Using Parsec to parse regular expressions - parsing

I'm trying to learn Parsec by implementing a small regular expression parser. In BNF, my grammar looks something like:
I've tried to implement this in Haskell as:
expr = try star
<|> try litE
<|> lit
litE = do c <- noneOf "*"
rest <- expr
return (c : rest)
lit = do c <- noneOf "*"
return [c]
star = do content <- expr
char '*'
return (content ++ "*")
There are some infinite loops here though (e.g. expr -> star -> expr without consuming any tokens) which makes the parser loop forever. I'm not really sure how to fix it though, because the very nature of star is that it consumes its mandatory token at the end.
Any thoughts?

You should use Parsec.Expr.buildExprParser; it is ideal for this purpose. You simply describe your operators, their precedence and associativity, and how to parse an atom, and the combinator builds the parser for you!
You probably also want to add the ability to group terms with parens so that you can apply * to more than just a single literal.
Here's my attempt (I threw in |, +, and ? for good measure):
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
data Term = Literal Char
| Sequence [Term]
| Repeat (Int, Maybe Int) Term
| Choice [Term]
deriving ( Show )
term :: Parser Term
term = buildExpressionParser ops atom where
ops = [ [ Postfix (Repeat (0, Nothing) <$ char '*')
, Postfix (Repeat (1, Nothing) <$ char '+')
, Postfix (Repeat (0, Just 1) <$ char '?')
, [ Infix (return sequence) AssocRight
, [ Infix (choice <$ char '|') AssocRight
atom = msum [ Literal <$> lit
, parens term
lit = noneOf "*+?|()"
sequence a b = Sequence $ (seqTerms a) ++ (seqTerms b)
choice a b = Choice $ (choiceTerms a) ++ (choiceTerms b)
parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
seqTerms (Sequence ts) = ts
seqTerms t = [t]
choiceTerms (Choice ts) = ts
choiceTerms t = [t]
main = parseTest term "he(llo)*|wor+ld?"

Your grammar is left-recursive, which doesn’t play nice with try, as Parsec will repeatedly backtrack. There are a few ways around this. Probably the simplest is just making the * optional in another rule:
lit :: Parser (Char, Maybe Char)
lit = do
c <- noneOf "*"
s <- optionMaybe $ char '*'
return (c, s)
Of course, you’ll probably end up wrapping things in a data type anyway, and there are a lot of ways to go about it. Here’s one, off the top of my head:
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
data Term = Literal Char
| Sequence [Term]
| Star Term
expr :: Parser Term
expr = Sequence <$> many term
term :: Parser Term
term = do
c <- lit
s <- optionMaybe $ char '*' -- Easily extended for +, ?, etc.
return $ if isNothing s
then Literal c
else Star $ Literal c
Maybe a more experienced Haskeller will come along with a better solution.


How can I parse a float with a comma in place of the decimal point?

I want to parse Float values from a file where they are stored using comma as the decimal separator. Thus i need a function myParse :: String -> Float such that, for instance, myParse "23,46" == 23.46.
I have some ideas about how to do this, but they all seem overcomplicated, for example:
replace , with a . in the string and use read; or
follow this FP Complete blogpost (entitled Parsing Floats With Parsec), and challenge the curse of the monomorphism restriction.
Is there a simpler way, or do I really need to use a parsing library? In the second case, could you please paste some suggestions in order to get me started? The monomorphism restriction scares me, and I believe that there has to be a way to do this without using language extensions.
Replacing , by . and then call read is straightforward enough; you just need to remember to use your own specialized function instead of plain old read:
readFloatWithComma :: String -> Float
readFloatWithComma = read . sanitize
sanitize = map (\c -> if c == ',' then '.' else c)
In GHCi:
λ> readFloatWithComma "23,46"
Regarding the parsec approach, despite what the article you link to suggest, the monomorphism restriction needs not be a worry, as long as you have type signatures for all your top-level bindings. In particular, the following code doesn't need any language extensions to compile properly (at least, in GHC 7.10.1):
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
import Control.Applicative hiding ( (<|>) )
infixr 5 <++>
(<++>) :: Applicative f => f [a] -> f [a] -> f [a]
a <++> b = (++) <$> a <*> b
infixr 5 <:>
(<:>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f [a] -> f [a]
a <:> b = (:) <$> a <*> b
number :: Parser String
number = many1 digit
plus :: Parser String
plus = char '+' *> number
minus :: Parser String
minus = char '-' <:> number
integer :: Parser String
integer = plus <|> minus <|> number
float :: Parser Float
float = fmap rd $ integer <++> decimal <++> exponent
where rd = read :: String -> Float
decimal = option "" $ ('.' <$ char ',') <:> number
exponent = option "" $ oneOf "eE" <:> integer
In GHCi:
λ> parseTest float "23,46"

Is there any trick about translating BNF to Parsec program?

The BNF that match function call chain (like x(y)(z)...):
expr = term T
T = (expr) T
term = (expr)
Translate it to Parsec program that looks so tricky.
term :: Parser Term
term = parens expr <|> var
expr :: Parser Term
expr = do whiteSpace
e <- term
maybeAddSuffix e
where addSuffix e0 = do e1 <- parens expr
maybeAddSuffix $ TermApp e0 e1
maybeAddSuffix e = addSuffix e
<|> return e
Could you list all the design patterns about translating BNF to Parsec program?
The simplest think you could do if your grammar is sizeable is to just use the Alex/Happy combo. It is fairly straightforward to use, accepts the BNF format directly - no human translation needed - and perhaps most importantly, produces blazingly fast parsers/lexers.
If you are dead set on doing it with parsec (or you are doing this as a learning exercise), I find it easier in general to do it in two stages; first lexing, then parsing. Parsec will do both!
First write the appropriate types:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import Text.Parsec.Prim
import Text.Parsec.Pos
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Control.Monad
data Term = App Term Term | Var String deriving (Show, Eq)
data Token = LParen | RParen | Str String deriving (Show, Eq)
type Lexer = Parsec [Char] () -- A lexer accepts a stream of Char
type Parser = Parsec [Token] () -- A parser accepts a stream of Token
Parsing a single token is simple. For simplicity, a variable is 1 or more letters. You can of course change this however you like.
oneToken :: Lexer Token
oneToken = (char '(' >> return LParen) <|>
(char ')' >> return RParen) <|>
(Str <$> many1 letter)
Parsing the entire token stream is just parsing a single token many times, possible separated by whitespace:
lexer :: Lexer [Token]
lexer = spaces >> many1 (oneToken <* spaces)
Note the placement of spaces: this way, white space is accepted at the beginning and end of the string.
Since Parser uses a custom token type, you have to use a custom satisfy function. Fortunately, this is almost identical to the existing satisfy.
satisfy' :: (Token -> Bool) -> Parser Token
satisfy' f = tokenPrim show
(\src _ _ -> incSourceColumn src 1)
(\x -> if f x then Just x else Nothing)
Then we can write parsers for each of the primitive tokens.
lparen = satisfy' $ \case { LParen -> True ; _ -> False }
rparen = satisfy' $ \case { RParen -> True ; _ -> False }
strTok = (\(Str s) -> s) <$> (satisfy' $ \case { Str {} -> True ; _ -> False })
As you may imagine, parens would be useful for our purposes. It is very straightforward to write.
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = between lparen rparen
Now the interesting parts.
term, expr, var :: Parser Term
term = parens expr <|> var
var = Var <$> strTok
These two should be fairly obvious to you.
Parec contains combinators option and optionMaybe which are useful when you you need to "maybe do something".
expr = do
e0 <- term
option e0 (parens expr >>= \e1 -> return (App e0 e1))
The last line means - try to apply the parser given to option - if it fails, instead return e0.
For testing you can do:
tokAndParse = runParser (lexer <* eof) () "" >=> runParser (expr <* eof) () ""
The eof attached to each parser is to make sure that the entire input is consumed; the string cannot be a member of the grammar if there are extra trailing characters. Note - your example x(y)(z) is not actually in your grammar!
>tokAndParse "x(y)(z)"
Left (line 1, column 5):
unexpected LParen
expecting end of input
But the following is
>tokAndParse "(x(y))(z)"
Right (App (App (Var "x") (Var "y")) (Var "z"))

Custom ADT vs. Tree for parser return value

I'm using Parsec to build a simple Lisp parser.
What are the (dis)advantages of using a custom ADT for the parser types versus using a standard Tree (i.e. Data.Tree)?
After trying both ways, I've come up with a couple points for custom ADTs (i.e. Parser ASTNode):
seems to be much clearer and simpler
others have done it this way(including Tiger, which is/was bundled with Parsec)
and one against (i.e. Parser (Tree ASTNode):
Data.Tree already has Functor, Monad, etc. instances, which will be very helpful for semantic analysis, evaluation, calculating code statistics
For example:
custom ADT
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data ASTNode
= Application ASTNode [ASTNode]
| Symbol String
| Number Float
deriving (Show)
int :: Parser ASTNode
int = many1 digit >>= (return . Number . read)
symbol :: Parser ASTNode
symbol = many1 (oneOf ['a'..'z']) >>= (return . Symbol)
whitespace :: Parser String
whitespace = many1 (oneOf " \t\n\r\f")
app :: Parser ASTNode
app =
char '(' >>
sepBy1 expr whitespace >>= (\(e:es) ->
char ')' >>
(return $ Application e es))
expr :: Parser ASTNode
expr = symbol <|> int <|> app
example use:
ghci> parse expr "" "(a 12 (b 13))"
(Symbol "a")
[Number 12.0, Application
(Symbol "b")
[Number 13.0]])
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Tree
data ASTNode
= Application (Tree ASTNode)
| Symbol String
| Number Float
deriving (Show)
int :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
int = many1 digit >>= (\x -> return $ Node (Number $ read x) [])
symbol :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
symbol = many1 (oneOf ['a' .. 'z']) >>= (\x -> return $ Node (Symbol x) [])
whitespace :: Parser String
whitespace = many1 (oneOf " \t\n\r\f")
app :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
app =
char '(' >>
sepBy1 expr whitespace >>= (\(e:es) ->
char ')' >>
(return $ Node (Application e) es))
expr :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
expr = symbol <|> int <|> app
and example use:
ghci> parse expr "" "(a 12 (b 13))"
(Node (Symbol "a") []))
[Node (Number 12.0) [],
(Node (Symbol "b") []))
[Node (Number 13.0) []]])
(sorry for the formatting -- hopefully it's clear)
I'd absolutely go for the AST, because interpretation/compilation/language analysis in general is very much driven by the structure of your language. The AST will simply and naturally represent and respect that structure, while Tree will do neither.
For example, a common form of language implementation technique is to implement some complex features by translation: translate programs that involve those features or constructs into programs in a subset of the a language that does not use them (Lisp macros, for example, are all about this). If you use an AST, the type system will, for example, often forbid you from producing illegal translations as output. Whereas a Tree type that doesn't understand your program will not help there.
Your AST doesn't look very complicated, so writing utility functions for it should not be hard. Take this one for example:
foldASTNode :: (r -> [r] -> r) -> (String -> r) -> (Float -> r) -> r
foldASTNode app sym num node =
case node of
Application f args -> app (subfold f) (map subfold args)
Symbol str -> sym str
Number n -> num n
where subfold = foldASTNode app sym num
And in any case, what sort of Functor do you wish to have on your AST? There's no type parameter on it...

How do you use parsec in a greedy fashion?

In my work I come across a lot of gnarly sql, and I had the bright idea of writing a program to parse the sql and print it out neatly. I made most of it pretty quickly, but I ran into a problem that I don't know how to solve.
So let's pretend the sql is "select foo from bar where 1". My thought was that there is always a keyword followed by data for it, so all I have to do is parse a keyword, and then capture all gibberish before the next keyword and store that for later cleanup, if it is worthwhile. Here's the code:
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Data.Text (strip)
newtype Statement = Statement [Atom]
data Atom = Branch String [Atom] | Leaf String deriving Show
trim str = reverse $ trim' (reverse $ trim' str)
trim' (' ':xs) = trim' xs
trim' str = str
printStatement atoms = mapM_ printAtom atoms
printAtom atom = loop 0 atom
loop depth (Leaf str) = putStrLn $ (replicate depth ' ') ++ str
loop depth (Branch str atoms) = do
putStrLn $ (replicate depth ' ') ++ str
mapM_ (loop (depth + 2)) atoms
keywords :: [String]
keywords = [
keywordparser :: Parsec String u String
keywordparser = try ((choice $ map string keywords) <?> "keywordparser")
stuffparser :: Parsec String u String
stuffparser = manyTill anyChar (eof <|> (lookAhead keywordparser >> return ()))
statementparser = do
key <- keywordparser
stuff <- stuffparser
return $ Branch key [Leaf (trim stuff)]
<?> "statementparser"
tp = parse (many statementparser) ""
The key here is the stuffparser. That is the stuff in between the keywords that could be anything from column lists to where criteria. This function catches all characters leading up to a keyword. But it needs something else before it is finished. What if there is a subselect? "select id,(select product from products) from bar". Well in that case if it hits that keyword, it screws everything up, parses it wrong and screws up my indenting. Also where clauses can have parenthesis as well.
So I need to change that anyChar into another combinator that slurps up characters one at a time but also tries to look for parenthesis, and if it finds them, traverse and capture all that, but also if there are more parenthesis, do that until we have fully closed the parenthesis, then concatenate it all and return it. Here's what I've tried, but I can't quite get it to work.
stuffparser :: Parsec String u String
stuffparser = fmap concat $ manyTill somechars (eof <|> (lookAhead keywordparser >> return ()))
somechars = parens <|> fmap (\c -> [c]) anyChar
parens= between (char '(') (char ')') somechars
This will error like so:
> tp "select asdf(qwerty) from foo where 1"
Left (line 1, column 14):
unexpected "w"
expecting ")"
But I can't think of any way to rewrite this so that it works. I've tried to use manyTill on the parenthesis part, but I end up having trouble getting it to typecheck when I have both string producing parens and single chars as alternatives. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about this?
Yeah, between might not work for what you're looking for. Of course, for your use case, I'd follow hammar's suggestion and grab an off-the-shelf SQL parser. (personal opinion: or, try not to use SQL unless you really have to; the idea to use strings for database queries was imho a historical mistake).
Note: I add an operator called <++> which will concatenate the results of two parsers, whether they are strings or characters. (code at bottom.)
First, for the task of parsing parenthesis: the top level will parse some stuff between the relevant characters, which is exactly what the code says,
parseParen = char '(' <++> inner <++> char ')'
Then, the inner function should parse anything else: non-parens, possibly including another set of parenthesis, and non-paren junk that follows.
parseParen = char '(' <++> inner <++> char ')' where
inner = many (noneOf "()") <++> option "" (parseParen <++> inner)
I'll make the assumption that for the rest of the solution, what you want to do is analgous to splitting things up by top-level SQL keywords. (i.e. ignoring those in parenthesis). Namely, we'll have a parser that will behave like so,
Main> parseTest parseSqlToplevel "select asdf(select m( 2) fr(o)m w where n) from b where delete 4"
[(Select," asdf(select m( 2) fr(o)m w where n) "),(From," b "),(Where," "),(Delete," 4")]
Suppose we have a parseKw parser that will get the likes of select, etc. After we consume a keyword, we need to read until the next [top-level] keyword. The last trick to my solution is using the lookAhead combinator to determine whether the next word is a keyword, and put it back if so. If it's not, then we consume a parenthesis or other character, and then recurse on the rest.
-- consume spaces, then eat a word or parenthesis
parseOther = many space <++>
(("" <$ lookAhead (try parseKw)) <|> -- if there's a keyword, put it back!
option "" ((parseParen <|> many1 (noneOf "() \t")) <++> parseOther))
My entire solution is as follows
-- overloaded operator to concatenate string results from parsers
class CharOrStr a where toStr :: a -> String
instance CharOrStr Char where toStr x = [x]
instance CharOrStr String where toStr = id
infixl 4 <++>
f <++> g = (\x y -> toStr x ++ toStr y) <$> f <*> g
data Keyword = Select | Update | Delete | From | Where deriving (Eq, Show)
parseKw =
(Select <$ string "select") <|>
(Update <$ string "update") <|>
(Delete <$ string "delete") <|>
(From <$ string "from") <|>
(Where <$ string "where") <?>
"keyword (select, update, delete, from, where)"
-- consume spaces, then eat a word or parenthesis
parseOther = many space <++>
(("" <$ lookAhead (try parseKw)) <|> -- if there's a keyword, put it back!
option "" ((parseParen <|> many1 (noneOf "() \t")) <++> parseOther))
parseSqlToplevel = many ((,) <$> parseKw <*> (space <++> parseOther)) <* eof
parseParen = char '(' <++> inner <++> char ')' where
inner = many (noneOf "()") <++> option "" (parseParen <++> inner)
edit - version with quote support
you can do the same thing as with the parens to support quotes,
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>))
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
-- overloaded operator to concatenate string results from parsers
class CharOrStr a where toStr :: a -> String
instance CharOrStr Char where toStr x = [x]
instance CharOrStr String where toStr = id
infixl 4 <++>
f <++> g = (\x y -> toStr x ++ toStr y) <$> f <*> g
data Keyword = Select | Update | Delete | From | Where deriving (Eq, Show)
parseKw =
(Select <$ string "select") <|>
(Update <$ string "update") <|>
(Delete <$ string "delete") <|>
(From <$ string "from") <|>
(Where <$ string "where") <?>
"keyword (select, update, delete, from, where)"
-- consume spaces, then eat a word or parenthesis
parseOther = many space <++>
(("" <$ lookAhead (try parseKw)) <|> -- if there's a keyword, put it back!
option "" ((parseParen <|> parseQuote <|> many1 (noneOf "'() \t")) <++> parseOther))
parseSqlToplevel = many ((,) <$> parseKw <*> (space <++> parseOther)) <* eof
parseQuote = char '\'' <++> inner <++> char '\'' where
inner = many (noneOf "'\\") <++>
option "" (char '\\' <++> anyChar <++> inner)
parseParen = char '(' <++> inner <++> char ')' where
inner = many (noneOf "'()") <++>
(parseQuote <++> inner <|> option "" (parseParen <++> inner))
I tried it with parseTest parseSqlToplevel "select ('a(sdf'())b". cheers

Parsing function in haskell

I'm new to Haskell and I am trying to parse expressions. I found out about Parsec and I also found some articles but I don't seem to understand what I have to do. My problem is that I want to give an expression like "x^2+2*x+3" and the result to be a function that takes an argument x and returns a value. I am very sorry if this is an easy question but I really need some help. Thanks! The code I inserted is from the article that you can find on this link.
import Control.Monad(liftM)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
data Expr = Num Int | Var String | Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr | Div Expr Expr
| Pow Expr Expr
deriving Show
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = buildExpressionParser table factor
<?> "expression"
table = [[op "^" Pow AssocRight],
[op "*" Mul AssocLeft, op "/" Div AssocLeft],
[op "+" Add AssocLeft, op "-" Sub AssocLeft]]
op s f assoc
= Infix (do{ string s; return f}) assoc
factor = do{ char '('
; x <- expr
; char ')'
; return x}
<|> number
<|> variable
<?> "simple expression"
number :: Parser Expr
number = do{ ds<- many1 digit
; return (Num (read ds))}
<?> "number"
variable :: Parser Expr
variable = do{ ds<- many1 letter
; return (Var ds)}
<?> "variable"
This is just a parser for expressions with variables. Actually interpreting the expression is an entirely separate matter.
You should create a function that takes an already parsed expression and values for variables, and returns the result of evaluating the expression. Pseudocode:
evaluate :: Expr -> Map String Int -> Int
evaluate (Num n) _ = n
evaluate (Var x) vars = {- Look up the value of x in vars -}
evaluate (Plus e f) vars = {- Evaluate e and f, and return their sum -}
I've deliberately omitted some details; hopefully by exploring the missing parts, you learn more about Haskell.
As a next step, you should probably look at the Reader monad for a convenient way to pass the variable map vars around, and using Maybe or Error to signal errors, e.g. referencing a variable that is not bound in vars, or division by zero.
