Storyboard Constraint Issues: Half the height of the screen - ios

I have a 4 labels in a storyboard, one large one at the top, and 3 smaller ones, with the bottom one centered in the middle(horizontally and vertically) like so:
I have a few constraints set already, like locking the top label at the top of the screen, and centering the bottom. However, I do not know constraints I should use so that all four labels are equally spaced, AND the bottom label remains at the center. I have played around with some constraints such as the spacing between the labels, but when I try to view this using a different screen size, everything is messed up:
Any ideas?

The best approach is a UIStackView with axis-> vertical , distribution -> fillEqually , so hook it's top ,leading , trailing to main view , drag the 4 labels inside it , and ctrl drag from the bottom most label to main view and select center vertically && horizontally

You can made a trick here:
Set the top global label top constriants and center horizontally to super view.
Set the bottom label constraints center vertical and horizontally to super view.
Take three dummy view between label one-two, two-three, three-four.
Set constraints between these dummy view as equal height.
Then set top-bottom contraints between label and dummy view properly.
Set horizontal constraints of the label and dummy view. I have set as center horizontally.
Here I have attached the image:
For better understanding I have colored the dummy view as light-gray. You can set it as clear.


Constraints are not working at Buttons with Images Xcode

today i have set up some constraints in a view but there looks awful. Which Constraints have i to add (see screenshots)
In XCode
In Simulator
If I have understood your requirement right, you need to have four images with labels below these individual images. If this is the case, you can use collection view whose cell contains a image view and a label. You can give the spacing between cells, size of cell and intercell spacing through delegates. Also just you need to specify image view and label constraints in collection view cell. Like for instance, image view placed horizontally centre and pinned to top of superview, label placed horizontally pinned to bottom of image view and top of label to give a gap between them.
Fix the all images height and width, and given the leading, trailing, top and vertical spacing between label and images. Also fix the label height. You will given the min 4 and max 6 constraints for every fields.

why does my view embedded in UIScrollView scroll only a little?

In my UIViewController I put a UIScrollView and attached constraints:
Then I added a view to this scroll view with following constraints:
and positioned it like this:
so as you can see it is quite long. When I run the app I can scroll it just for couple pixels instead of completely to the top of the screen. I want to make it possible to scroll it to the top so that it can cover everything what's under it. So what am I doing wrong here?
========= EDIT
for clarification - I want to achieve an effect that when user opens this screen, 10% of the screen is covered by the view. User can slide up this view and then it covers 90% of the view. And he can slide it down back to the 10%. Can you help me with adjusting constraints so that it looks good on every screen size?
Take a UIView inside the UIScrollView.
Set the constraint for scroll view as leading, trailing, top, bottom.
Select UIViewController in the story board and click size inspector then choose freeform then set the view height as bigger.
Then set constraint of UIView is leading , trailing , top , bottom as 0, so that the UIView will be same as ScrollView region. Now set height constraint something bigger so that you can design image view, label 1 and label 2. Then set constraint like the image view : top to UIView, leading , trailing and height.
For label 1: leading, trailing , vertical to UIImageView, height.
For label 2: leading, trailing , vertical to label 1, height and bottom to UIView (Important as based on this content view will be set).
After setting constraint You can select UIViewControl from story board and set the SizeInspector as fixed as it was before.
It will show the screen as you need (Image view, below label 1 and on scrolling label 2)
I have tested it in my demo project.
Hope it helps

Q: Auto Layout 4 squares Issue/General Auto Layout Issue

So I'm just trying to wrap my head around Auto Layout; I understand how to use constraints, just not how to apply them appropriately. In the picture below I had set no constraints and simply want this simple design to resize correctly on all size classes (Horizontally and Vertically).
What constraints would I need to put in to have these squares resize appropriately on all screens (horizontal/vertical) and can you do this in the ( W:Any H:Any ) size class or do you have to set constraints for each individual size class?
One size class is all you need in this case.
Set a constraint for each of the 4 gaps between the rects (i.e. the space between the top 2, between the top-left and bottom-left, ...).
Set a constraint for each rect to its 2 closest outer edges.
Now you've set four constraints for each rect - and that's all you need!
For that case: follow the steps
1.Add four uiview to screen, two top and two bottom.
2.In your case the view not touching to bottom layout guide,so you have to give fixed height.
Start the add constraints to views.
All views are correct width and height.
3.So take first view from left top,give leading space ,top space and adjecent spacing to right top view. And select the pin button from the canvas below right side option availabe, select height ,give how much height you need.
4.Now select right top view ,give constraint to top layout guide and trailing space.and also same height what you selected before for view one.
5.Now view three ,left bottom view , give leading ,spacing to top view and right spacing to fourth view and select same height .
6.Now fourth view, give spacing to top view ,trailing to container and select height.
Almost completed.
7.Select all views at once ,give equal withs(option available in pin).
lastly some warning will shows ,do update frames.

swift - centre a number of views vertically without dummy spacer views

Say I have 2 views (labels or textfields) with varying heights positioned above each other (not on top). I would like the group centred vertically in the superview.
I know I could use a dummy spacer view above and below and set equal height in storyboard. I'm no expert, but this doesn't seem right to me.
Can it be done in storyboard by setting the top constraint for the top view equal to the bottom constraint of the bottom view?
If your subviews' heights will change at runtime (either because you change the number of lines of text in them, or because you support Dynamic Type like a good iOS app should), then no, you cannot do this with just constraints. You either need an extra view or you need to change the constraint constants from code. If you go with an extra view (which I recommend), you can do it with a single extra view.
The simplest solution, if your deployment target is iOS 9 or later, is to put your subviews into a vertical UIStackView and center the UIStackView in the superview. You might not need any constraints directly on the subviews depending on the layout you want.
If you can't use a stack view, you can use a spacer view. First, set up vertical spacing constraints between your subviews to glue them together with whatever padding you want. Then add a spacer view next to the subviews. Set the spacer view to hidden. (Hidden views still participate in layout.) Constrain the spacer's top edge to your top subview's top edge, and constrain the spacer's bottom edge to your bottom subview's bottom edge. Then constrain the spacer to be vertically centered in its container (which should be the superview).
You also need to add horizontal constraints on the spacer to keep Xcode from complaining, but the horizontal size and position don't really matter since the spacer is hidden. So just put it somewhere convenient.
Here's the final set of constraints and layout:
The spacer is the skinny pink view.
You can achieve it easily via center vertically, control and drag the object you want to centre in Storyboard, choose center vertically in container. This way you can centre these subviews in superView individually. If you want to centre these subviews together, you can create another containerView to contain these views(labels, textFields), then centre the containerView in superView.
Hope this help:-)
Control and drag in Storyboard
Center three subView individually.
Center them together with a container view

Resize proportionnaly between iphone 4 and 5 screens with XCode

I am trying to use auto layout in x code to correctly resize my view to switch between iphone 4 and 5.
I have a similar problem as the one presented in the picture. Let's consider the UILabel at the bottom is fixed.
I want the top UILabel to be at the middle of the space between the navigation bar and the bottom label. I don't know how to add a constraint that says "top space and bottom space must be equal". As a result, I can only fix one of the two constraints and I cannot get the expected result.
The way I do this in IB, is to embed the top label in a UIView. Give that view a standard vertical spacing constraint to the top layout guide, and another to the bottom label. Also give it a fixed width. Give the label centerX and centerY constraints to this view, and it should keep it centered in different screen sizes.
How about adding a container view that fills up the space between the 1st label and the navigation bar, and then center the 2nd label inside the container view.
