Cannot import csv file using neo4j-admin - neo4j

Hello i am trying to import csv file using neo4j-admin tool but i am receiving this error graph.db' already contains a database
Does this mean that i need to create new database every new import ?

neo4j-admin import is only for creating a new db, it cannot be used to add to an existing db, so you would need to delete your graph.db folder prior to import.
You'll need to use an alternate means, like a LOAD CSV query if you want to add into an existing graph.


Joern:how to use ast's csv file to make cpg's csv file by joern?

As we all know,joern can easily analysis project written by c/c++,and it will generate CPG(code property graph).
Now I hava 2 csv file(nodes.csv and rels.csv),the 2 csv file can build AST(abstract syntax code)by neo4j and it can be shown in neo4j.But AST is not enough for me,what i need is CPG.How could i use the 2 csv file to build a CPG and show it in neo4j.I wanna to know how to use joern to make my ast'csv file become cpg'csv file.Or you hava other ways to make me do this.
I relly need your help,please.Thank you very much.

How to import InfluxDB tables into QuestDB?

I am trying to move data from InfluxDB to QuestDB,
I was able to export my tables as JSON by following:
How do I now import these JSON files into QuestDB?
Convert from JSON to CSV
QuestDB supports importing data via CSV file, so first you would need to flatten the JSON and ensure that column names are modified to reflect nested properties.
There is a Java library called Json2Flat that already does this.
Import the CSV file
Using the REST API, you can import the data into QuestDB
curl -F data=file.csv http://localhost:9000/imp
For more details of how to use the REST API, please go to the official documentation.
Check the data
To verify that the import is successful, you can check via the Web Console or via CURL…
curl -G --data-urlencode "query=select * from 'file.csv'" http://localhost:9000/exp
Just adding here that QuestDB recently improved the performance of CSV ingestion. More info at
If you want to avoid converting from JSON (and probably more performant as well than exporting to JSON for large tables), you can use the influxd inspect export-lp command that exports all your data as ILP points. You can choose to export a single bucket.
Once you have the ILP files, you can import as explained at this other StackOverflow post What's the best way to upload an ILP file into QuestDB?

Ruby on Rails Excel file formula calculate without any manual interaction

Am trying to use selenium webdriver in ruby on rails for import test case but most of my Excel file has "=Now()" formula so when without open and save that file manually i try to import it showing old date only
Actually am unable to use below mentioned logic in ROR
XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);

Importing data from two files into neo4j using LOAD CSV

I am trying to import data into neo4j using LOAD CSV
The resource file contains names of all the nodes I need to create
In another file I have all the properties of that resource
I Managed to load the nodes into neo4j but how do I import the second file so that I can add the data to that particular node as properties, I tried setting the key dynamically
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///infobox.csv' AS line
MERGE (:Node{line[1]:line[2]})
neo4j doesn't allow setting the key dynamically?
How do I solve this?
Natively, Neo4j doesn't allow setting the key dynamically. But you can install APOC Procedures use apoc.create.setProperty to do this.
Try something like:
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///infobox.csv' AS line
// match the node by resource1, resource2, etc
MATCH(node:Node{resource_id : line[0]})
CALL apoc.create.setProperty(node, line[1], line[2])
Note: Remember to install APOC procedures according the version of Neo4j you are using. Take a look in the Version Compatibility Matrix.

Batch import in Neo4j

I am using the BatchInserter to insert data from a CSV file which works fine when the DB is completely empty (no files in the data directory). But using the BatchInserter I cannot get data into the database and it throws an exception mentioned below. This is with the DB service stopped. I tried several ways and failed. But I need to know if there is a way to import data from a CSV into an existing DB as the CSV is prone to change.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Misaligned file size 68 for DynamicArrayStore[fileName:neostore.nodestore.db.labels, blockSize:60], expected version length 25
at org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserterImpl.<init>(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserters.inserter(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserters.inserter(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserters.inserter(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserters.inserter(
at net.xalgo.neo4j.batchinserter.DrugDatabaseInserter.start(
at net.xalgo.neo4j.batchinserter.BatchInserterApp.main(
The Batch Inserter only works with initial data import (when the database is empty). It avoids transactions and other checks to increase performance and therefore cannot be used with an existing database.
For importing data into an already existing Neo4j database you can use LOAD CSV Cypher.
Finally I had to remove BatchInserter and use spring data Neo4jTemplate with direct cypher in a non transactional way.
