Redmine plugin creation - Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin' - ruby-on-rails

I run Redmine 3.4 with Rails (5.2.0) and Docker 18.03.1-ce on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial (which is new for me), following this GitHub repository:
I create my Rails app in the same folder where the docker-compose.yml has been created, and cd to it.
Then I have the exact same problem than described in this Redmine post ( when I try the command rails generate redmine_plugin Plug_test, this two error messages appear:
Running via Spring preloader in process 32109
Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin'
So I try the commands that Keith suggested, and running the generate command again, the Spring error message disappear, but the generate command still doesn't work (Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin').
Any idea what to do? I don't know if I'm going in the right direction.
Thanks a lot for your help.

well simple problem, you're running command from outside of your redmine app directory, you need to go into your redmine app directory, after that you can run rails generate redmine_plugin Plugin_test from there

As Ravi mentioned above, you need to go into your redmine app directory instead of your rails app directory.
Or, maybe you can exec plugin generate command via docker run command.
# e.g. In case plugin name is “myplugin"
docker run --name=redmine -it --rm \
--volume=/srv/docker/redmine/redmine:/home/redmine/data \
sameersbn/redmine:3.4.4-2 \
app:rails generate redmine_plugin myplugin
If this works fine, plugin directory named “myplugin” will be generated under /srv/docker/redmine/redmine/plugins/ directory.
Personally, I think, you had batter not use docker to create and development Redmine’s plugin, especially if you are not familiar with Redmine and Docker so much.
I hope this would be any help.


How to install wkhtmltopdf for docker

I'm using wkhtmltopdf for nodejs, followed instructions for windows installation (and added it to PATH after installation). When i start my app through bash, it works just fine as it should. I manage to convert html to pdf.
But it doesnt work when im using docker, like it doesnt even exists. Im assuming there is some other way to install it for docker, or some way to add PATH to docker?? Any other ideas? hints?
And before u say it, been googling it and looking for images and installations for docker, none helped. Got one that u know it works?
Anyways for all the others that found themselves in the same pickle... I was trying to use wkhtmltopdf within docker container while wkhtmltopdf was only installed and executable within system (windows/linux) environment and not in the actual docker environment... after updating dockerfile to automatically install wkhtml with the build, I also had to SET THE PATH.. for linux docker smth like this
cp wkhtmltox/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ &&
that made everything works just as it should.

Why my rails command works differently with system() than in terminal?

The command that I'm trying to run is rails _3.2.13_ new App
When I run it in command line it creates a Rails app with version 3.2.13, but when I run it with system "rails _3.2.13_ new #{} -T -B" it creates a Rails app with the latest version of Rails not 3.2.13 version.
This is a result of Ruby using /bin/sh to execute shell commands, whereas you are probably using /bin/bash in Terminal on a daily basis. The way each is loaded and the specific configurations present in each will alter the configuration.
If you run which rails from both calls to system and in your terminal you'll likely see different paths. Check echo $PATH and you'll likely see different results too.
To resolve the situation, you can check out What's the difference between .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .environment? which will give you a much better understanding of what's going on, then adjust your shell configuration to accomodate.

Wkhtmltopdf in a Dokku app?

I have a NodeJS/Express Dokku container. I'm trying to use a node module which just runs the wkhtmltopdf command from shell, but it can't find wkhtmltopdf.
Anyone have any experience with this?
You need to check how wkhtmltopdf was installed in that image.
As mentioned in node-wkhtmltopdf issues 32:
The wkhtmltopdf command is executed as a shell command on non-Windows systems.
Make sure the /usr/local/bin directory is in your $PATH variable. Do this by running:
$ sh
sh-3.2$ which wkhtmltopdf # Or try:
sh-3.2$ echo $PATH
sh-3.2$ exit
(In your case, you can do a sudo docker exec -it <containerIdOrName> sh)
The same issue adds:
What I ended up doing was downloading the dmg directly from wkhtmltopdf and that seemed to do the trick.
That means you might have to create a new image from the current one, installing wkhtmltopdf that way (with the dmg package)
jsonfry what installing wkhtmltopdf as a service container means: openlabs/docker-wkhtmltopdf-aas illustrates the installation process.
I got into the same issue as you did. I didn't want to run wkhtmltopdf in another container nor did I want to change the code to use remote calls. Since downloading wkhtmltopdf using apt-get plugin may result in a package that throws errors, I have created a new plugin that should set up wkhtmltopdf in the dokku container for you.
It is licensed using MIT license so feel free to do whatever you want. Hopefully it will help somebody.

rails s command does not run from ssh

I am using Putty to connect to my localhost, and I don't have any problems apparently, however, when I run command rails s to start my rails 4.0.0 application from Putty, it gives me this message:
jose#jose-laptop:~/rails/dedicated-agenda$ rails s
The program 'rails' can be found in the following packages:
Try: sudo apt-get install
I don't get that message from the terminal though, the application starts running just fine.
I had to reinstall ubuntu so I upgraded to ubuntu 14.04 just in case you need to know.
I don't know if I am missing something in my ssh settings or how could I use rails s from Putty.
Thanks in advance.
Your PATH environment variable is set differently when you are executing programs in an interactive shell and by ssh(using putty).
Use absolute path of the program to not depend on the PATH variable.
You can also set the right PATH variable at ~/.profile file and load the updated variables using the command source ~/.profile.
Now, you should be able to run the command.
You can use the command
>which rails
to see where rails is installed on your working session.
Then you need to make sure that is in your path when you ssh in.
If you are ssh'ing in as a different use then that user may not have permission to see the rails executable.

Run Linux commands "from" the 'RAILS_ROOT/config/environments/production.rb' file

I am running Ruby on Rails 3.0.9 in a remote VPS machine running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and I would like to know if it is possible to run some related Linux folder and file permission commands "directly" stating those in the RAILS_ROOT/config/environments/production.rb file. If so, how to accomplish that to set my RAILS_ROOT/public directory and its sub directories with 755 permissions?
I would like to make that because I would like to automate "setting" processes.
try this
system "chmod 755 public"
check out: System call from Ruby
You can use system command to run the OS commands. Make sure you don't face any security related issues.
Instead see if you can change the permissions while deploying the code itself.
