How to install wkhtmltopdf for docker - docker

I'm using wkhtmltopdf for nodejs, followed instructions for windows installation (and added it to PATH after installation). When i start my app through bash, it works just fine as it should. I manage to convert html to pdf.
But it doesnt work when im using docker, like it doesnt even exists. Im assuming there is some other way to install it for docker, or some way to add PATH to docker?? Any other ideas? hints?
And before u say it, been googling it and looking for images and installations for docker, none helped. Got one that u know it works?

Anyways for all the others that found themselves in the same pickle... I was trying to use wkhtmltopdf within docker container while wkhtmltopdf was only installed and executable within system (windows/linux) environment and not in the actual docker environment... after updating dockerfile to automatically install wkhtml with the build, I also had to SET THE PATH.. for linux docker smth like this
cp wkhtmltox/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ &&
that made everything works just as it should.


How to remove a snap application (docker) completely

I made the mistake of installing Docker via Snap... Once I realised that snap hadn't permissions to run in my working directory (on a different partition), I removed it. Now I can't use docker after I've installed it via apt-get.
Please help.
I've done sudo snap remove docker but when I sudo apt install docker and run via docker, I get bash: /snap/bin/docker: No such file or directory
The command you are looking for is:
sudo apt install
i.e it's not just docker
On Ubuntu, the package docker is described as a "System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 applications", which is probably not what you want!
I had the same problem. This works for me.
sudo snap remove docker
sudo reboot
the point is to restart the instance or terminal.
I hope this method can help
I did the same and just restarting the instance fixed it.
The problem is simply that your bash shell caches the locations of known executables, in order to avoid having to scan through your executables search path (that is, the directories listed in $PATH) every time you type a command. Because you have removed the executable from one directory (/snap/bin) and added it to another directory (/usr/bin), this cache is now out of date. This means that it will look in the wrong location if you try to invoke the executable simply by typing docker rather than its full path.
It is possible to fix it simply by starting a new bash shell, for example open a new terminal window and type the command in there.
Alternatively if you wish to refresh the cache in the terminal session that you are already using, type:
hash -r
It is not necessary to restart your computer (although this would also work).

Redmine plugin creation - Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin'

I run Redmine 3.4 with Rails (5.2.0) and Docker 18.03.1-ce on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial (which is new for me), following this GitHub repository:
I create my Rails app in the same folder where the docker-compose.yml has been created, and cd to it.
Then I have the exact same problem than described in this Redmine post ( when I try the command rails generate redmine_plugin Plug_test, this two error messages appear:
Running via Spring preloader in process 32109
Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin'
So I try the commands that Keith suggested, and running the generate command again, the Spring error message disappear, but the generate command still doesn't work (Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin').
Any idea what to do? I don't know if I'm going in the right direction.
Thanks a lot for your help.
well simple problem, you're running command from outside of your redmine app directory, you need to go into your redmine app directory, after that you can run rails generate redmine_plugin Plugin_test from there
As Ravi mentioned above, you need to go into your redmine app directory instead of your rails app directory.
Or, maybe you can exec plugin generate command via docker run command.
# e.g. In case plugin name is “myplugin"
docker run --name=redmine -it --rm \
--volume=/srv/docker/redmine/redmine:/home/redmine/data \
sameersbn/redmine:3.4.4-2 \
app:rails generate redmine_plugin myplugin
If this works fine, plugin directory named “myplugin” will be generated under /srv/docker/redmine/redmine/plugins/ directory.
Personally, I think, you had batter not use docker to create and development Redmine’s plugin, especially if you are not familiar with Redmine and Docker so much.
I hope this would be any help.

Copying an exe and composing it as a docker image and making it platform independent

I need to create a Docker image, which when run, should install an exe in the specified directory that mentioned in my docker file.
Basically, I need ImageMagick application. The docker file created should be platform independent, say if I ran in windows it should use windows distribution, Linux means Linux distribution. It would be great if it adds an environmental variable in the system. I browsed for the solution, but I couldn't find an appropriate solution.
I know it's a bit late but maybe someone (like me) was still searching.
I ended up using a java-imagemagick docker version from
You can run docker pull cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick to get this docker image to your docker machine.
Now comes the tricky part: as I needed to run the imagemagick inside a docker container for my main app. Now you can COPY the files from cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick to your custom container. Example :
COPY --from=cpaitsupport/java-imagemagick:latest . ./some/dir/imagemagick
now you should have the docker file structure for your custom app and also under some/dir/imagemagick/ the file structure for imagemagick. Here are all ImageMagick relative files (also convert, magic, the libraries etc).
Now if you want to use ImageMagick in your Code you need to setup some ENV variables to your docker container with the "new" path to the ImageMagick directory. Example:
IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/bin \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/lib \
MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/etc/ImageMagick-7 \
MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH=/some/dir/imagemagick/usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.5/modules-Q16HDRI/coders \
Now delete (in Java Code) ProcessStarter.setGlobalSearchPath(imPath); this part if it is set. So you can use the IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH.
Now the ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd(); and; should be working.
Maybe it's not the best way but worked for me and I was struggling a lot.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to correct or add additional info.
You can install (extract files) to the external hosting system using docker mount or volumes -
however you can not change system setting by updating environment variables of the hosting system from inside of the containers.

Docker run hello-world not working

I've installed Docker following exactly the documentation on the website but when I try to run docker run hello-world, I get the following output from the terminal:
Saved file tree to doc-filelist.js
Copied JS to doc-script.js
Compiled CSS to doc-style.css
Does anybody have an idea what is going wrong?
Is it possible that you have docker.js installed locally?
The output from your command looks like the docker.js docker executable is called instead of the Docker container one.
The log messages that you showed can be found in the docker.js documentation, it looks like you're running that instead of the one you want.
If this is the issue run npm uninstall -g docker
I was experiencing the same issue, and it turned out to be caused by running nvm (node version manager). When I used nvm to run Node, Docker was not recognized. However, when I removed nvm, Docker worked as expected. I'm sure there's a workaround to make nvm and Docker work together, and I'll look into that later so I can continue using both tools.

Wkhtmltopdf in a Dokku app?

I have a NodeJS/Express Dokku container. I'm trying to use a node module which just runs the wkhtmltopdf command from shell, but it can't find wkhtmltopdf.
Anyone have any experience with this?
You need to check how wkhtmltopdf was installed in that image.
As mentioned in node-wkhtmltopdf issues 32:
The wkhtmltopdf command is executed as a shell command on non-Windows systems.
Make sure the /usr/local/bin directory is in your $PATH variable. Do this by running:
$ sh
sh-3.2$ which wkhtmltopdf # Or try:
sh-3.2$ echo $PATH
sh-3.2$ exit
(In your case, you can do a sudo docker exec -it <containerIdOrName> sh)
The same issue adds:
What I ended up doing was downloading the dmg directly from wkhtmltopdf and that seemed to do the trick.
That means you might have to create a new image from the current one, installing wkhtmltopdf that way (with the dmg package)
jsonfry what installing wkhtmltopdf as a service container means: openlabs/docker-wkhtmltopdf-aas illustrates the installation process.
I got into the same issue as you did. I didn't want to run wkhtmltopdf in another container nor did I want to change the code to use remote calls. Since downloading wkhtmltopdf using apt-get plugin may result in a package that throws errors, I have created a new plugin that should set up wkhtmltopdf in the dokku container for you.
It is licensed using MIT license so feel free to do whatever you want. Hopefully it will help somebody.
