I am currently writing an app where the user needs to know the IP address of their phone/tablet. Where would I find this information?
I only want to know what the local IP address is, such as, 192.168.x.xxx and NOT the public IP address of the router.
So far, I can only seem to find InternetAddress.anyIPv4 and InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4. The loopback address is not what I want as it is
I guess you mean the local IP of the currently connected Wifi network, right?
In this answer, I used to suggest using the NetworkInterface in 'dart:io', however NetworkInterface.list is not supported in all Android devices (as pointed out by Mahesh). The wifi package provides that, but later this was incorporated to the flutter's connectivity plugin. In Oct/2020 the methods for that were moved from the connectivity to the wifi_info_flutter plugin, and in 2021 that package was discontinued in favor of network_info_plus.
So just go for network_info_plus and call await NetworkInfo().getWifiIP().
By the way, you may also want to check if Wifi is available using the connectivity_plus plugin in flutter/plugins. Here's an example of how to check if wifi is available.
This provides the IP addresses of all interfaces
import 'dart:io';
Future printIps() async {
for (var interface in await NetworkInterface.list()) {
print('== Interface: ${interface.name} ==');
for (var addr in interface.addresses) {
'${addr.address} ${addr.host} ${addr.isLoopback} ${addr.rawAddress} ${addr.type.name}');
See also
I was searching for getting IP address in flutter for both the iOS and android platforms.
As answered by Feu and Günter Zöchbauer following works on only iOS platform
this listing of network interfaces is not supported for android platform.
After too long search and struggling with possible solutions, for getting IP also on android device, I came across a flutter package called wifi, with this package we can get device IP address on both iOS and android platforms.
Simple sample function to get device IP address
Future<InternetAddress> get selfIP async {
String ip = await Wifi.ip;
return InternetAddress(ip);
I have tested this on android using wifi and also from mobile network.
And also tested on iOS device.
Though from name it looks only for wifi network, but it has also given me correct IP address on mobile data network [tested on 4G network].
#finally_this_works : I have almost given up searching for getting IP address on android and was thinking of implementing platform channel to fetch IP natively from java code for android platform [as interface list was working for iOS]. This wifi package saved the day and lots of headache.
It seems that Dart doesn't have a solution to get your own ip address. Searching for a solution I came across the rest api https://ipify.org to get my public address. Hope it helps.
Here is another way.
Future<InternetAddress> _retrieveIPAddress() async {
InternetAddress result;
int code = Random().nextInt(255);
var dgSocket = await RawDatagramSocket.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, 0);
dgSocket.readEventsEnabled = true;
dgSocket.broadcastEnabled = true;
Future<InternetAddress> ret =
dgSocket.timeout(Duration(milliseconds: 100), onTimeout: (sink) {
}).expand<InternetAddress>((event) {
if (event == RawSocketEvent.read) {
Datagram dg = dgSocket.receive();
if (dg != null && dg.data.length == 1 && dg.data[0] == code) {
return [dg.address];
return [];
}).firstWhere((InternetAddress a) => a != null);
dgSocket.send([code], InternetAddress(""), dgSocket.port);
return ret;
here, you can use this package https://pub.dev/packages/dart_ipify available on pub.dev,
import 'package:dart_ipify/dart_ipify.dart';
void main() async {
final ipv4 = await Ipify.ipv4();
print(ipv4); //
final ipv6 = await Ipify.ipv64();
print(ipv6); // or 2a00:1450:400f:80d::200e
final ipv4json = await Ipify.ipv64(format: Format.JSON);
print(ipv4json); //{"ip":""} or {"ip":"2a00:1450:400f:80d::200e"}
// The response type can be text, json or jsonp
To get device connected network/WiFi IP you can use network_info_plus package.
For android add the following permissions ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION in the AndroidManifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
IOS permissions are a little more complicated so please read what is requested in the library.
Add package to pubspec.yaml
network_info_plus: ^1.0.2
Than you can get the current IP by executing
String? wifiIP = await NetworkInfo().getWifiIP();
In my recent app I have a requirement to get user's Ip address and then I found this packgage useful. https://pub.dev/packages/get_ip
Here is How I use it.
_onLoginButtonPressed() async {
String ipAddress = await GetIp.ipAddress;
print(ipAddress); //
You can use the wifi package for getting the local IP Address (for eg. 192.168.x.x). (as The NetworkInterface.list (from dart:io) is no longer supporting Android from 7.0 and above).
Use the wifi package :
import 'package:wifi/wifi.dart';
You can retrieve the IP Address like this:
Future<String> getIp() async {
String ip = await Wifi.ip;
return ip;
You can display it on a Text widget using FutureBuilder:
future: getIp(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
} else {
if (snapshot.hasError)
return Center(child: Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}'));
return Center(child: Text('IP Address is : ${snapshot.data}')); //IP Address
Have you tried the device_info package?
There is an example on querying device information in https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/device_info#-example-tab-
You can use the network_info_plus plugin to get various info about the wifi connection
import 'package:network_info_plus/network_info_plus.dart';
final NetworkInfo _networkInfo = NetworkInfo();
wifiIPv4Addr = await _networkInfo.getWifiIP();
For further refernce you can refer to the examples given under the official page
You can use the following package: https://pub.dev/packages/network_info_plus
And here is the page giving more detail about how to use the package https://plus.fluttercommunity.dev/docs/network_info_plus/usage/#using-network-info-plus
Essentially...if you have the package installed, you would use something like
import 'package:network_info_plus/network_info_plus.dart';
final info = NetworkInfo();
var wifiIP = await info.getWifiIP();
This package comes with some additional methods that could prove quite useful ;)
NOTE: This package is not supported on flutter web.
The flutter network_info_plus package provides access to Wifi information such as Wifi IP and name, but the problem is that it doesn't work when the phone HotSpot is on and the phone gets its IP from its own HotSpot.
The code below works for any condition and returns local IP whether it comes from phone HotSpot or another router:
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel('get_ip');
String ip = await _channel.invokeMethod('getIpAdress');
Node that in case you got No implementation found for method error, you should add get_ip package.
I hope it helps.
If we want to find the public facing IP address of a browser we can use dart_ipify The example in the documentation worked perfectly for me.
Import the package:
import 'package:dart_ipify/dart_ipify.dart';
Add this code to _incrementCounter():
final ipv4 = await Ipify.ipv4();
I'm writing a discord bot using the nyxx library and want use dynamic file import for load command info and handler. But, after 5 hours of searching with Google, I didn't find anything to help me do that.
In Node.js, I can use require() or import() for it: Does the dart have something like that?
A small code snippet, showing what I want do:
this.commands = new Collection();
fs.readdirSync('./src/commands').filter(( f ) => f.endsWith( '.js' )).forEach((file) => {
const command = require(`../commands/${file}`);
this.commands.set( command.info.name, command );
Is it possible to do this or not? (I don't like to write many imports for commands and register it in lib.)
You can in theory use Isolate.spawnUri to spawn external Dart programs to run in its own Isolate instances that can then communicate back to the main program using SendPort.
It does, however, come with some limitations. E.g. it is very limited what types of objects you can send though SendPort when using spawnUri since the two programs does not share any type information (compared to Isolate.spawn which does allow you to send your own custom types). The documented types you can send can be found here:
List or Map (whose elements are any of these)
But it does allow us to make some kind of protocol and you can create some helper class around this to handle the conversion of a known object structure into e.g. Map<String, Object>.
A small example that works with Dart VM would be:
Your command implemented as: command.dart
import 'dart:isolate';
void main(List<String> arguments, Map<String, Object> message) {
final userName = message['username'] as String;
final sendPort = message['port'] as SendPort;
sendPort.send('Hi $userName. '
'You got a message from my external command program!');
Your server that calls your command: server.dart
import 'dart:isolate';
void main() {
final recievePort = ReceivePort();
recievePort.listen((message) {
print('Got the following message: $message');
Isolate.spawnUri(Uri.file('command.dart'), [], {
'username': 'julemand101',
'port': recievePort.sendPort,
If running this with: dart server.dart you, hopefully, get:
Got the following message: Hi julemand101. You got a message from my external command program!
If you want to compile your application, you can do so by doing the following. You need to compile the command.dart, since a compiled Dart program does not understand how to read Dart code.
dart compile exe server.dart
dart compile aot-snapshot command.dart
You should here change Uri.file('command.dart') to Uri.file('command.aot') since the file-extension for aot-snapshot are .aot.
If everything works, you should be able to see:
> .\server.exe
Got the following message: Hi julemand101. You got a message from my external command program!
I've been monkeying around with Dart (& Flutter more specifically on mobile) and have become quite interested in trying Flutter on Desktop.
Anyways, for this one app idea, I need the ability to create a key event. From my research, I found this: https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.2.0/dart-html/KeyEvent-class.html which mentions a KeyEvent however this primarily relates to Dart:HTML (which I presume just means browser only).
Does Dart run in the command line support any ability for generating key events? Like say I wanted an app to type something for a user.
#Isaac has basically explained it in his comment but this is how it looks like in code:
import 'dart:io';
void main(){
stdin.echoMode = false;
stdin.lineMode = false;
if(stdin.readByteSync() == 102){ // f
print('You payed respect');
Is there any possibility to switch from one application to another application at run time using Appium.
Finally I found accurate answer, May it will be usefull for some one
source https://www.linkedin.com/grp/post/6669152-6027319885992841219?trk=groups-post-b-title
// App1 capabilities
String calculatorAppPackageName="com.android.calculator2";
String calculatorAppActivityName="com.android.calculator2.Calculator";
// App2 capabilities
String settingsAppPackageName="com.android.settings";
String settingsAppActivityName="com.android.settings.Settings";
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.android();
capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, "Appium");
capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME, "Android");
capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, "");
capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP_PACKAGE, calculatorAppPackageName);
capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP_ACTIVITY, calculatorAppActivityName);
driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"), capabilities);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void testApp() throws InterruptedException, MalformedURLException
//Perform calculation in calculator
//launch settings App
driver.startActivity(settingsAppPackageName, settingsAppActivityName);
//Switch OFF WIFI
//Re launch calculator App
driver.startActivity(calculatorAppPackageName, calculatorAppActivityName);
//Validate results
String result = driver.findElement(By.className("android.widget.EditText")).getText();
System.out.println("Result : " + result);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect Result", "12", result);
You can change applications by re-instantiating the webdriver with the new application's attributes.
driver = webdriver.Remote(appiumUrl,dcapabilityApp1)
[Your tests]
driver = webdriver.Remote(appiumUrl,dcapabilityApp2)
[New app tests]
As long as you don't close/disconnect the emulator/simulator/device then your user data will be maintained.
You can use:
driver.startActivity(settingsAppPackageName, settingsAppActivityName);
to invoke another app withing the same code.
Going through question , i have an assumption that it might break your driver current session.and if the driver command failed there is no fall back for it.
Can't it been done with adb command .
One can use above solution or might use abd command
adb shell am start -d <YOUR_ACTIVITY_NAME>
And this will open directly appActivity without fail.
driver.startActivity() method can be used to switch between apps. For more details how it works you can check below video.
Watch "Appium Tutorial- Switching between apps (Contact and SMS)" on YouTube
I'm wondering how do I get default DNS server in monotouch?
this code works perfectly in simulator, but gives 0 records on device.
foreach (IPAddress ipAddr in ipProps.DnsAddresses)
from the other hand, this code works on both simulator and device:
IPHostEntry he = Dns.GetHostEntry(domain);
dns = he.HostName.ToString();
having all this, I assume DNS server address is stored somewhere. I mean it is accessible. How to get its IP?
This will get the IP Address in MonoTouch:-
public string GetIPAddress()
string address = "Not Connected";
#if SIM
address = IPAddress.FileStyleUriParser("");
string str = Dns.GetHostName() + ".local";
IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(str);
address = (
from addr in hostEntry.AddressList
where addr.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork
select addr.ToString()
catch (Exception ex)
// Add error handling....
return address;
Note the difference between using the simulator and device.
I do not believe such an API exists on iOS (but I would be happy to be proven wrong). Other projects, that needs this information, relies on hacks like using well known, static address to DNS servers) to overcome this.
Now the reason code like this:
var all = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces ();
foreach (NetworkInterface ni in all) {
var props = ni.GetIPProperties ();
foreach (var dns in props.DnsAddresses) {
Console.WriteLine (dns);
works on the simulator is because it's a simulator and not an emulator. IOW the host (Mac) computer allows far more things than a real iOS device will allow.
More precisely props will be an instance of System.Net.NetworkInformation.MacOsIPInterfaceProperties, which inherits from UnixIPInterfaceProperties, and ends up reading the /etc/resolv.conf file (which iOS disallow your application from reading).
The second case, calling Dns.GetHostEntry, goes down into the Mono runtime but end up calling gethostname which does not require the caller to know the DNS server address.
I have written code to get a location name using Google Maps reverse geocoding, for example:
How can I add an appropriate HTTP connection suffix to the above URL?
I have tried the following function:
private static String getConnectionStringForGoogleMap(){
String connectionString="";
else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS){
connectionString = "&deviceside=false";
else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT)==CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT){
String carrierUid=getCarrierBIBSUid();
if(carrierUid == null) {
connectionString = "&deviceside=true";
connectionString = "&deviceside=false&connectionUID="+carrierUid + "&ConnectionType=mds-public";
else if(CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_NONE)
return connectionString;
When I run the application in the simulator, I create the URL like this:
But I get a tunnel exception and am not sure what to do next.
This URL also leads to an exception:
As does:
I am confused about what to do to get this to work.
You definitely want semi-colons (;) and not ampersands (&). Are you tring to run this on the simulator? If so, do you have the MDS simulator running? That is required in order to use devicside=false on the simulator.
Try using Versatile Monkey's networking helper class to find the best path for your HTTP connection and avoid those tunnel exceptions. And form the URL with the correct syntax.
There is a very good posting about this on the BlackBerry Java development forum, complete with sample HTTP connection code.
Try using following
It worked for me
If you are targeting OS5 and above you can use ConnectionFactory. This takes a lot of the hard work out of establishing the correct connection type.