Get refresh token with Auth0 - ruby-on-rails

I am developing an API. I implemented register, login, and Facebook auth using Auth0.
My token expires after one day, and I need to get my refresh token to sign in the user again without requiring its credentials again. I have to make a call to /authorize with these parametrs [sic]:
GET https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/authorize?
but I get this error Image
The GET response should give me a code, which I would use to get my refresh token making another GET request on /oauth/token like that: Image
Does anyone have any idea how to get over the first step?

Have you tried using curl to get access token and refresh token and then refresh outside of your app? The following link has very detailed instruction on how to do that with auth0.


How do I use a refresh token in SuiteCRM?

I'm using SuiteCRM and I've been able to successfully request a refresh token, however I have no idea where to send it. The docs show how get an access token but not how to refresh one:

Sign In With Apple refresh token validation only access token returned

I'm using the AppleAuth npm package in my server to submit token requests to Apple's servers during the sign in with Apple process. (This is based off the sample server code provided with the sign_in_with_apple package in I have no issues submitting the authorization code to get my first access and refresh tokens.
However, when trying to test how my app would get a new refresh token, when I submit a POST request to with the grant_type set to refresh_token the response I get is different than from having the grant_type set to authorization_code.
I looked at the source code of the package, and for its AppleAuth(myConfig).refreshToken(myRefreshToken) (<- pseudo code lol) the only difference in the POST payload is:
grant_type: 'refresh_token', // instead of grant_type: 'authorization_code'
refresh_token: refreshToken, // instead of code: authorizationCode
... // other params
While the initial request with authorization code returns both an access token and a refresh token, for some reason the refresh token request is only returning the access token. I really don't think it's the package causing the error, nor can I see how my code would be the source either, since the above code is the only difference.
I tried passing the access token that it returns in a new refresh token request in order to test that I can get new refresh tokens whenever necessary in the future, but it returns a 400 status error.
Am I missing something here? Is there a reason the refresh token request returns no new refresh token? Or am I missing something entirely about how the process/flow is supposed to work? I am trying to do this for the "check the refresh token once daily to confirm the user is still in good standing with Apple's servers" part of the process.
I've really been stuck on what to do at this point. I can save the identity_token.sub field in my database to check whether my user is signed in, but of course I want to make sure my user's apple ID is still valid with apple, and that they haven't revoked access. Could it be that because I tried to get a new refresh_token too soon Apple only returned the access_token?
Oh also, the app itself is a Flutter app and I am testing all of this on my iPhone 11 so it's not an Android/Web flow.
Whether you get a new 'rolling / rotating' refresh token in a refresh token grant response is generally vendor specific:
You may get a new refresh token occasionally but not always
The primary purpose of this message is to get a new access token, not a new refresh token
In terms of token handling, the client should update its tokens similarly to the saveTokens method in this sample of mine.
I've not used Sign In with Apple but I suspect proceeding as follows would be the simplest solution:
Keep access tokens short lived: no more than 60 minutes
This forces a frequent token refresh, which by default is very quick
If the user's Apple Id is revoked I would expect this to return an invalid_grant response

oauthplayground invalid grant, trying to get refresh token google oauth

I got the temporary access token, serverAuthCode, web client id and its secret, i am trying to get refresh token from oathplayground but i am getting invalid grant error. I have rechecked the tokens many times but still getting same error. Here are the screenshots :
What can i do to get the refresh tokens ? For more information, i am using react-native-google-sign-in library, from this library, i got the 1. access_token, ServerAuthCode. From Google Developers console, i got the 1.Web Client Id 2.Client Secret , I am using these credentials inside the react native app and i am getting the tokens successfully, but the problem is sometimes they work and most of the times i get "invalid credentials" error when i try to use the access token, it is because the access token is expired, that's why i need the refresh token. If you have any idea why i am not able to get refresh token or how to get refresh token using another method, please let me know.
I understood what i was doing wrong, i was using the serverAuthCode that was not new, it should be the latest one + the first time when you allowed the app for permissions, and it will work only first time, after you have exchanged it for a refresh token, it will not work again and will always give you grant_error. So after getting the refresh token you can get a new refreshed access token. I was using react-native-google-sign-in and was in need of refreshed token, read below to know more about the same.
For React-native-google-sign-in :
The access token you will receive from GoogleSignin.getTokens(); will only last for about an hour, to get a new access_token we need to send serverAuthCode to with fields : client_id, client_secret, code(this is serverAuthCode), grant_type(its value should be authorization_code), redirect_uri(can set it from developers console). Remember to only use the serverAuthCode that you get on your first attempt when you just allowed your app for the permissions FIRST TIME otherwise you will get grant_error every time. After getting the refresh_token, we need to get the new access_token using refresh token that we just got, so now just replace the value of grant_type from authorization_code to refresh_token and also replace the value of code field to refresh_token , fill its value and send a post request to the same url, you will get a fresh access_tokenthat will be valid for 1 hour.

OAuth2 refresh token - how to refresh?

I'm writing a program that automates some actions with my Gmail account (using Ruby). I generate a callback URL and go to it, which gives me an auth code. Then, I request a refresh token using the auth code.
Now, after the refresh token expires, I was under the impression I can just grab another refresh token using the original auth code. But it seems I keep having to get a new auth code - which is frustrating because I'm hard coding the auth code in my script right now. Is this normal? Am I misunderstanding refresh tokens?
consider code as one-time-password to get a access_token. With access_token you are also getting refresh_token, both have expiration date set - refresh_token is valid for longer time, but if it expires you have to begin whole flow from the very beginning ( getting code )

How to remove access token from uber API while logout?

I am doing integrate uber sdk using oAuth2Client in ios.I got access token using
"" but when I was trying to remove token using "" I got response code "200" but access token not be nill so I am not able to redirect on login screen.and
I directly redirect into
If anyone do uber integration in ios application.Please help me!!
Thanks in advance!!
Calling POST /oauth/revoke invalidates the access_token, refresh_token pair that you have for that user.
However, that user is probably still logged into and has an active & valid session with a cookie in the browser.
You probably do not want to log the user out of the browser session, but if you did want to you could direct them to
