How to see session attributes in GemFire Pulse/Gfsh when using Spring Session for Pivotal GemFire? - spring-session

We are able to save/retrieve data to/from GemFire through Spring Session management.
session.getAttribute(sessionKey) // session is from gemfire.
In GemFire Pulse, we are able to see the session ID by using the query...
select * from /regionName.keySet
How do we see the attributes and values stored against a particular session id?

The short answer is "you can't", at least not using pure GemFire API, which includes gfsh, PULSE and/or direct OQL execution through the QueryService.
You might, however, achieve this use case programmatically using the Spring Repository abstraction; specifically through the FindByIndexNameSessionRepository, already supported by Spring Session for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire.
Hope this helps.

Well, this is not entirely true.
It is possible to inspect the Session object, the Session attributes and the Session attribute values (i.e. application domain objects store in the Session) using very carefully crafted OQL query statements, in either Gfsh or Pulse's DataBrowser Tool (extension).
When using Spring Session for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire (SSDG), you can use the following OQL queries to inspect the Session (e.g. HttpSession).
You must be mindful, that certain OQL queries, depending on the Serialization format, may cause your application domain objects, or even SSDG's Session objects to get deserialized, in which case, you need to put SSDG, all of SSDG's dependencies (e.g. the core Spring Framework) and your application domain object types (i.e. classes) for the objects stored in the Session on the server(s) classpath.
Also see this related SO question/answer.
Hope this helps!


JSESSIONID use existing session cookies

Spring Session uses a different format for its session cookies than Tomcat does. So if you implement Spring Session, even if you would name the session cookie JSESSIONID, all the users have to login again.
This is a point where you potentially lose users, because nobody likes to login. Perhaps this is an edge case, and certainly it's not worth a huge amount of trouble, but I'm curious if it's possible for existing users to use their already stored Tomcat session cookies?
You can implement your own org.springframework.session.web.http.CookieSerializer that matches Tomcat's default cookie serialization and register it as a bean.
Spring Session configuration will then pick it up and use it - see org.springframework.session.config.annotation.web.http.SpringHttpSessionConfiguration#setCookieSerializer for more details.

Getting sessionId without accessing the session

In my grails application I'm using the spring security core plugin.
Is there any method that returns me a jsessionid for a given user simply by providing username and password
Something like this jsessionid:
def myjsessionid = getJessessionidFromUser("username1", "password1")
I'm not familiar with grails, but Spring Security itself provides Concurrent Session Control that can maintain a SessionRegistry. This registry will contain info about all user sessions that you can query e.g. for getting the sessoin id(s) of a given principal.
Use SessionRegistry.getAllSessions() to obtain a list of SessionInformations related to a given principal/user, and then getSessionId() on those objects.
The concurrency control feature is normally used to limit the number of sessions a user may have, but it can be configured not to enforce such restrictions (just maintain the registry). See more about that in the Session Management chapter.

What value (Cookie, SessionID, variable) best represents a WIF Session?

I want to track a user's logon session from the time they login to my site, to the time they logoff.
Is there a pre-existing cookie I should use, or variable? I thought of using ASP.NET sessionIDs but read on StackOverflow that these numbers may change.
I would save my own Session cookie, but I don't want to do something that could be done more efficiently another way. I'm using Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) to handle my authentication layer.
The only cookie I see in fiddler is a FedAuth cookie so I assume that I might be able to derive some valuable information from it, but I don't know where / how in the WIF framework to gain access to such information.
WIF gives a bunch of events you can subscribe to. See these:
You can control some of the cookie characteristic via the config - A Hidden Gem: The WIF Config Schema. In particular, note the cookieHandler section and
hideFromScript - Boolean - default true Controls whether the
"HttpOnly" flag is emitted for any cookies written. Certain web
browsers honor this flag by keeping client-side script from accessing
the cookie value.
In terms of WIF, there is a Deserialize in Tokens.SessionSecurityTokenCookieSerializer and a CookieHandler (Delete / Read / Write) in IdentityModel.Web.

Is it possible for Rails sessions to be created 'just in time'?

My understanding of the session lifecycle in Ruby on Rails (specifically v3 and upwards) is that a session is created at the start of a request, for each and every request, and if that request doesn't carry an existing session cookie a new one will be created, otherwise the session cookie is deserialized and stored in the session hash.
The purpose of this, of course, supports a number of security features such as CSRF etc.
However, this poses a bit of an issue when it comes to caching of pages in a site with HTTP cache services and proxies such as Varnish, as most of the configurations tend to strip out these (generally all) cookies on both the request and response end (as the cache is usually intended for a generalized audience).
I know that it is possible to setup Varnish etc to create the object hash with the cookie details included, and this would scope the cached data to that session (and therefor that user), however I am wondering if this is completely necessary.
I have an application which is fairly 'static' in nature - content is pulled from a database, rendered into a page which can then be cached - there are a few elements (such as comment count, 'recent' items etc) which can be added in with an ESI, but for every request Rails still tends to want to setup a new session, and when a user already has a session this stuff is stripped out by the cache server.
I am wondering if it might be possible (via pre-existing functionality, or building the functionality myself) to allow the developer to control when a session is required, and only when that is specified is the back-and-forwards with cookies, session initialization/deserialization etc necessary.
That, or I am thinking about this problem the wrong way and need to address the issue from another angle...
From what I know rails sessions can be controlled fairly in-depth via ActionController::SessionManagement
There are examples in the API docs of disabling it per action, per controller, etc.
If your site is mostly static then you may want to use full page caching. This takes Rails out of the request entirely and let's the web server deal with it once the content has been generated. Might cause some serious headaches depending on your exact needs as far as the comment counts and user-specifics though.

Rails, CookieStore vs ActiveRecordStore

I am currently experiencing a strange issue with our users being logged out. I haven't been able to reproduce it explicitly.
The Rails application is using the default CookieStore.
My initial hypothesis is that somehow the session data within the cookie, or even the cookie itself is being destroyed. This may be either from a user clearing browser data, or something within the system that has not been caught.
As of now, the authentication system appears to be functioning as intended (Authlogic), and we are not experiencing the issue wide-spread in other components of the application.
I am considering using ActiveRecordStore to see if the problem is resolved. My understanding is the session data would be stored within the database, and if a cookie was being removed - the user would not get logged out.
Are there many known pros/cons to using CookieStore vs ActiveRecordStore?
Why is CookieStore the default when creating a Rails application, and not ActiveRecordStore?
I can answer your last two questions.
You should not use the cookie store if you're storing sensitive data in the session because you want such data to be on the server-side and not on the client.
The cookie store is the default because Rails is giving you a strong hint that you should not be storing lots of data in the session, by virtue of the fact that cookie storage is limited to 4 KB.
I think CookieStore is the default because it is simple. It doesn't require a database table.
CookieStore is not as secure as ActiveRecordStore. With CookieStore, intercepted cookies will give access to a valid session forever, even if you create a new one. With ActiveRecordStore, you can invalidate a session by removing it from the database.
See this blog post:
