This is an evolution of this question.
I need to parse with megaparsec a data structure like
data Foo =
Simple String
Dotted Foo String
Paren String Foo
and I would like to parse to it strings like
foo ::= alphanum
| foo "." alphanum
| alphanum "(" foo ")"
For example a the string "a(b.c).d" should be parsed to Dotted (Paren "a" (Dotted (Simple "b") "c")) "d".
The problem I have is that this is at the same time left and right recursive.
I have no problems writing the parsers for the first and the third case:
parser :: Parser Foo
= try (do
prefix <- alphanum
constant "("
content <- parser
constant ")"
pure $ Paren prefix content
<|> Simple alphanum
but I'm not able to put together also the parser for the second case. I tried to approach it with sepBy1 or with makeExprParser but I couldn't get it right
To factor out the left recursion in this:
foo ::= alphanum
| foo "." alphanum
| alphanum "(" foo ")"
You can start by rewriting it to this:
foo ::= alphanum ("(" foo ")")?
| foo "." alphanum
Then you can factor out the left recursion using the standard trick of replacing:
x ::= x y | z
x ::= z x'
x' ::= y x' | ∅
In other words:
x ::= z y*
With x = foo, y = "." alphanum, and z = alphanum ("(" foo ")")?, that becomes:
foo ::= alphanum ("(" foo ")")? ("." alphanum)*
Then I believe your parser can just be something like this, since ? ~ zero or one ~ Maybe ~ optional and * ~ zero or more ~ [] ~ many:
parser = do
prefix <- Simple <$> alphanum
maybeParens <- optional (constant "(" *> parser <* constant ")")
suffixes <- many (constant "." *> alphanum)
prefix' = case maybeParens of
Just content -> Paren prefix content
Nothing -> prefix
pure $ foldl' Dotted prefix' suffixes
I'm trying to make an expression evaluator in Hakell:
data Parser i o
= Success o [i]
| Failure String [i]
| Parser
{parse :: [i] -> Parser i o}
data Operator = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Pow
data Expr
= Op Operator Expr Expr
| Val Double
expr :: Parser Char Expr
expr = add_sub
add_sub = calc Add '+' mul_div <|> calc Sub '-' mul_div <|> mul_div
mul_div = calc Mul '*' pow <|> calc Div '/' pow <|> pow
pow = calc Pow '^' factor <|> factor
factor = parens <|> val
val = Val <$> parseDouble
parens = parseChar '(' *> expr <* parseChar ')'
calc c o p = Op c <$> (p <* parseChar o) <*> p
My problem is that when I try to evaluate an expression with two operators with same priority (e.g. 1+1-1) the parser will fail.
How can I say that an add_sub can be an operation between two other add_subs without creating an infinite loop?
As explained by #chi the problem is that calc was using p twice which doesn't allow for patterns like muldiv + .... | muldiv - ... | ...
I just changed the definition of calc to :
calc c o p p2 = Op c <$> (p <* parseChar o) <*> p2
where p2 is the current priority (mul_div in the definition of mul_div)
it works much better but the order of calulations is backwards:
2/3/4 is parsed as 2/(3/4) instead of (2/3)/4
I am building a parser using Megaparsec and I don't know which is the best approach to parse a structure like
names a b c
surnames d e f g
where names and surnames are keywords followed by a list of strings, and each of the two line is optional. This means that also
names a b c
surnames d e f g
are valid.
I can parse every line with something like
maybeNames <- optional $ do
constant "names"
many identifier
where identifier parses a valid non-reserved string.
Now, I'm not sure how to express that each line is optional, but still retrieve its value if it is present
Start with writing the context free grammar for your format:
program ::= lines
lines ::= line | line lines
line ::= names | surnames
names ::= NAMES ids
surnames ::= SURNAMES ids
ids ::= id | id ids
id ::= STRING
Where upper case names are for terminals,
and lower case names are for non terminals.
You could then easily use Alex + Happy to parse your text file.
You can do something similar to what appears in this guide and use <|>
to select optional arguments. Here are the essence of things:
whileParser :: Parser Stmt
whileParser = between sc eof stmt
stmt :: Parser Stmt
stmt = f <$> sepBy1 stmt' semi
-- if there's only one stmt return it without using ‘Seq’
f l = if length l == 1 then head l else Seq l
stmt' = ifStmt
<|> whileStmt
<|> skipStmt
<|> assignStmt
<|> parens stmt
ifStmt :: Parser Stmt
ifStmt = do
rword "if"
cond <- bExpr
rword "then"
stmt1 <- stmt
rword "else"
stmt2 <- stmt
return (If cond stmt1 stmt2)
whileStmt :: Parser Stmt
whileStmt = do
rword "while"
cond <- bExpr
rword "do"
stmt1 <- stmt
return (While cond stmt1)
I'm trying to parse a small language with Haskell-like syntax, using parsec-layout. The two key features that don't seem to interact too well with each other are:
Function application syntax is juxtaposition, i.e. if F and E are terms, F E is the syntax for F applied to E.
Indentation can be used to denote nesting, i.e. the following two are equivalent:
X = case Y of
A -> V
B -> W
X = case Y of A -> V; B -> W
I haven't managed to figure out a combination of skipping and keeping whitespace that would allow me to parse a list of such definitions. Here's my simplified code:
import Text.Parsec hiding (space, runP)
import Text.Parsec.Layout
import Control.Monad (void)
type Parser = Parsec String LayoutEnv
data Term = Var String
| App Term Term
| Case Term [(String, Term)]
deriving Show
name :: Parser String
name = spaced $ (:) <$> upper <*> many alphaNum
kw :: String -> Parser ()
kw = void . spaced . string
reserved :: String -> Parser ()
reserved s = try $ spaced $ string s >> notFollowedBy alphaNum
term :: Parser Term
term = foldl1 App <$> part `sepBy1` space
part = choice [ caseBlock
, Var <$> name
caseBlock = Case <$> (reserved "case" *> term <* reserved "of") <*> laidout alt
alt = (,) <$> (name <* kw "->") <*> term
binding :: Parser (String, Term)
binding = (,) <$> (name <* kw "=") <*> term
trim :: String -> String
trim = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse
runP :: Parser a -> String -> Either ParseError a
runP p = runParser (p <* eof) defaultLayoutEnv "" . trim
If I try to run it on input like
s = unlines [ "A = case B of"
, " X -> Y Z"
, "C = D"
via runP (laidout binding) s, it fails on the application Y Z:
(line 2, column 10):
expecting space or semi-colon
However, if I change the definition of term to
term = foldl1 App <$> many1 part
then it doesn't stop parsing the term at the start of the (unindented!) third line, leading to
(line 3, column 4):
expecting semi-colon
I think the problem has to do with that name already eliminates the following space, so the sepBy1 in the definition of term doesn't see it.
Consider these simplified versions of term:
term0 = foldl1 App <$> (Var <$> name) `sepBy1` space
term1 = foldl1 App <$> (Var <$> name') `sepBy1` space
name' = (:) <$> upper <*> many alphaNum
term3 = foldl1 App <$> many (Var <$> name)
runP term0 "A B C" -- fails
runP term1 "A B C" -- succeeds
runP term3 "A B C" -- succeeds
I think part of the solution is to define
part = [ caseBlock, Var <$> name' ]
where name' is as above. However, there are still some issues.
I'm trying to learn Parsec by implementing a small regular expression parser. In BNF, my grammar looks something like:
I've tried to implement this in Haskell as:
expr = try star
<|> try litE
<|> lit
litE = do c <- noneOf "*"
rest <- expr
return (c : rest)
lit = do c <- noneOf "*"
return [c]
star = do content <- expr
char '*'
return (content ++ "*")
There are some infinite loops here though (e.g. expr -> star -> expr without consuming any tokens) which makes the parser loop forever. I'm not really sure how to fix it though, because the very nature of star is that it consumes its mandatory token at the end.
Any thoughts?
You should use Parsec.Expr.buildExprParser; it is ideal for this purpose. You simply describe your operators, their precedence and associativity, and how to parse an atom, and the combinator builds the parser for you!
You probably also want to add the ability to group terms with parens so that you can apply * to more than just a single literal.
Here's my attempt (I threw in |, +, and ? for good measure):
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
data Term = Literal Char
| Sequence [Term]
| Repeat (Int, Maybe Int) Term
| Choice [Term]
deriving ( Show )
term :: Parser Term
term = buildExpressionParser ops atom where
ops = [ [ Postfix (Repeat (0, Nothing) <$ char '*')
, Postfix (Repeat (1, Nothing) <$ char '+')
, Postfix (Repeat (0, Just 1) <$ char '?')
, [ Infix (return sequence) AssocRight
, [ Infix (choice <$ char '|') AssocRight
atom = msum [ Literal <$> lit
, parens term
lit = noneOf "*+?|()"
sequence a b = Sequence $ (seqTerms a) ++ (seqTerms b)
choice a b = Choice $ (choiceTerms a) ++ (choiceTerms b)
parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
seqTerms (Sequence ts) = ts
seqTerms t = [t]
choiceTerms (Choice ts) = ts
choiceTerms t = [t]
main = parseTest term "he(llo)*|wor+ld?"
Your grammar is left-recursive, which doesn’t play nice with try, as Parsec will repeatedly backtrack. There are a few ways around this. Probably the simplest is just making the * optional in another rule:
lit :: Parser (Char, Maybe Char)
lit = do
c <- noneOf "*"
s <- optionMaybe $ char '*'
return (c, s)
Of course, you’ll probably end up wrapping things in a data type anyway, and there are a lot of ways to go about it. Here’s one, off the top of my head:
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
data Term = Literal Char
| Sequence [Term]
| Star Term
expr :: Parser Term
expr = Sequence <$> many term
term :: Parser Term
term = do
c <- lit
s <- optionMaybe $ char '*' -- Easily extended for +, ?, etc.
return $ if isNothing s
then Literal c
else Star $ Literal c
Maybe a more experienced Haskeller will come along with a better solution.
I am supposed to make a parser for a language with the following grammar:
Program ::= Stmts "return" Expr ";"
Stmts ::= Stmt Stmts
| ε
Stmt ::= ident "=" Expr ";"
| "{" Stmts "}"
| "for" ident "=" Expr "to" Expr Stmt
| "choice" "{" Choices "}"
Choices ::= Choice Choices
| Choice
Choice ::= integer ":" Stmt
Expr ::= Shift
Shift ::= Shift "<<" integer
| Shift ">>" integer
| Term
Term ::= Term "+" Prod
| Term "-" Prod
| Prod
Prod ::= Prod "*" Prim
| Prim
Prim ::= ident
| integer
| "(" Expr ")"
With the following data type for Expr:
data Expr = Var Ident
| Val Int
| Lshift Expr Int
| Rshift Expr Int
| Plus Expr Expr
| Minus Expr Expr
| Mult Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
My problem is implementing the Shift operator, because I get the following error when I encounter a left or right shift:
unexpected ">"
expecting operator or ";"
Here is the code I have for Expr:
expr = try (exprOp)
<|> exprShift
exprOp = buildExpressionParser arithmeticalOps prim <?> "arithmetical expression"
prim :: Parser Expr
prim = new_ident <|> new_integer <|> pE <?> "primitive expression"
new_ident = do {i <- ident; return $ Var i }
new_integer = do {i <- first_integer; return $ Val i }
pE = parens expr
arithmeticalOps = [ [binary "*" Mult AssocLeft],
[binary "+" Plus AssocLeft, binary "-" Minus AssocLeft]
binary name fun assoc = Infix (do{ reservedOp name; return fun }) assoc
exprShift =
e <- expr
a <- aShift
i <- first_integer
return $ a e i
aShift = (reservedOp "<<" >> return Lshift)
<|> (reservedOp ">>" >> return Rshift)
I suspect the problem is concerning lookahead, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Here's a grammar with left recursion eliminated (untested). Stmts and Choices can be simplified with Parsec's many and many1. The other recursive productions have to be expanded:
Program ::= Stmts "return" Expr ";"
Stmts ::= #many# Stmt
Stmt ::= ident "=" Expr ";"
| "{" Stmts "}"
| "for" ident "=" Expr "to" Expr Stmt
| "choice" "{" Choices "}"
Choices ::= #many1# Choice
Choice ::= integer ":" Stmt
Expr ::= Shift
Shift ::= Term ShiftRest
ShiftRest ::= <empty>
| "<<" integer
| ">>" integer
Term ::= Prod TermRest
TermRest ::= <empty>
| "+" Term
| "-" Term
Prod ::= Prim ProdRest
ProdRest ::= <empty>
| "*" Prod
Prim ::= ident
| integer
| "(" Expr ")"
Edit - "Part Two"
"empty" (in angles) is the empty production, you were using epsilon in the original post, but I don't know its Unicode code point and didn't think to copy-paste it.
Here's an example of how I would code the grammar. Note - unlike the grammar I posted empty versions must always be the last choice to give the other productions chance to match. Also your datatypes and constructors for the Abstract Syntax Tree probably differ to the the guesses I've made, but it should be fairly clear what's going on. The code is untested - hopefully any errors are obvious:
shift :: Parser Expr
shift = do
t <- term
leftShift t <|> rightShift <|> emptyShift t
-- Note - this gets an Expr passed in - it is the "prefix"
-- of the shift production.
leftShift :: Expr -> Parser Expr
leftShift t = do
reservedOp "<<"
i <- int
return (LShift t i)
-- Again this gets an Expr passed in.
rightShift :: Expr -> Parser Expr
rightShift t = do
reservedOp ">>"
i <- int
return (RShift t i)
-- The empty version does no parsing.
-- Usually I would change the definition of "shift"
-- and not bother defining "emptyShift", the last
-- line of "shift" would then be:
-- > leftShift t <|> rightShift t <|> return t
emptyShift :: Expr -> Parser Expr
emptyShift t = return t
Parsec is still Greek to me, but my vague guess is that aShift should use try.
The parsec docs on Hackage have an example explaining the use of try with <|> that might help you out.