to compile, but runs faster, thus reduces delay in the audiobuffer processing. My testing platform is an old ipad2 though, so you may not run into those issues if you're using more recent hardware.

Blink the iPhone LED Flash with Serial Data - iOS

Would it be possible to set the iPhone LED flash control line as a UART TX line in order to optically transmit serial data? If so, is there a way to do it through Xamarin? Maybe this?
I highly doubt it. First, you don't have any control over the latency of the flash - different devices under different loads may be able to toggle it quicker than others. And I don't think you could toggle the flash fast enough for a reasonable data transfer rate. You might be able to get this working in a test environment with a specific hardware setup, but I don't think it would be of any practical use.
