Youtube API - Difference between number of videos from channel statistics and number of videos uploaded - youtube

I am trying youtube API to get the number of videos using the call[id]&key=[key]
However, there is a mismatch in the number of uploaded videos. There are 178 videos uploaded in the channel and the channel statistics API is showing 177.
Why is the difference of 1 count?
After 3 days, I got the correct count from channel statistics API.
Still, the question is "Is there a chance to get the difference?"
If that is the case, I would prefer to use the number of videos uploaded instead of the channel statistics.

Watch time report shows the following data collected from, the video watch page, mobile Youtube apps (some data is only available from
Note: Analytics views data is based in Pacific Standard Time, updated once a day, and has a delay of up to 72 hours. The numbers you
see in Analytics reports might be different from the numbers you see
on the video page, channel page, Video Manager, or other sources.
Then I suggest that you use the number of videos uploaded.


Limit on YouTube Videos I can upload everyday

I am working on a YouTube channel where I have to upload thousands of short videos. To automate the boring process I decided to write a Python program that can upload all my videos and set appropriate tags, descriptions etc.
I created a Project in Developers console created API clients acquired appropriate credentials, requested and got my daily API Usage quoted extended to 500,000 units every day.
Now that I started uploading videos I am facing a different problem, i.e. the number of videos i can upload in one day. After every 100 clips i get Auth errors which say i have exceeded the daily limit of number of videos i can upload.
I want to know why is there a limit on the number of videos if i have decent API usage quota to spare.

How to get metrics from YouTube Analytics API for every video which belongs to current user?

I want to get metrics (such as likes, views and subscribers gained) for every video in my youtube channel (or about 10 latest video) , how can I do it correctly?
I'm using such API call from Youtube Analytics API, but it turns out that it returns total views and total likes from all videos, not individually about every video.
I read documentation of YouTube Analytics API and I can't find this information there.
If you want the response to be grouped by video your have to specify the dimension parameter to video.
Here is a sample request from the documentation (Basic stats/Top 10 – Most watched videos for a channel):
Although the note does not specify it, the sort parameter must be the first metric that you declared.
If want to get information on more that 10 videos or to pull information for the latest videos, you can specify the dimension as video and you must specify the video ids in the filter parameter as video==VIDEO1_id,VIDEO2_id....
The videos in a channel can be retrieved through the YouTube Data API from the search endpoint.
You will get a list of videos with their details as a response, among others the videoId and publishedAt values.

Youtube-api very small quotas by using access token

I registered in the google console, created my project and enabled youtube api v3.
I uploaded videos from a server, I did it via Oauth2 (from my account). I confirmed it for the first time, received a refresh token and now just update the access token to upload the video.
The problem is in quotas: I read that youtube provides a quota of 1,000,000 (one million) units per day, to download a video to spend + -1600, but for some reason I have a limit of 3,000,000 (three million), BUT at the same time 10,000 is written per day . And ten thousand - this is 6 videos of all.
Could you explain to me what all the quotas are and why I only have 10,000 per day?
In the first screenshot, we can see that only 11,184 units out of 3,000,000 were spent.
and on the second that almost the entire limit was spent (almost 10,000)
*I want to upload video from the server to YouTube automatically.
Through my user.
first screen
second screen

How to get average watch time for a youtube video?

According to Youtube Analytics documentation, you can only get watch time for videos uploaded to your own channel, and you can't get it for playlisted videos (except in the context of a playlist, which is useless to me). The documentation also states that if you want to access watch time information, you need a permission from the owner of the channel.
Is it possible to get Average Watch Time for any youtube video using Youtube data API or Analytics API, or using any other source and how?
You may check averageViewDuration which is the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist.
Total view counts, estimated watch time, and more for a channel
This query retrieves aggregated metrics for the channel's content. The report returns a single row of data that contains totals for each requested metric during the specified date range.
Hope this helps!

Is there a YouTube-like service that allows uploading a 100 thousand 5 second videos via an API?

YouTube's API documentation states that there is a 2000 video limit on uploads.
Since I doubt that YouTube would wave the limit (prior to being able to show we are a profitable partner to them), we need an alternative that allow thousands of very short video clips.
Vimeo might allow this (if the size of the videos is reasonable). They work on a total storage basis.
